New photos of the exposed tunnle

Why are so many Left Wingers anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian?


Because that is the left wing ideology, they know that Jews are the least likely to give up religion and so compete with the state for the control of childrens minds. Just look at the Bolsheviks who had ex Jews in their numbers, and how they dealt with the situation. Then Hitler who was a communist and formed the National Socialist Workers party of Germany. They base their ideology and dogma on the Islamic codes as seen in the Pact of Umar and the Dhimmi laws.

They are cut from the same cloth as the muslims
"..Most Muslims are peaceful. About .2% are not..."

from the looks of it: you know who’s in charge of ….yemen, Pakistan, libya, afghanisan, syria...ETC...

(and Palestine) -

Tribal Leaders from the 7th Century.

Let’s not forget where it ALL begins:

All they have to do is ….have a meeting.

Tell me more………..about the 2%.....

In barbaric nations, might makes right. Look at what Daesh is doing as they march across the Middle East. Most people are cowed into surrendering, protecting their families or simply fleeing the region.
pointing out he was Jewish was an anti-semitic comment? Or that he was whiny and snivelly, but those were character flaws...
Nice backpedal on your original statement.
....we had some whiny, snivelly liberal Jew I knew in college trying to score points with some of the black kids by denouncing South Africa and Apartheid. And then I asked the question, "Well, how is that any different than what Israel does to the Palestinians?"

Dead. Fucking. Silence.

Now, I don't consider myself liberal. I consider myself a pragmatist. I also am a pretty fucking militant atheist. As in, if I had my way, we'd close down every house of worship and give kids instructions about why there is no magic man in the sky.

Zionism offends me because you have a group who think that they are the Magic Sky Pixie's special people and they have the right to fuck over everyone else. It's the kind of attitude that really gets them in trouble from the Romans to Hitler. And they keep fucking doing it.

Now, I stopped believing in magic sky fairies after my mom prayed for her cancer to get better and it didn't.
Disagreed about you being a liberal. You epitomize liberal "fucking militant atheist". ;)
What about the cancer of radical Islam?

Radical Islam emerged as a populist backlash against Western interferance in the M.E. The governments we overthrew had kept the radicals on the fringes of their societies, and once these governments were gone, there was no-one around to stop them taking centre stage. Way-to-go U.S.A. Britain and France.
Seriously? You consider home made fireworks and explosive vests an existential threat to a country that has





Why lie? Do you seriously consider pipe bombs, suicide vests and rockets imported from Iran to be "homemade fireworks"?

If terrorists attacked your family with a butcher knife and beheaded them in the street, would you consider it a serious threat even though your nation has a full army, navy and nuclear weapons?

Woolwich attack in pictures: British soldier killed by terrorists in south London

Radical Islam emerged as a populist backlash against Western interferance in the M.E. The governments we overthrew had kept the radicals on the fringes of their societies, and once these governments were gone, there was no-one around to stop them taking centre stage. Way-to-go U.S.A. Britain and France.
Bullshit. You need to read up on your history. Let me help you:
Islamic Radicalism: Its Wahhabi Roots and Current Representation
Origins of the Wahhabi Movement

The origins of nearly all of the 20th century's Islamic extremist movements lie in a new Islamic theology and ideology developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in tribal areas of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. The source of this new stream of thought was a Muslim scholar named Muhammad ibn Abd-al Wahhab, hence the name "Wahhabism."

The premise of this new, narrow ideology was to reject traditional scholars, scholarship and practices under the guise of "reviving the true tenets of Islam" and protecting the concept of monotheism. Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's brand of "purification" of Islam consisted of prohibiting many traditionally accepted acts of worship, reverence of the person of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and the pious saints, and burning books containing traditional prayers, interpretations of law and commentaries on the Qur'an and Hadith. He encouraged his followers to interpret the holy books for themselves and to act on their interpretations in light of their own understanding, regardless of their understanding of fundamental principles or lack thereof. Anyone who did not profess to this new ideology was considered outside of the realm of Islam - an apostate, disbeliever or idolater, thus making the shedding of their blood and confiscation of their wealth permitted. In this way, he was able to secure a significant following whose legacy continues in one form or another until today.

Over time, Ibn Wahhab's ideas spread far and wide, being debated, called into question and sometimes supported. A struggle ensued between the staunchly orthodox Ottoman Empire and the "Wahhabi" tribes. The Wahhabis were put down until the eventual dismantling of the Ottoman Empire in the 1920s and the dissolution of its influence. Finding a new opportunity among the tribes, Wahhabis were able to reinstate their beliefs and assert their influence on Muslims of the Peninsula.

Gradually from 1920 until today, they were very successful in establishing an "accepted" new ideology in Islam whose essential characteristic is extreme views and interpretations, as contrasted with traditional Sunni Islam. Coming under the guise of reform of the religion, the movement gathered momentum in the last three decades with support from a number of wealthy individuals. As it has grown, the movement mutated and splintered, with the eventual outcome that some groups went to the extreme in radicalization of their beliefs.
Seriously? You consider home made fireworks and explosive vests an existential threat to a country that has





Why lie? Do you seriously consider pipe bombs, suicide vests and rockets imported from Iran to be "homemade fireworks"?

