New photos of the exposed tunnle

Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

No it isn't. We have peace in Northern Ireland today after 30+ years of guerilla warfare. Zionist Israel has been failing to make peace since 1948, why? Because peace would set borders, and Zionist Israel wants more and more land, so they don't want or need a peaceful solution.
Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

No it isn't. We have peace in Northern Ireland today after 30+ years of guerilla warfare. Zionist Israel has been failing to make peace since 1948, why? Because peace would set borders, and Zionist Israel wants more and more land, so they don't want or need a peaceful solution.
I will admit to having a bit of fun at your expense. I could almost feel sorry for you self-hating convert types who spend inordinate amounts of time in hand-wringing, seething panic as you devote your time to Jew hating.

What a waste.
Because left wing politics is frowned on these days due to the policies of the neo Marxist champagne socialists. What is it you neo Marxists want again, a slave class that does all the work so that you can live in luxury. Have you read Orwell's Animal Farm yet.

No comparison as the Palestinians bring it all on themselves by firing illegal weapons at Israel and committing war crimes.

War Crimes are the winners punishing the losers.

nd yet when asked to produce the posts that say this you go very silent and change the subject. Every time it is you Jew hating Nazi's that say that God gave the Jews the land and that is why they are the special people. And then ignore the rest of the 4,500 year history after this. You ignore the Christians same claims from 70C.E. that lasted until mo'mad the pervert told hos followers that God had told him that the world was his and all he need do is build an army and take it over. Finally all comes the atheist communists that said the same thing but missing out the God part and replacing it with the most violent most well armed group shall inherit the Earth

Oh, some on, guy, are you really going to pretend a bunch of European Jeews settling in Palestine had nothing to do with religion?
What about the cancer of radical Islam?

Radical Islam emerged as a populist backlash against Western interferance in the M.E. The governments we overthrew had kept the radicals on the fringes of their societies, and once these governments were gone, there was no-one around to stop them taking centre stage. Way-to-go U.S.A. Britain and France.

“…Radical Islam emerged…”

No where did you mention:

“It was the jooooo’s fault.”

that made me remember:

where’s that PBELS….. ?
. . .how many times did he say "radical islam, it's all israel’s fault.”

Like 1,000+per year
“…Radical Islam emerged…”

No where did you mention:

“It was the jooooo’s fault.”

that made me remember:

where’s that PBELS….. ?
. . .how many times did he say "radical islam, it's all israel’s fault.”

Like 1,000+per year
Correct because it wasn't. It wasn't the fault of the Brits and French either although colonialism didn't help.
Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

No it isn't. We have peace in Northern Ireland today after 30+ years of guerilla warfare. Zionist Israel has been failing to make peace since 1948, why? Because peace would set borders, and Zionist Israel wants more and more land, so they don't want or need a peaceful solution.

Is that why the intelligence service has the risk of an IRA attack as substantial

Northern Ireland terror threat level raised in Great Britain - BBC News

The threat level from Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Great Britain has gone up from moderate to substantial.

It means an attack in England, Scotland or Wales is "a strong possibility".

Home Secretary Theresa May said the level, set by security service MI5, "reflects the continuing threat from dissident republican activity".

The level for Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Northern Ireland remains severe, meaning an attack is "highly likely".

Don't you read anything but socialist worker and al jazeera
Because left wing politics is frowned on these days due to the policies of the neo Marxist champagne socialists. What is it you neo Marxists want again, a slave class that does all the work so that you can live in luxury. Have you read Orwell's Animal Farm yet.

No comparison as the Palestinians bring it all on themselves by firing illegal weapons at Israel and committing war crimes.

War Crimes are the winners punishing the losers.

nd yet when asked to produce the posts that say this you go very silent and change the subject. Every time it is you Jew hating Nazi's that say that God gave the Jews the land and that is why they are the special people. And then ignore the rest of the 4,500 year history after this. You ignore the Christians same claims from 70C.E. that lasted until mo'mad the pervert told hos followers that God had told him that the world was his and all he need do is build an army and take it over. Finally all comes the atheist communists that said the same thing but missing out the God part and replacing it with the most violent most well armed group shall inherit the Earth

Oh, some on, guy, are you really going to pretend a bunch of European Jeews settling in Palestine had nothing to do with religion?

No war crimes are what the Palestinians engage in constantly, and the UN, ICC and ICJ have all said so.

But your deflection has been noted and shows that you are supporting and defending terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Another deflection because you cant find any posts to support your claim.

You have been given the reasons why the Jews migrated and settled in Palestine many hundreds of tines and still you deny them. Firstly the Ottomans invited them to migrate and make the land fertile in 1850, then the LoN offered them 0.01% of the former ottoman empire as their NATIONal home. This was because the LoN recognised the Jews rights to the land of Samaria and Judea. Now the Nazis and white supremacists use the words of the Christian bible as a hammer to spread a blood libel and lie about the Jews claiming the land is theirs by divine right. Forgetting that the Christians then stole the context so they could claim the holy land as theirs. Now along comes the muslims that make the same claim that God made them the owners of the world .

