New Obamacare Ad Features Half-Naked Gay Actors As Elves Rubbing Up On Each Other


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Sick...............I mean utterly sick. Obama is now using homosexual pornography to advertise for his healthcare program. Is this what it has come down too? First ,Gays get heterosexual duck hunter Phil Robertson (who promotes a healthy lifestyle of hunting and fishing) kicked off the air but when gays want to flaunt themselves on TV in a national government ad in a provocative perverse's okay to do so. We've just seen PajamaBoy as the new face of Obamacare but now we have this. Watch with caution.

[ame=]Get Enrolled - YouTube[/ame]
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Can't view Youtube videos due to Flash limitations. So will just ask "how dya know they're gay? Is it possible you're just projecting your own deep dark hidden desires?" :)
I need to watch some porn now just to reboot my brain to get rid of the images of that video...
What do gay elves have to do with ObamaCare anyway....
ah that's right....never pass on any opportunity to get the gay stuff out there.
Can't view Youtube videos due to Flash limitations. So will just ask "how dya know they're gay? Is it possible you're just projecting your own deep dark hidden desires?" :)

One guy holds up a thing of mistletoe over the other guy's head and he starts to lean in to kiss the guy holding the mistletoe. Scene fades before they actually kiss. :eusa_shifty:
Another one is eyeballing another ones ass while he is on a ladder. I would call that gay.
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Not even in good taste..

I wonder why they had to have the Dreidels in it? Weren't they satisfied enough with bashing Christmas that they had to toss in Chanukah?
Sick...............I mean utterly sick. Obama is now using homosexual pornography to advertise for his healthcare program. Is this what it has come down too? First ,Gays get heterosexual duck hunter Phil Robertson (who promotes a healthy lifestyle of hunting and fishing) kicked off the air but when gays want to flaunt themselves on TV in a national government ad in a provocative perverse's okay to do so. We've just seen PajamaBoy as the new face of Obamacare but now we have this. Watch with caution.

Get Enrolled - YouTube
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?
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Sick...............I mean utterly sick. Obama is now using homosexual pornography to advertise for his healthcare program. Is this what it has come down too? First ,Gays get heterosexual duck hunter Phil Robertson (who promotes a healthy lifestyle of hunting and fishing) kicked off the air but when gays want to flaunt themselves on TV in a national government ad in a provocative perverse's okay to do so. We've just seen PajamaBoy as the new face of Obamacare but now we have this. Watch with caution.

Get Enrolled - YouTube
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?

From the you tube video site

Published on Dec 18, 2013

Out2Enroll is a coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act -- access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage -- reaches LGBT communities. Get Enrolled is a holiday parody, produced by our friends at Full Frontal Freedom, which aims to bring awareness to the final week of health marketplace enrollment. For more information, go to Out2Enroll
or on Facebook at
Is this ad running as a commercial on Network and Cable TV?
Or do you need to go to an ObamaCare propaganda web site to view it?
Out2enroll is a gay advocacy group aiming this video on the gays. Wasn't meant for heteros. I guess old Steve follows LBGT sites.
Stevie, it's not affiliated with the Obama admin. It's produced a by a gay advocacy group. You fucking moron.
How come the brown guy is paired up with the other brown Obabble care an apartheid situation?
Sick...............I mean utterly sick. Obama is now using homosexual pornography to advertise for his healthcare program. Is this what it has come down too? First ,Gays get heterosexual duck hunter Phil Robertson (who promotes a healthy lifestyle of hunting and fishing) kicked off the air but when gays want to flaunt themselves on TV in a national government ad in a provocative perverse's okay to do so. We've just seen PajamaBoy as the new face of Obamacare but now we have this. Watch with caution.

Get Enrolled - YouTube
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?

YO... WHY haven't you dispelled the BIGGEST LIE yet told about ACA????

I mean 14 million people under rules of Medicaid can get coverage BEFORE ACA... so why did it take ACA to recognize THESE 14 million all need do is register??
Yet they are counted as part of the "46 million" uninsured that Obama kept using in describing why ACA necessary?
TO get the ACA bill passed by JUST 7 votes... These legislators NEVER KNEW these and the below statistics!

Then part of that biggest lie WAS 10 million of Obama's 46 million are not citizens!! So why were they included in the 46 million number if they can't get it???

Finally 18 million people called "free loaders" by Pelosi,etc.. MAKE over $50,000 a year so they could afford their employers health plans.. but chose not to!
They spend out of their OWN pocket an average of $1,000 a year far less then the employers plan..BECAUSE they are under 34!
But WHEN it came time to promote the 46 million uninsured... these 18 million were included!!! WHY?
And by the way afterwards Pelosi totally ignorant about these 18 million called them FREE LOADERS!!! The 18 million pay their own expenses!

So subtract 42 million not citizens, not informed and not wanting from 46 million ALL this crap of ACA/destruction of 5 million covered .. for what 4 million???

TO me this was the most gigantic LIE ever told to Americans! There never were 46 million that were legal.. are eligible for Medicaid..and wanted health insurance!
4 million!!!
GIGANTIC LIE!! Told to destroy an entire industry that generates $100 billion a year in TAX REVENUES...WHY???
Sick...............I mean utterly sick. Obama is now using homosexual pornography to advertise for his healthcare program. Is this what it has come down too? First ,Gays get heterosexual duck hunter Phil Robertson (who promotes a healthy lifestyle of hunting and fishing) kicked off the air but when gays want to flaunt themselves on TV in a national government ad in a provocative perverse's okay to do so. We've just seen PajamaBoy as the new face of Obamacare but now we have this. Watch with caution.

