New photos of the exposed tunnle

I've never understood this. What is "Arab land"?

Land that Arabs (and only Arabs) have an inherent and never-ending right to sovereignty over? Land that belongs to one particular ethnic group and no other, despite the history of the territory?

How does an ethnic group, or religion obtain such rights? From what morals or laws do those rights arise? How can other ethnic groups gain those sort of rights?

Let' see now. They've lived there for hundreds of years and most of the place names were Arabic before 1948... how about that.

But only a few place names that had arab inhabitants, but then to a muslim in New York it is not New York is it. And you said it for a few hundred years, unlike the Jews who lived there for 4,500 years. And before arab was invented in 635 C.E. they were all given Hebrew names. And the arab's stole the places like they have stole everything else
Have you not yet realised that the only person bringing religion into the equation all the time is you, no one else is hammering on about sky pixies. It is all you have to cover up your Jew hatred and Nazism.

Read the koran and hadiths to see just what the muslims believe, and yes they are force fed this vile rubbish every day of their sorry lives. From the commands to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " to " THE LAND IS YOURS. TAKE IT BY FORCE "
Over 100 verses commanding the muslims to kill in the name of their sky pixie that are still taught today as the everlasting word of their god.

Your use of the word Zionist in an out of context and illogical manner shows that you are intent on RABID RACISM TOWARDS THE JEWS. The Jews don't hate the Palestinians, but they do fear them and will do everything they can to stop them from mass murdering their children. It is the Palestinian arab muslims that hate the Jews because their sky pixie tells them to.

1) Guy, only a five year olds respond to criticism with "WHy do you hate me?" Adults actually address the criticism.

2) The Palestinians hate the Jews because they stole their land. That's how they see it, and all your babbling horseshit abut the LoN and the Ottmans doesn't change that.

3) I promise you, I could point out a lot more verses in the bible Where God tells his special snowflakes to murder those who worship other sky pixies. If Christianity and Islam are infected with homicidal tendencies, it is because they inherited them from Judaism.
Have you not yet realised that the only person bringing religion into the equation all the time is you, no one else is hammering on about sky pixies. It is all you have to cover up your Jew hatred and Nazism.

Read the koran and hadiths to see just what the muslims believe, and yes they are force fed this vile rubbish every day of their sorry lives. From the commands to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " to " THE LAND IS YOURS. TAKE IT BY FORCE "
Over 100 verses commanding the muslims to kill in the name of their sky pixie that are still taught today as the everlasting word of their god.

Your use of the word Zionist in an out of context and illogical manner shows that you are intent on RABID RACISM TOWARDS THE JEWS. The Jews don't hate the Palestinians, but they do fear them and will do everything they can to stop them from mass murdering their children. It is the Palestinian arab muslims that hate the Jews because their sky pixie tells them to.

1) Guy, only a five year olds respond to criticism with "WHy do you hate me?" Adults actually address the criticism.

2) The Palestinians hate the Jews because they stole their land. That's how they see it, and all your babbling horseshit abut the LoN and the Ottmans doesn't change that.

3) I promise you, I could point out a lot more verses in the bible Where God tells his special snowflakes to murder those who worship other sky pixies. If Christianity and Islam are infected with homicidal tendencies, it is because they inherited them from Judaism.
Militant atheists are not only as hateful as those they accuse, but they always attack using the worst examples of believers.....unless those believers are Islamic terrorists, then it's okay in their opinion.
Have you not yet realised that the only person bringing religion into the equation all the time is you, no one else is hammering on about sky pixies. It is all you have to cover up your Jew hatred and Nazism.

Read the koran and hadiths to see just what the muslims believe, and yes they are force fed this vile rubbish every day of their sorry lives. From the commands to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " to " THE LAND IS YOURS. TAKE IT BY FORCE "
Over 100 verses commanding the muslims to kill in the name of their sky pixie that are still taught today as the everlasting word of their god.

Your use of the word Zionist in an out of context and illogical manner shows that you are intent on RABID RACISM TOWARDS THE JEWS. The Jews don't hate the Palestinians, but they do fear them and will do everything they can to stop them from mass murdering their children. It is the Palestinian arab muslims that hate the Jews because their sky pixie tells them to.