So are you going to argue that the Jews still make the claim without any evidence to substantiate it ?
“…Radical Islam emerged…”

No where did you mention:

“It was the jooooo’s fault.”

that made me remember:

where’s that PBELS….. ?
. . .how many times did he say "radical islam, it's all israel’s fault.”

Like 1,000+per year
Correct because it wasn't. It wasn't the fault of the Brits and French either although colonialism didn't help.

Like all the pro terrorists they forget that it was the fault of mo'mad who invented islam as a radical religion. This is shown by the commands endemic in their teachings that the vast majority of muslims follow even today
No war crimes are what the Palestinians engage in constantly, and the UN, ICC and ICJ have all said so.

But your deflection has been noted and shows that you are supporting and defending terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

What the Zion-Nazis are doing to the Palestinians is terrorism genocide and ethnic cleansing.

You have been given the reasons why the Jews migrated and settled in Palestine many hundreds of tines and still you deny them. Firstly the Ottomans invited them to migrate and make the land fertile in 1850, then the LoN offered them 0.01% of the former ottoman empire as their NATIONal home.

it wasn't the Ottoman, the British or the LoN's land to give away.

This was because the LoN recognised the Jews rights to the land of Samaria and Judea. Now the Nazis and white supremacists use the words of the Christian bible as a hammer to spread a blood libel and lie about the Jews claiming the land is theirs by divine right.

Actually, the Christian bible says the Jews are rejected because they didn't accept Jay-a-zus as the magic sky man, but whatever... this is about Religion, which is why I will be thrilled when the Muzzies wipe you all out.

"but..but..but... We're God's Chosen People".

"There is no God. Didn't you figure that out when Hitler turned you all into lampshades?"
Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

No it isn't. We have peace in Northern Ireland today after 30+ years of guerilla warfare. Zionist Israel has been failing to make peace since 1948, why? Because peace would set borders, and Zionist Israel wants more and more land, so they don't want or need a peaceful solution.

What an odd notion. You disagree that a function of a responsible government is to protect its citizens.

As to your sweaty apologetics for your Islamic terrorist heroes, you should read the Hamas Charter. It sets out in explicit derail the "want" for more land. The islamo-concept of waqf is something you should make yourself familiar with. Islamo-fascism is not something that will be subject to negotiation with either of the two Islamic terrorist franchises occupying the disputed territories.
Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

No it isn't. We have peace in Northern Ireland today after 30+ years of guerilla warfare. Zionist Israel has been failing to make peace since 1948, why? Because peace would set borders, and Zionist Israel wants more and more land, so they don't want or need a peaceful solution.
I will admit to having a bit of fun at your expense. I could almost feel sorry for you self-hating convert types who spend inordinate amounts of time in hand-wringing, seething panic as you devote your time to Jew hating.

What a waste.

That's OK, I don't take your hollow comments seriously, Hollie.
....the fact remains they've been under constant attack since 1948.

I'd argue they've been doing the attacking since 1920...
Of course you have. I'm sure you point to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a "good read" too.

Have you read them? I never bothered. Although seeing what's going in in Zionist Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians with complete impunity, I can see why they'd be popular reading in the Muslim world.
“…Radical Islam emerged…”

No where did you mention:

“It was the jooooo’s fault.”

that made me remember:

where’s that PBELS….. ?
. . .how many times did he say "radical islam, it's all israel’s fault.”

Like 1,000+per year
Correct because it wasn't. It wasn't the fault of the Brits and French either although colonialism didn't help.

It was the fault of Britain and France; they shafted the Arabs from the get go and America's been making it worse ever since.
Responding to attacks from Islamic terrorists to eliminate that threat is how a responsible government protects its citizens.

No it isn't. We have peace in Northern Ireland today after 30+ years of guerilla warfare. Zionist Israel has been failing to make peace since 1948, why? Because peace would set borders, and Zionist Israel wants more and more land, so they don't want or need a peaceful solution.
I will admit to having a bit of fun at your expense. I could almost feel sorry for you self-hating convert types who spend inordinate amounts of time in hand-wringing, seething panic as you devote your time to Jew hating.

What a waste.

That's OK, I don't take your hollow comments seriously, Hollie.

That's OK. I take your retreat to juvenile name-calling as admission of another failed argument of yours.
No war crimes are what the Palestinians engage in constantly, and the UN, ICC and ICJ have all said so.

But your deflection has been noted and shows that you are supporting and defending terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

What the Zion-Nazis are doing to the Palestinians is terrorism genocide and ethnic cleansing.

You have been given the reasons why the Jews migrated and settled in Palestine many hundreds of tines and still you deny them. Firstly the Ottomans invited them to migrate and make the land fertile in 1850, then the LoN offered them 0.01% of the former ottoman empire as their NATIONal home.

it wasn't the Ottoman, the British or the LoN's land to give away.