Get Enrolled - YouTube
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?

From the you tube video site

Published on Dec 18, 2013

Out2Enroll is a coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act -- access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage -- reaches LGBT communities. Get Enrolled is a holiday parody, produced by our friends at Full Frontal Freedom, which aims to bring awareness to the final week of health marketplace enrollment. For more information, go to Out2Enroll
or on Facebook at
Ahhhhhh .... so it is an independent organization with no ties to the White House or Obama that made the video. Oh well, let's blame it on Obama anyway. After all, isn't Obama responsible for everything bad that happens in the world?
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?

From the you tube video site

Published on Dec 18, 2013

Out2Enroll is a coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act -- access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage -- reaches LGBT communities. Get Enrolled is a holiday parody, produced by our friends at Full Frontal Freedom, which aims to bring awareness to the final week of health marketplace enrollment. For more information, go to Out2Enroll
or on Facebook at
Ahhhhhh .... so it is an independent organization with no ties to the White House or Obama that made the video. Oh well, let's blame it on Obama anyway. After all, isn't Obama responsible for everything bad that happens in the world?

Yes, why do you ask?
Sick...............I mean utterly sick. Obama is now using homosexual pornography to advertise for his healthcare program. Is this what it has come down too? First ,Gays get heterosexual duck hunter Phil Robertson (who promotes a healthy lifestyle of hunting and fishing) kicked off the air but when gays want to flaunt themselves on TV in a national government ad in a provocative perverse's okay to do so. We've just seen PajamaBoy as the new face of Obamacare but now we have this. Watch with caution.

Get Enrolled - YouTube
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?

YO... WHY haven't you dispelled the BIGGEST LIE yet told about ACA????

I mean 14 million people under rules of Medicaid can get coverage BEFORE ACA... so why did it take ACA to recognize THESE 14 million all need do is register??
Yet they are counted as part of the "46 million" uninsured that Obama kept using in describing why ACA necessary?
TO get the ACA bill passed by JUST 7 votes... These legislators NEVER KNEW these and the below statistics!

Then part of that biggest lie WAS 10 million of Obama's 46 million are not citizens!! So why were they included in the 46 million number if they can't get it???

Finally 18 million people called "free loaders" by Pelosi,etc.. MAKE over $50,000 a year so they could afford their employers health plans.. but chose not to!
They spend out of their OWN pocket an average of $1,000 a year far less then the employers plan..BECAUSE they are under 34!
But WHEN it came time to promote the 46 million uninsured... these 18 million were included!!! WHY?
And by the way afterwards Pelosi totally ignorant about these 18 million called them FREE LOADERS!!! The 18 million pay their own expenses!

So subtract 42 million not citizens, not informed and not wanting from 46 million ALL this crap of ACA/destruction of 5 million covered .. for what 4 million???

TO me this was the most gigantic LIE ever told to Americans! There never were 46 million that were legal.. are eligible for Medicaid..and wanted health insurance!
4 million!!!
GIGANTIC LIE!! Told to destroy an entire industry that generates $100 billion a year in TAX REVENUES...WHY???
Duh .... correct me if I am in error, doesn't ACA require people to purchase insurance from commercial insurance companies. And won't that lead to the insurance companies gaining millions of new customers. Won't all the new customers increase profits for the insurance companies. And finally, won't the increased profits lead to more tax money being paid to the government rather than less?
Looks to me like something the Heritage Foundation, the republican National Committee, or a karl rove PAC would make to try to trick people into not following the law. They have already shown their willingness to spread lies and misinformation about ACA these last few years. After all, we are have already seen false websites that gave out false information. Why would the scum bag party stop at websites?
Oh, and by the way, what grade are you in?

YO... WHY haven't you dispelled the BIGGEST LIE yet told about ACA????

I mean 14 million people under rules of Medicaid can get coverage BEFORE ACA... so why did it take ACA to recognize THESE 14 million all need do is register??
Yet they are counted as part of the "46 million" uninsured that Obama kept using in describing why ACA necessary?
TO get the ACA bill passed by JUST 7 votes... These legislators NEVER KNEW these and the below statistics!

Then part of that biggest lie WAS 10 million of Obama's 46 million are not citizens!! So why were they included in the 46 million number if they can't get it???

Finally 18 million people called "free loaders" by Pelosi,etc.. MAKE over $50,000 a year so they could afford their employers health plans.. but chose not to!
They spend out of their OWN pocket an average of $1,000 a year far less then the employers plan..BECAUSE they are under 34!
But WHEN it came time to promote the 46 million uninsured... these 18 million were included!!! WHY?
And by the way afterwards Pelosi totally ignorant about these 18 million called them FREE LOADERS!!! The 18 million pay their own expenses!

So subtract 42 million not citizens, not informed and not wanting from 46 million ALL this crap of ACA/destruction of 5 million covered .. for what 4 million???

TO me this was the most gigantic LIE ever told to Americans! There never were 46 million that were legal.. are eligible for Medicaid..and wanted health insurance!
4 million!!!
GIGANTIC LIE!! Told to destroy an entire industry that generates $100 billion a year in TAX REVENUES...WHY???
Duh .... correct me if I am in error, doesn't ACA require people to purchase insurance from commercial insurance companies. And won't that lead to the insurance companies gaining millions of new customers. Won't all the new customers increase profits for the insurance companies. And finally, won't the increased profits lead to more tax money being paid to the government rather than less?

Did you factor in the subsidies or are those free?

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