If terrorists attacked your family with a butcher knife and beheaded them in the street, would you consider it a serious threat even though your nation has a full army, navy and nuclear weapons?

Woolwich attack in pictures: British soldier killed by terrorists in south London


I might get upset, but I wouldn't consider it an existential threat, just another whack job with an axe. You forget, we had 30 years of IRA terrorism to deal with. Oh, do tell how Iran manages to export rockets to Gaza...
I might get upset, but I wouldn't consider it an existential threat, just another whack job with an axe. You forget, we had 30 years of IRA terrorism to deal with. Oh, do tell how Iran manages to export rockets to Gaza...
Did you consider IRA terrorism to be a problem or not? Did many UK citizens desire that their government resolve the threat or were they content to have tea and crumpets with the occasional side of an IRA bombing? Did the citizens of the UK have a right to defend themselves against terrorism or not?

I might get upset, but I wouldn't consider it an existential threat, just another whack job with an axe. You forget, we had 30 years of IRA terrorism to deal with. Oh, do tell how Iran manages to export rockets to Gaza...
Did you consider IRA terrorism to be a problem or not? Did many UK citizens desire that their government resolve the threat or were they content to have tea and crumpets with the occasional side of an IRA bombing? Did the citizens of the UK have a right to defend themselves against terrorism or not?


It's what we pay MI5 to stop, nowadays but at the time we just got on with our lives. The IRA was something of a nuisance at times and for a while then, I spent time as a "target in uniform" for them, but I never really hated them; they were just the enemy that had to be beaten, and we did, without bombing the crap out of Ulster.
It's what we pay MI5 to stop, nowadays but at the time we just got on with our lives. The IRA was something of a nuisance at times and for a while then, I spent time as a "target in uniform" for them, but I never really hated them; they were just the enemy that had to be beaten, and we did, without bombing the crap out of Ulster.
Good that we can agree a nation has a right to defend themselves against terrorists. Also agreed on not hating, they are "just the enemy that had to be beaten".

While I would readily agree that Israel has fucked up a few times, the fact remains they've been under constant attack since 1948. That kind of pressure is bound to produce some adverse results.

Add to this the Palestinians had a choice, work well with the Israelis or fight them. The only real industry Palestinians have is making bombs and spreading hate. As you mentioned previously, hate is choice. No one can make you hate another.
And that is just another fantasy as 50% of muslims follow the teachings of violence, murder and rape. Look at any nation with an Islamic population and you will see an increase in violent crimes, sexual assaults, rapes and threatening behaviour. And it will not be the same 2% doing it but more like 80% to 90%. You need to live in a country with a muslim population of 5% and you will see just how they are. We had a TV documentary in the UK not that long ago that looked at mosques, and used hidden camera's to record the sermons. These showed that radical islam is widespread and that the majority of muslims agree with the teachings. The only thing they understand is to be ruled by violent means, and this is reflected in the koran and hadiths.
1) Are you claiming we need to go to war with 800 Million Muslims? What do you suggest? Nuking all those women and children? Biological warfare? Or just round them up and march them off to the "showers"?

2) You're a Brit? Well, that explains your panic. :)

3) I toured the ME when in the Navy and have worked with both foreign and American Muslims in my current job. I haven't seen any who needed to be shot down like dogs.

No just send them all back to muslim lands, anyone that wants to convert should be told to find a muslim nation to take them in. This would make the rest of the world relatively safe.

No panic just concern

That is until the first one turns and shoots you, seems to be happening a lot
Then that islamic world woud be better off dispensing with its imperial burka ambitions and occupying itself with getting a life and a job instead, of course.

right. It's imperialism for the people who've lived in a land for 1600 years or more to want European invaders to leave. Right.

A few nomadic muslim, some Jews and a small contingent of Christians. And the Europeans did not dump anyone if you read the proper history as it was the Ottomans that invited the Jews from Europe to migrate there.

But the thing was, very few of them did when the Ottomans were in charge. When the British did their 1922 Census, they only found 45,000 Jews. It wasn't until Hitler turned a bunch of them into lampshades and bars of soap they started thinking this Zionism thing was a nifty idea. They found someone weak enough to beat up because the British had already beat them down.

In short, the Zionists became the Nazis, like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat on someone else. It isn't appealing.

Now go and learn some real history and facts and stop being a RACIST POS when international law defend and support the Jews actions

Yawn, guy, I reject the Jew history of it's imperialist action. The Zionist Entity is an apatheid Colonial state, which is why it is an international pariah. The only thing that keeps Israel from being sanctioned in the UN is the US keeps using its veto to protect it.

Yet all the evidence shows that the majority have not lived on the land for more than 150 years, so why don't you say the same thing about arab muslim imperialism that has evicted the Jews that have lived there for 4,500 years.

WRONG as there were enough to cause the arab muslims to start moving there looking for work and then the chance to steal the Jewish farms as their own. A common tactic with the arab muslims, to sell the Jews land and then steal it back when the Jews had made it fertile.

