New photos of the exposed tunnle

He's talking about the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France, but completely biased regarding the US. Notice he completely disregards the USSR and PRC. Any wonder why? Note which side the Soviets chose: anti-Israel. Note which side Challenger aligns himself: anti-Israel. Coincidence? No.

No coincidence at all.

The USSR and China took the sides of the peoples who were rebelling against colonial exploitation. the Zionist Entity is a final vestige of European Colonialism.
And the islamomorons favourite oxymoron comes out to play. Do explain how you can support the right of the Jews to have a homeland in Palestine while trying to wipe them out ?

I don't. I have no problem with the Palestinians wiping them out, maybe they'll finally get a clue and stop believing in Magic Sky Men.

Wait. Wait. Do you think that ALL people who believe in "Magic Sky Men" should be wiped out? Or just the Jews?
And the islamomorons favourite oxymoron comes out to play. Do explain how you can support the right of the Jews to have a homeland in Palestine while trying to wipe them out ?

I don't. I have no problem with the Palestinians wiping them out, maybe they'll finally get a clue and stop believing in Magic Sky Men.

Deflection because the moron made an OXYMORON and now realises what it means. You cant educate pork can you
And once again you spread your BLOOD LIBEL that you have failed to provide evidence of. The Jews do not say that, it is you morons that are told the Jews say it all the time when they don't. They cite the LoN mabdate of Palestine and the treaties of 1917, 1922, 1923 and 1924 as their grounds for being there.

Again, the Jews weren't going to Palestine. They were too busying "Jewing" European Christians. Until European Christians had quite enough of that shit and did something about it. Then the ones who didn't get turned into lampshades and bars of soap decided, "Hey, let's go to Palestine, the British already did the hard work of beating down the Arabs for us!"

And here we are 70 yeas later, and your Magic Sky Man hasn't won this for you yet. Because they are all fighting for their magic sky man.

Not what the history books show, as the population of Jews in Palestine increased steadily. Then in 1949 there was a surge in numbers as all the Jews evicted from their homes and property by the islamonazis arrived as refugees.

Once again you resort to falsehoods is a childish attempt at winning a point I don't have a magic sky man, I have a faith in the unknown and it is not Jewish.

For the record the British were stopped from taking any action against the arab muslims, which is why their numbers were never closely monitored. Why from 1929 the arab muslims were the ones attacking the British and the Jews hoping to force the issue of Palestine. It was greed by the muslims who want it all and don't care who dies in their attempts at world domination. And you like the blind moron you are cant see it happening. Get ready for the fight of your life when the muslims start firing nuclear bombs at you.
He's talking about the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France, but completely biased regarding the US. Notice he completely disregards the USSR and PRC. Any wonder why? Note which side the Soviets chose: anti-Israel. Note which side Challenger aligns himself: anti-Israel. Coincidence? No.

No coincidence at all.

The USSR and China took the sides of the peoples who were rebelling against colonial exploitation. the Zionist Entity is a final vestige of European Colonialism.

No they did what communists always do and side with the people against the USA and Europe, it is a divide and conquer policy
And the islamomorons favourite oxymoron comes out to play. Do explain how you can support the right of the Jews to have a homeland in Palestine while trying to wipe them out ?

I don't. I have no problem with the Palestinians wiping them out, maybe they'll finally get a clue and stop believing in Magic Sky Men.

Wait. Wait. Do you think that ALL people who believe in "Magic Sky Men" should be wiped out? Or just the Jews?

Just the Jews for now, and then the Sunday people as the mantra originating in Russia goes. That is what the neo Marxists and islamonazis believe.
No they did what communists always do and side with the people against the USA and Europe, it is a divide and conquer policy

actually, the US kind of fucked up by taking up where the other imperial powers left off. It's brought us such misadventures as Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and much of the world resents us now.

The Zionists have been masters of playing on our fears. In the 1960's, it as "Those Arabs are siding with the communists!" and in the Oughts it was "those Arabs are a bunch of Islamists", forgetting the reason why the Islamists were a problem to start with is because a bunch of Neo-Con Jews in Washington decided to arm them to fight the Commies to start with.

Not that this is new. We armed the Communists to fight the Fascists, and the Fascists only came to power because we had the brilliant idea a century ago that Monarchies were a bad thing.

Maybe the US and Europe need to stop trying to fix things because they seem to just fuck them up worse.
For the record the British were stopped from taking any action against the arab muslims, which is why their numbers were never closely monitored. Why from 1929 the arab muslims were the ones attacking the British and the Jews hoping to force the issue of Palestine.

You mean they had some crazy idea of attacking colonial imperialists who were trying to take their land? Wow.

In related news, Water is wet.
He's talking about the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France, but completely biased regarding the US. Notice he completely disregards the USSR and PRC. Any wonder why? Note which side the Soviets chose: anti-Israel. Note which side Challenger aligns himself: anti-Israel. Coincidence? No.

No coincidence at all.

The USSR and China took the sides of the peoples who were rebelling against colonial exploitation. the Zionist Entity is a final vestige of European Colonialism.
Thanks. It's always amusing to see what Marxist members think about world history.
No they did what communists always do and side with the people against the USA and Europe, it is a divide and conquer policy

actually, the US kind of fucked up by taking up where the other imperial powers left off. It's brought us such misadventures as Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and much of the world resents us now.

The Zionists have been masters of playing on our fears. In the 1960's, it as "Those Arabs are siding with the communists!" and in the Oughts it was "those Arabs are a bunch of Islamists", forgetting the reason why the Islamists were a problem to start with is because a bunch of Neo-Con Jews in Washington decided to arm them to fight the Commies to start with.