1) Guy, only a five year olds respond to criticism with "WHy do you hate me?" Adults actually address the criticism.

2) The Palestinians hate the Jews because they stole their land. That's how they see it, and all your babbling horseshit abut the LoN and the Ottmans doesn't change that.

3) I promise you, I could point out a lot more verses in the bible Where God tells his special snowflakes to murder those who worship other sky pixies. If Christianity and Islam are infected with homicidal tendencies, it is because they inherited them from Judaism.

So why do you say it all the time.

No the Palestinians hate the Jews because the perfect muslim commanded them to do so. They know the land was never theirs under international laws, and many did not arrive until well after the demise of the Ottomans and the LoN.

Go ahead, but make sure it is a verse spoken every week as a command by the priests to the flock. Without that you are just cherry picking the Torah written 3000 to 4,500 years ago.

You are so lacking in any meaniningful intelligence that proving you wrong is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
And that is what the Nazis called them as far back as 70 C.E. because they were jealous at them having a god and a Temple

There weren't any Nazis in CE 70. And the people back then had cooler temples and more tolerant sky pixies. Zeus didn't get upset if you wrshiped other gods.

Yes there was, today we call them Catholics. He just zapped them with his thunderbolt, while his followers pillaged and raped anything that moved. You need to come to the UK where we have preserved Roman temples depicting every perversion imaginable, and some that aren't
Have you not yet realised that the only person bringing religion into the equation all the time is you, no one else is hammering on about sky pixies. It is all you have to cover up your Jew hatred and Nazism.

Read the koran and hadiths to see just what the muslims believe, and yes they are force fed this vile rubbish every day of their sorry lives. From the commands to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " to " THE LAND IS YOURS. TAKE IT BY FORCE "
Over 100 verses commanding the muslims to kill in the name of their sky pixie that are still taught today as the everlasting word of their god.

Your use of the word Zionist in an out of context and illogical manner shows that you are intent on RABID RACISM TOWARDS THE JEWS. The Jews don't hate the Palestinians, but they do fear them and will do everything they can to stop them from mass murdering their children. It is the Palestinian arab muslims that hate the Jews because their sky pixie tells them to.

1) Guy, only a five year olds respond to criticism with "WHy do you hate me?" Adults actually address the criticism.

2) The Palestinians hate the Jews because they stole their land. That's how they see it, and all your babbling horseshit abut the LoN and the Ottmans doesn't change that.

3) I promise you, I could point out a lot more verses in the bible Where God tells his special snowflakes to murder those who worship other sky pixies. If Christianity and Islam are infected with homicidal tendencies, it is because they inherited them from Judaism.

Hey Joe the nutter, in case you hadn't noticed, the only religion that still slaughtering people in the name of religion, the only religion that hasn't gone through any reformation, is the islamofascist nutjobs, The ones you love, I think you're a closet muslim:eusa_think:
Militant atheists are not only as hateful as those they accuse, but they always attack using the worst examples of believers.....unless those believers are Islamic terrorists, then it's okay in their opinion.

Yawn, guy, Just not buying that I have a stake in the fight YOU started with the "Islamic Terrorists". The Neo-Con Jew Foreign policy is one of sticking your dick in a hornets nest and then complaining about getting stung.

Hey Joe the nutter, in case you hadn't noticed, the only religion that still slaughtering people in the name of religion, the only religion that hasn't gone through any reformation, is the islamofascist nutjobs, The ones you love, I think you're a closet muslim

Again, guy, the only reason we have a problem with "Islamists" is because your boy Ronnie Reagan and the Mossad decided to arm them to fight secularist/socialist Arab nationalists. Now you want someone to come in and save you from the problem YOU created.

es there was, today we call them Catholics. He just zapped them with his thunderbolt, while his followers pillaged and raped anything that moved. You need to come to the UK where we have preserved Roman temples depicting every perversion imaginable, and some that aren't

You see, that's why Zeus was an awesome God. he was totally down with the kink, as opposed to Jehovah/Allah/God/Yahweh, who is sexually repressed. If those guys got laid more, they wouldn't be such assholes.
Militant atheists are not only as hateful as those they accuse, but they always attack using the worst examples of believers.....unless those believers are Islamic terrorists, then it's okay in their opinion.

