New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

If removing certain 'monuments' or statues is rewriting history or Orwellian, then wasn't the leaving out of monuments or statues to other notable figures also rewriting history and 'Orwellian'?

A few statues in a city doesn't tell an entire history of anything. If removing them rewrites something then not putting up statues to all historical figures involved was also rewriting that history.

Its ludicrous.

Even taking down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. isn't rewriting anything. The history is the same and the books aren't changed, nor is the historical record. If you removed the statue AND removed all references of the history from school books AND scrubbed all historical records of an event, that is Orwellian. That is what Stalin et al did.

"That is what Stalin et al did" about, specifically, what historical event?

In the era of google I do not go to the library for anyone. Don't want to find it yourself? No problem. Run along.

I did.

Your statement, is bogus. Stalin did not scrub all historical records of any event.

Perhaps you should try a simpler board upon which to post unsubstantiated opinion. Here you simply have no credibility.
If removing certain 'monuments' or statues is rewriting history or Orwellian, then wasn't the leaving out of monuments or statues to other notable figures also rewriting history and 'Orwellian'?

A few statues in a city doesn't tell an entire history of anything. If removing them rewrites something then not putting up statues to all historical figures involved was also rewriting that history.

Its ludicrous.

Even taking down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. isn't rewriting anything. The history is the same and the books aren't changed, nor is the historical record. If you removed the statue AND removed all references of the history from school books AND scrubbed all historical records of an event, that is Orwellian. That is what Stalin et al did.

"That is what Stalin et al did" about, specifically, what historical event?

In the era of google I do not go to the library for anyone. Don't want to find it yourself? No problem. Run along.

I did.

Your statement, is bogus. Stalin did not scrub all historical records of any event.

Perhaps you should try a simpler board upon which to post unsubstantiated opinion. Here you simply have no credibility.

So you are new to 'book lernin'. Fair enough. You post nonsense and you run to fallacies when your viewpoint is destroyed. You don't want to do any research you don't have to. I suggest you also look at China's never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square.

Of course you'll deny they do that as well I'm sure.

You are one that belongs to the Barney Fife Society of Hillbilly Ignorance.
If removing certain 'monuments' or statues is rewriting history or Orwellian, then wasn't the leaving out of monuments or statues to other notable figures also rewriting history and 'Orwellian'?

A few statues in a city doesn't tell an entire history of anything. If removing them rewrites something then not putting up statues to all historical figures involved was also rewriting that history.

Its ludicrous.

Even taking down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. isn't rewriting anything. The history is the same and the books aren't changed, nor is the historical record. If you removed the statue AND removed all references of the history from school books AND scrubbed all historical records of an event, that is Orwellian. That is what Stalin et al did.

"That is what Stalin et al did" about, specifically, what historical event?

In the era of google I do not go to the library for anyone. Don't want to find it yourself? No problem. Run along.

I did.

Your statement, is bogus. Stalin did not scrub all historical records of any event.

Perhaps you should try a simpler board upon which to post unsubstantiated opinion. Here you simply have no credibility.

So you are new to 'book lernin'. Fair enough. You post nonsense and you run to fallacies when your viewpoint is destroyed. You don't want to do any research you don't have to. I suggest you also look at China's never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square.

Of course you'll deny they do that as well I'm sure.

You are one that belongs to the Barney Fife Society of Hillbilly Ignorance.

Um...Stalin was not Chinese.

How sad.
If removing certain 'monuments' or statues is rewriting history or Orwellian, then wasn't the leaving out of monuments or statues to other notable figures also rewriting history and 'Orwellian'?

A few statues in a city doesn't tell an entire history of anything. If removing them rewrites something then not putting up statues to all historical figures involved was also rewriting that history.

Its ludicrous.

Even taking down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. isn't rewriting anything. The history is the same and the books aren't changed, nor is the historical record. If you removed the statue AND removed all references of the history from school books AND scrubbed all historical records of an event, that is Orwellian. That is what Stalin et al did.

"That is what Stalin et al did" about, specifically, what historical event?

In the era of google I do not go to the library for anyone. Don't want to find it yourself? No problem. Run along.

I did.

Your statement, is bogus. Stalin did not scrub all historical records of any event.

Perhaps you should try a simpler board upon which to post unsubstantiated opinion. Here you simply have no credibility.

So you are new to 'book lernin'. Fair enough. You post nonsense and you run to fallacies when your viewpoint is destroyed. You don't want to do any research you don't have to. I suggest you also look at China's never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square.

Of course you'll deny they do that as well I'm sure.

You are one that belongs to the Barney Fife Society of Hillbilly Ignorance.

Um...Stalin was not Chinese.

How sad.

Bravo! You google that one?

Try another, it gets easier the more you do it.
"That is what Stalin et al did" about, specifically, what historical event?

In the era of google I do not go to the library for anyone. Don't want to find it yourself? No problem. Run along.

I did.

Your statement, is bogus. Stalin did not scrub all historical records of any event.

Perhaps you should try a simpler board upon which to post unsubstantiated opinion. Here you simply have no credibility.

So you are new to 'book lernin'. Fair enough. You post nonsense and you run to fallacies when your viewpoint is destroyed. You don't want to do any research you don't have to. I suggest you also look at China's never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square.