Not that this is new. We armed the Communists to fight the Fascists, and the Fascists only came to power because we had the brilliant idea a century ago that Monarchies were a bad thing.

Maybe the US and Europe need to stop trying to fix things because they seem to just fuck them up worse.
Awesome! You've hit the Marxist/anti-semitic trifecta and then some!!!

1. Labels the US an imperialist power.

2. Claims the Elders of Zion rule America by playing on our fears.

3. Claims Americans are stupid because we allow our fears to dictate our actions.

4. Blames all the problems of the ME on the US and Western Euro powers while defending the actions of the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China.

5. Claims the peoples of the ME are stupid and easily led; The West led them badly and the Communists are only there to help them against the "imperialists".
Wait. Wait. Do you think that ALL people who believe in "Magic Sky Men" should be wiped out? Or just the Jews?

Just the ones so stupid they want to live next door to people who want to kill them for stealing their land because a Magic Sky Man promised them that land.

That's practically "Natural Selection" level stupid.
I'm always amused when a staunch Marxist reveals himself to be a militant atheist who not only declares knowledge beyond the physical universe but ridicules and mocks all who disagree with them.
Wait. Wait. Do you think that ALL people who believe in "Magic Sky Men" should be wiped out? Or just the Jews?

Just the ones so stupid they want to live next door to people who want to kill them for stealing their land because a Magic Sky Man promised them that land.

That's practically "Natural Selection" level stupid.

So which treaty allocated them the land after 1917 when the Ottomans gave the land to the Allies as reparations. Why is it you are so caught up in your fantasy world of faery and make believe that you miss the reality. The land was never theirs for it to be stolen, and it is the muslims that now spout the mantra that their magic sky man promised them the land in 635 C.E.
No they did what communists always do and side with the people against the USA and Europe, it is a divide and conquer policy

actually, the US kind of fucked up by taking up where the other imperial powers left off. It's brought us such misadventures as Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and much of the world resents us now.

The Zionists have been masters of playing on our fears. In the 1960's, it as "Those Arabs are siding with the communists!" and in the Oughts it was "those Arabs are a bunch of Islamists", forgetting the reason why the Islamists were a problem to start with is because a bunch of Neo-Con Jews in Washington decided to arm them to fight the Commies to start with.

Not that this is new. We armed the Communists to fight the Fascists, and the Fascists only came to power because we had the brilliant idea a century ago that Monarchies were a bad thing.

Maybe the US and Europe need to stop trying to fix things because they seem to just fuck them up worse.

And maybe the east should stop trying to take over the world as their magic sky man told them to do. Then we would not have so much turmoil and you would have to either show your true POV or find another bee in your bonnet
For the record the British were stopped from taking any action against the arab muslims, which is why their numbers were never closely monitored. Why from 1929 the arab muslims were the ones attacking the British and the Jews hoping to force the issue of Palestine.

You mean they had some crazy idea of attacking colonial imperialists who were trying to take their land? Wow.

In related news, Water is wet.

So when was the treaty giving them the land agreed after 1917 when the Ottomans gave the land to the allies. A simple enough question that would settle the issue once and for all. The treaty of 1923 gave land to Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi and the Jews, but none to the Palestinians. So how could they take something from them they had never owned ?
He's talking about the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France, but completely biased regarding the US. Notice he completely disregards the USSR and PRC. Any wonder why? Note which side the Soviets chose: anti-Israel. Note which side Challenger aligns himself: anti-Israel. Coincidence? No.

The only relevence the "Cold war" had to the Arab Israeli conflict is the catalogue of American paranoid screw-ups attempting to "thwart" non-existant Soviet attempts to expand into the region. Nasser, for example, was vehemently anti-Communist, as were many, if not all, the rulers in the region. He was desperate for American aid to modernise Egypt and was willing to make a comprehensive peace with Israel, he also wanted American weapons to modernise his armed forces. The Americans managed to screw up negotiations, forcing Nasser to ask China for help. The Chinese passed on his request to the USSR who jumped in with a massive military and economic assistance programme. Syria soon followed suit and the Soviets got a foothold into the region they never would have were it not for American incompetence.
1. Labels the US an imperialist power.

Of course it is. My HS History teacher defined "Imperialism" as seeking dominion over other unrelated people.

Sounds like exactly what we tried to do in the Phillippines, Iraq, Vietnam, etc.

2. Claims the Elders of Zion rule America by playing on our fears.

Hey, buddy, ever hear of AIPAC? You know, the Foreign Lobby every Politicians in this country kissed the ring of?

3. Claims Americans are stupid because we allow our fears to dictate our actions.

Um, yeah, that's kind of stupid. We should let our INTERESTS dictate our actions, not our fears. Being ruled by fear is always foolish.

4. Blames all the problems of the ME on the US and Western Euro powers while defending the actions of the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China.

China is barely a player in the Middle East, and the USSR fell in 1990, in case you weren't paying attention.

5. Claims the peoples of the ME are stupid and easily led; The West led them badly and the Communists are only there to help them against the "imperialists".

I would say they are no dumber than anyone else. Again, you kind of miss the point. People tend to operate on the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" theory. We backed the Zionists, which caused some of the Islamic World to side with the USSR. The USSR is gone, but most of those countries still don't like us...
So when was the treaty giving them the land agreed after 1917 when the Ottomans...

Okay, guy, maybe you need to work on some new material here..

The point is, the Palestinian people don't accept the Zionist entity and never will.

Oh so melodramatic, but it's the arabs who don't recognize it, the so called balestinians just want to wipe all the Jews and topple governments under which sovereignty they live.

It seems you can not digest how Jews aren't simply shocked or moved by another kid in the neighborhood who shouts once again that the source of all his problems is "Jew this, Jews that..." they've heard for centuries.

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