Yawn, guy, Just not buying that I have a stake in the fight YOU started with the "Islamic Terrorists". The Neo-Con Jew Foreign policy is one of sticking your dick in a hornets nest and then complaining about getting stung.

Hey Joe the nutter, in case you hadn't noticed, the only religion that still slaughtering people in the name of religion, the only religion that hasn't gone through any reformation, is the islamofascist nutjobs, The ones you love, I think you're a closet muslim

Again, guy, the only reason we have a problem with "Islamists" is because your boy Ronnie Reagan and the Mossad decided to arm them to fight secularist/socialist Arab nationalists. Now you want someone to come in and save you from the problem YOU created.

es there was, today we call them Catholics. He just zapped them with his thunderbolt, while his followers pillaged and raped anything that moved. You need to come to the UK where we have preserved Roman temples depicting every perversion imaginable, and some that aren't

You see, that's why Zeus was an awesome God. he was totally down with the kink, as opposed to Jehovah/Allah/God/Yahweh, who is sexually repressed. If those guys got laid more, they wouldn't be such assholes.

We didn't have a problem with the islmaofascists before Ronald Reagan?:wtf:
We didn't have a problem with the islmaofascists before Ronald Reagan?

There's no such thing as an "Islamofascist". That's a word the Jew Media makes up to make us more scared of people they have a problem with.

There were nationalists who didn't like the fact that we were taking up where the Europeans left off. But no one likes foreigners running around their country acting like they own the place.

It was your boy Reagan who thought it was a great idea to arm Bin Laden and Saddam and the Saudis.
We didn't have a problem with the islmaofascists before Ronald Reagan?

There's no such thing as an "Islamofascist". That's a word the Jew Media makes up to make us more scared of people they have a problem with.

There were nationalists who didn't like the fact that we were taking up where the Europeans left off. But no one likes foreigners running around their country acting like they own the place.

It was your boy Reagan who thought it was a great idea to arm Bin Laden and Saddam and the Saudis.

Hey moron, who is isis? who are the mullahs? What is the caliphate? you're not too bright are you sickly boy? The islamofascit would probably execute you first, because your a sick person and a drag on the system.:slap:
Hey moron, who is isis? who are the mullahs? What is the caliphate? you're not too bright are you sickly boy? The islamofascit would probably execute you first, because your a sick person and a drag on the system.

Yeah, guy, keep tring to claim these people who can't hold on to stretch of desert are really a threat to us in teh US.

You know what, you Zionists need to read the "Boy who Cried Wolf"...

I'm not interested in your arguments about whose sky pixie has the biggest dick.
Militant atheists are not only as hateful as those they accuse, but they always attack using the worst examples of believers.....unless those believers are Islamic terrorists, then it's okay in their opinion.

Yawn, guy, Just not buying that I have a stake in the fight YOU started with the "Islamic Terrorists". The Neo-Con Jew Foreign policy is one of sticking your dick in a hornets nest and then complaining about getting stung.

Hey Joe the nutter, in case you hadn't noticed, the only religion that still slaughtering people in the name of religion, the only religion that hasn't gone through any reformation, is the islamofascist nutjobs, The ones you love, I think you're a closet muslim

Again, guy, the only reason we have a problem with "Islamists" is because your boy Ronnie Reagan and the Mossad decided to arm them to fight secularist/socialist Arab nationalists. Now you want someone to come in and save you from the problem YOU created.

es there was, today we call them Catholics. He just zapped them with his thunderbolt, while his followers pillaged and raped anything that moved. You need to come to the UK where we have preserved Roman temples depicting every perversion imaginable, and some that aren't

You see, that's why Zeus was an awesome God. he was totally down with the kink, as opposed to Jehovah/Allah/God/Yahweh, who is sexually repressed. If those guys got laid more, they wouldn't be such assholes.