Of course you'll deny they do that as well I'm sure.

You are one that belongs to the Barney Fife Society of Hillbilly Ignorance.

Um...Stalin was not Chinese.

How sad.

Bravo! You google that one?

Try another, it gets easier the more you do it.

No need. But, if China (since you couldn't really find anything to substantiate your babblings about Stalin) is accused of "never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square" then how do we know anything about it?

Perhaps that falling apple hit you in the head?
So you are new to 'book lernin'. Fair enough. You post nonsense and you run to fallacies when your viewpoint is destroyed. You don't want to do any research you don't have to. I suggest you also look at China's never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square.

Of course you'll deny they do that as well I'm sure.

You are one that belongs to the Barney Fife Society of Hillbilly Ignorance.
The dude has been posting correct facts while you have merely called names.

You are just another libtard loud mouth.
So you are new to 'book lernin'. Fair enough. You post nonsense and you run to fallacies when your viewpoint is destroyed. You don't want to do any research you don't have to. I suggest you also look at China's never ending purging of information regarding Tiananmen Square.

Of course you'll deny they do that as well I'm sure.

You are one that belongs to the Barney Fife Society of Hillbilly Ignorance.
The dude has been posting correct facts while you have merely called names.

You are just another libtard loud mouth.


"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I'm surprised it took so long since New Orleans is only 33% White.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I'm surprised it took so long since New Orleans is only 33% White.

Things move r e a l s l o w in NOLA.

When I moved there in '94 I asked around for where a recycling center was. Not only didn't they have curbside pickup, the place I was told to go to not only didn't do recycling, they had never even heard of such a thing.
They need kunta kinte statues instead ..... Negroes lives matter !!!! Lol

Doesn't sound like you would know this but in New Orleans they mattered more than elsewhere in the country; Congo Square (now part of Louis Armstrong Park) was the only place where blacks were allowed to freely express themselves and remember (re-member: to put back together) the African heritage they were pulled away from, in a tradition dating back well into the 18th century. The place would rock on Sundays with drumming and dancing, re-membering elements of the lost culture.

That's why the American classical music we call Jazz originated right there.

Fun facts.
With the BLM movement causing so much trouble, we may see the MLK statue removed from DC, since we're getting rid of any remaining reminders of our Civil War. It seems only right to remove any reminders of this illegal Black uprising.

BLM causing trouble?

Is that what you call your extreme level of butthurt?
. BLM is going to disrupt the Mall of America causing untold loss of income for that private facility. That movement is becoming about a popular with the public as other looney Leftist movements have been. I guess if you can't articulate your grievance, you take to the streets to piss off the innocents. You bring condemnation on your "cause".
If one can show circumstances similar, the logic may be a fallacy, but the argument is valid.

Nope. That's still a fallacy. You're trying to convert it to a Composition Fallacy now but it's still not a valid argument.

Again --- the historical record, and the optional emphasis of certain events and/or persons from it --- are two different things. Your position depends on them being the same thing.

That Rosa Parks plaque above didn't create the history. The event already happened. The plaque being there didn't suddenly "validate" it, and if it's removed or blown away in a hurricane, the history STILL doesn't change.

So you are saying NO ONE who supports removing these monuments also supports removing the people from the record, or at least demonizing them more than they deserve?

I wouldn't know, or have any way to know. No more than I'd know what their favorite food or place to park is. That's not part of the issue here -- that's the speculation you're attaching to it as a slippery slope fallacy.

I might add, it's also akin to the old flawed "Paula Deen/Phil Robertson got fired and that's against the First Amendment" argument --- it assumes a right to a monument exists. It doesn't.

One can argue that removing the monument is wrong without saying it has a right to be there.

Plus the people suing have found all sorts of wonderful issues with the "make people feel better" law the council wrote up, so expect it to be in courts until the weather takes the monuments out.

Of course they can, and no doubt will. And as I mentioned earlier, moves like this just create a PITA for the locals, not to mention the post office. All I'm saying here is that if you want to make that argument, then you need a better one than pretending removing a monument is altering history -- because it isn't.

Personally I don't care. If Lee Circle is re-named Not Lee Circle I'll just do what I did with Andrew Higgins --- ignore it and continue using the name everybody knows. Who cares.

You just look at the act, I am looking at the people and the reasoning behind the act.
Prove me wrong numb nuts. C'mon little one, do it LOL I know you can't, the Indians even had flags fashioned after <GASP> the Confederate battle flags. You don't even know your own "peoples"'re no native American
. Native American is Invalid to call those people. They are actually Aboriginal Americans. Aborigines for short. Hell, if you're born here you're a Native American. Everyone with a brain knows that.
Erasing history is just one of the divisions that will chafe the people. It has nothing to do with bringing people together but dividing them even more. Those that were divided have hardened their lines.

You just know that black people are going to bear the brunt of the blame.
Erasing history is just one of the divisions that will chafe the people. It has nothing to do with bringing people together but dividing them even more. Those that were divided have hardened their lines.

You just know that black people are going to bear the brunt of the blame.

Moving monuments has nothing to do with "erasing history".

We did this.

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