Godwins law when all else fail reduce the argument to Hitler and the holocaust because it is illegal to try and defend something relating to the holocaust. YOU FAIL

The Nazi's got their ideas from the muslims and were called bolshevik's 30 years earlier. The marriage between Hitler and Husseini show that islam and the German socialist party were hand in glove. The Jews were never Nazi's no matter how much you try and manipulate the evidence or use islamonazi propaganda.

Still waiting for the hard evidence of Israel being an apartheid state , like Palestine, Jordam and Saudi that have NO JEWS as part of their laws
Why are so many Left Wingers anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian?

I think it's more like, why aren't more of them, at least in this country?

Tenants of liberalism are being against imperialism, militarism, religious superstition and racism. Yet the Zionist Entity is all of those things, an Apartheid State that only survives by keeping its boot on the neck of Islamic Majority, and using "God" as an excuse to do so.

I remember back in the 80's when I used to be a Young Conservative, and we had some whiny, snivelly liberal Jew I knew in college trying to score points with some of the black kids by denouncing South Africa and Apartheid. And then I asked the question, "Well, how is that any different than what Israel does to the Palestinians?"

Dead. Fucking. Silence.

Now, I don't consider myself liberal. I consider myself a pragmatist. I also am a pretty fucking militant atheist. As in, if I had my way, we'd close down every house of worship and give kids instructions about why there is no magic man in the sky.

Zionism offends me because you have a group who think that they are the Magic Sky Pixie's special people and they have the right to fuck over everyone else. It's the kind of attitude that really gets them in trouble from the Romans to Hitler. And they keep fucking doing it.

Now, I stopped believing in magic sky fairies after my mom prayed for her cancer to get better and it didn't.

Because left wing politics is frowned on these days due to the policies of the neo Marxist champagne socialists. What is it you neo Marxists want again, a slave class that does all the work so that you can live in luxury. Have you read Orwell's Animal Farm yet.

No comparison as the Palestinians bring it all on themselves by firing illegal weapons at Israel and committing war crimes.

And yet when asked to produce the posts that say this you go very silent and change the subject. Every time it is you Jew hating Nazi's that say that God gave the Jews the land and that is why they are the special people. And then ignore the rest of the 4,500 year history after this. You ignore the Christians same claims from 70C.E. that lasted until mo'mad the pervert told hos followers that God had told him that the world was his and all he need do is build an army and take it over. Finally all comes the atheist communists that said the same thing but missing out the God part and replacing it with the most violent most well armed group shall inherit the Earth
Sorry, dude, but your propensity to predict the future of past events is fantasy.

I prefer "educated guesswork" but it's not about prediction, it's about extrapolation, but I agree ultimately it's nothing more than a fantasy of what could/should have been. In the present we have to deal with the fallout of the past and the cancer of Zionist Israel is still there...for now.

What cancer is that then, how does it affect the whole world ?
Why are so many Left Wingers anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian?


Maybe it's that sympathy for the underdog:

Zionist artillery

Palestinian artillery

Perhaps it's because Right wingers lap it up when Zionist Isreal says Palestinians are an existential threat to the Zionist paradise. ;)

You know you can have your fixation on the Jews cured with chemicals don't you, and it will allow you to become a better person
Why are so many Left Wingers anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian?


Maybe it's that sympathy for the underdog:

Zionist artillery

Palestinian artillery

Perhaps it's because Right wingers lap it up when Zionist Isreal says Palestinians are an existential threat to the Zionist paradise. ;)
That's a lie. You know the Palestinians are using rockets and have used suicide bombers, not sling shots.



Seriously? You consider home made fireworks and explosive vests an existential threat to a country that has






You would be looking for clean trousers if one of those "fireworks" or "explosive vests" went of within half a mile of where you live. Typical neo Marxist who has seen nothing more dangerous than a video of an explosion. As any soldier will tell you hidden weapons are the most feared and do the most damage, just look at the numbers killed or badly wounded in recent wars
I might get upset, but I wouldn't consider it an existential threat, just another whack job with an axe. You forget, we had 30 years of IRA terrorism to deal with. Oh, do tell how Iran manages to export rockets to Gaza...
Did you consider IRA terrorism to be a problem or not? Did many UK citizens desire that their government resolve the threat or were they content to have tea and crumpets with the occasional side of an IRA bombing? Did the citizens of the UK have a right to defend themselves against terrorism or not?


It's what we pay MI5 to stop, nowadays but at the time we just got on with our lives. The IRA was something of a nuisance at times and for a while then, I spent time as a "target in uniform" for them, but I never really hated them; they were just the enemy that had to be beaten, and we did, without bombing the crap out of Ulster.

Did we beat them or did they just run out of steam and went undercover for a while
....the fact remains they've been under constant attack since 1948.

I'd argue they've been doing the attacking since 1920...
As usual, you further a pointless argument. Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

Not surprisingly, you would choose to flail your Pom Poms for an Islamic terrorist enclave that openly announces its intentions to commit acts of war against a sovereign nation.

How fortunate for you that such acts of islamic terrorism causes Islamics to suffer consequences - consequences such as dead Islamics. Flail your Pom Poms.

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