So what was the problem before you invented these neo con Jews. The islamonazi have been attacking someone for the last 1400 years, and you ignore this because it does not give you an outlet for your Jew hate.

So when did the secularist arab nationalists live in Yugoslavia, Philippines, Somalia, India, Kenya, Sudan etc. that were the focus of islamonazi terrorism over the last century or so ?

Like the Romans the muslims are perverted and will use anything to fill their urges. They will gang rape very young boys, then slit their throats when they are done with them. They will make use of animals, and even have a book explaining how they should go about it. The more perverted a culture is the more violent it becomes, as shown by the communists, Greeks, Romans and muslims.
Hey moron, who is isis? who are the mullahs? What is the caliphate? you're not too bright are you sickly boy? The islamofascit would probably execute you first, because your a sick person and a drag on the system.

Yeah, guy, keep tring to claim these people who can't hold on to stretch of desert are really a threat to us in teh US.

You know what, you Zionists need to read the "Boy who Cried Wolf"...

I'm not interested in your arguments about whose sky pixie has the biggest dick.

You lot thought that way back in 2000, and bin Laden showed you just how far reaching his tentacles were. Every so often one of his followers will go an a rampage and kill a few more Americans just to keep you on your toes. The only way to stop it will be to send all muslims back to the caliphate and lock the doors behind them.
You neo Marxist champagne socialists need to read Animal farm and see what happens when the people revolt against your rule.
So what was the problem before you invented these neo con Jews. The islamonazi have been attacking someone for the last 1400 years, and you ignore this because it does not give you an outlet for your Jew hate.

Guy, everybody has been attacking everybody for the last 1400 years.
So when did the secularist arab nationalists live in Yugoslavia, Philippines, Somalia, India, Kenya, Sudan etc. that were the focus of islamonazi terrorism over the last century or so ?

Except almost all of those conflicts are nationalistic, not religious ....

Like the Romans the muslims are perverted and will use anything to fill their urges. They will gang rape very young boys, then slit their throats when they are done with them. They will make use of animals, and even have a book explaining how they should go about it. The more perverted a culture is the more violent it becomes, as shown by the communists, Greeks, Romans and muslims.

Oooooh, ooooh, broad stereotypes. Can I play?

"The Jews are money-grubbing"
TheJews are poisoning the wells.
The Jews are using Christian blood to bake their bread.
The jews have sex through a hole in a sheet!

See how fun that it, and it totally let's you ignore the real issue.
You lot thought that way back in 2000, and bin Laden showed you just how far reaching his tentacles were. Every so often one of his followers will go an a rampage and kill a few more Americans just to keep you on your toes. The only way to stop it will be to send all muslims back to the caliphate and lock the doors behind them.
You neo Marxist champagne socialists need to read Animal farm and see what happens when the people revolt against your rule.

No, the way to stop it is to stop sticking our dicks inthe Middle East Hornet's nest.

Here's the thing about Bin Laden. We created him. We funded him a bunch of other Arab fanatics to go fight the Russians for us because they might teach Afghan girls how to read or something. And after kicking this hornet's nest, we wondered why some of the hornets ame back and stung us.
We didn't have a problem with the islmaofascists before Ronald Reagan?

There's no such thing as an "Islamofascist". That's a word the Jew Media makes up to make us more scared of people they have a problem with.

There were nationalists who didn't like the fact that we were taking up where the Europeans left off. But no one likes foreigners running around their country acting like they own the place.

It was your boy Reagan who thought it was a great idea to arm Bin Laden and Saddam and the Saudis.

What Jew media is that then, as the evidence shows the media is ran by islamofascists and neo Marxists .

So how can Pakistani's be nationalists of Kosovo, and Syrians be nationalists of Ethiopia.
Is that like you who is so much of a hypocrite that you wont give your land and property to its rightful owners. The people you have crowded into desert and scrublands , taken away their human rights to freedom, self determination and territorial integrity. Put in place a double standard of law enforcement that punishes them all and still expects them to pay taxes and fight for your safety.

It was your boy Stalin that started it way back in early part of the 20C

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