This was because the LoN recognised the Jews rights to the land of Samaria and Judea. Now the Nazis and white supremacists use the words of the Christian bible as a hammer to spread a blood libel and lie about the Jews claiming the land is theirs by divine right.

Actually, the Christian bible says the Jews are rejected because they didn't accept Jay-a-zus as the magic sky man, but whatever... this is about Religion, which is why I will be thrilled when the Muzzies wipe you all out.

"but..but..but... We're God's Chosen People".

"There is no God. Didn't you figure that out when Hitler turned you all into lampshades?"

And the islamomorons favourite oxymoron comes out to play. Do explain how you can support the right of the Jews to have a homeland in Palestine while trying to wipe them out ?

So what ideology is Israel trying to force on the Palestinians, how are the Palestinians increasing in numbers if they are being killed off and finally the only ethnic cleansing since the Jews created Israel has been the Christians in islamonazi lands. That is why 90% of them have disappeared from Palestine since 2008.

Unless you have official reports saying what you claim they are BLOOD LIBELS and LIES

WRONG it was under international law of that time, the thing you hate about international laws is they work for the Jews as well. The Ottomans owned the land until 1917 when they lost the war and under international treaties the ownership was transferred to the LoN. The LoN then kept the promises it made to the arab muslims and handed sovereignty of their lands to them. This included 78% of Palestine to the arab muslims to be ruled by a Saudi Hashemite king. The Jews received 22% of Palestine for their part played in the defeat of the Ottoman forces.

And once again you spread your BLOOD LIBEL that you have failed to provide evidence of. The Jews do not say that, it is you morons that are told the Jews say it all the time when they don't. They cite the LoN mabdate of Palestine and the treaties of 1917, 1922, 1923 and 1924 as their grounds for being there.

“…Radical Islam emerged…”

No where did you mention:

“It was the jooooo’s fault.”

that made me remember:

where’s that PBELS….. ?
. . .how many times did he say "radical islam, it's all israel’s fault.”

Like 1,000+per year
Correct because it wasn't. It wasn't the fault of the Brits and French either although colonialism didn't help.

It was the fault of Britain and France; they shafted the Arabs from the get go and America's been making it worse ever since.

And the islamomorons favourite oxymoron comes out to play. Do explain how you can support the right of the Jews to have a homeland in Palestine while trying to wipe them out ?

I don't. I have no problem with the Palestinians wiping them out, maybe they'll finally get a clue and stop believing in Magic Sky Men.
And once again you spread your BLOOD LIBEL that you have failed to provide evidence of. The Jews do not say that, it is you morons that are told the Jews say it all the time when they don't. They cite the LoN mabdate of Palestine and the treaties of 1917, 1922, 1923 and 1924 as their grounds for being there.

Again, the Jews weren't going to Palestine. They were too busying "Jewing" European Christians. Until European Christians had quite enough of that shit and did something about it. Then the ones who didn't get turned into lampshades and bars of soap decided, "Hey, let's go to Palestine, the British already did the hard work of beating down the Arabs for us!"

And here we are 70 yeas later, and your Magic Sky Man hasn't won this for you yet. Because they are all fighting for their magic sky man.
“…Radical Islam emerged…”

No where did you mention:

“It was the jooooo’s fault.”

that made me remember:

where’s that PBELS….. ?
. . .how many times did he say "radical islam, it's all israel’s fault.”

Like 1,000+per year
Correct because it wasn't. It wasn't the fault of the Brits and French either although colonialism didn't help.

It was the fault of Britain and France; they shafted the Arabs from the get go and America's been making it worse ever since.

He's talking about the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France, but completely biased regarding the US. Notice he completely disregards the USSR and PRC. Any wonder why? Note which side the Soviets chose: anti-Israel. Note which side Challenger aligns himself: anti-Israel. Coincidence? No.

Britain and France conclude Sykes-Picot agreement - May 19, 1916 -

Soviet Union and the Arab–Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cold War Politics in the Middle East
First, the Soviets attempted to achieve strategic parity with the United States, by expanding its naval and military reach through Middle Eastern ports and bases, and securing positions of geostrategic strength. Second, with the Soviets intent upon the ideological domination of Eurasia, the Soviets nurtured local Communist movements in the Middle East, and curried favor with anti-Israeli, nationalist, Middle Eastern regimes. Finally, the Soviets, recognizing the necessity of prolonged entrenchment in the Middle East to achieve long-term ambitions of hegemony, “sought to prevent the alleviation of regional conflict thereby assuring the USSR of continued access to the region, while also seeking to prevent the escalation of these conflicts to the level of superpower confrontation”[1]. Against this agenda of Soviet power projection and the integration of the Middle East into the Soviet sphere of interest, this paper finds United State’s ambition in the region were largely the opposite. America sought to deny the Soviets access to Middle Eastern territory and, through the policy of containment, inhibit the expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence. This defensive agenda has been complemented by the guardianship of Israel, attempts to broker Arab Israeli peace, and preserve US access to oil.

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