New photos of the exposed tunnle

I've never understood this. What is "Arab land"?

Land that Arabs (and only Arabs) have an inherent and never-ending right to sovereignty over? Land that belongs to one particular ethnic group and no other, despite the history of the territory?

How does an ethnic group, or religion obtain such rights? From what morals or laws do those rights arise? How can other ethnic groups gain those sort of rights?

Let' see now. They've lived there for hundreds of years and most of the place names were Arabic before 1948... how about that.

The Jewish people have lived there for thousands of years and all of the place names were Hebrew. In fact, none of the place names are Arabic in origin (except Ramallah).

So why isn't it Jewish land?
The Jewish people have lived there for thousands of years and all of the place names were Hebrew. In fact, none of the place names are Arabic in origin (except Ramallah).

So why isn't it Jewish land?

Nope. Haven't been called those things in centuries

And the only thing the Ashkenazim Jews have in common with the ancient Hebrews is an interpretation of a religion.
Feel free to actually find a quote where I ever said that. If you can't, will you be man enough to admit you made it up?

You just say it in a way to make it sound more "intelligent", by trying to convince me your fight with the Arab world is my fight.

it isn't. It never was.
Translation: No, you never said it. I just used quotes marks to make my lie seem more realistic.

Sorry you weren't man enough to admit you lied, but I never thought you were. Your guessing is still wrong. Here's a tip, kid: Next time instead of lying or guessing, try asking.
....And the only thing the Ashkenazim Jews have in common with the ancient Hebrews is an interpretation of a religion.
Another lie. I'm detecting a pattern to your posting: lie, lie, half-truth, lie, lie. Sad.

DNA ties Ashkenazi Jews to group of just 330 people from Middle Ages
Despite their close ties with Europe, no more than half of their DNA comes from ancient Europeans, the researchers found. Only 46% to 50% of the DNA in the 128 samples originated with the group of people who were also the ancestors of the Flemish people in the study. Those ancient people split off from the ancestors of today’s Middle Easterners more than 20,000 years ago, with a founding group of about 3,500 to 3,900 people, according to the study.

The rest of the Ashkenazi genome comes from the Middle East, the researchers reported. This founding group “fused” with the European founding group to create a population of 250 to 420 individuals. These people lived 25 to 32 generations ago, and their descendants grew at a rate of 16% to 53% per generation, the researchers calculated.
I've never understood this. What is "Arab land"?

Land that Arabs (and only Arabs) have an inherent and never-ending right to sovereignty over? Land that belongs to one particular ethnic group and no other, despite the history of the territory?

How does an ethnic group, or religion obtain such rights? From what morals or laws do those rights arise? How can other ethnic groups gain those sort of rights?

Let' see now. They've lived there for hundreds of years and most of the place names were Arabic before 1948... how about that.

Which places might those be?
... steal Arab land ...

I've never understood this. What is "Arab land"?

Land that Arabs (and only Arabs) have an inherent and never-ending right to sovereignty over? Land that belongs to one particular ethnic group and no other, despite the history of the territory?

How does an ethnic group, or religion obtain such rights? From what morals or laws do those rights arise? How can other ethnic groups gain those sort of rights?

Any land formally muslim is "muslim land in their mind... including Spain

Oh so melodramatic, but it's the arabs who don't recognize it, the so called balestinians just want to wipe all the Jews and topple governments under which sovereignty they live.

Yup. Just like those uppity Negroes wanted to toppled the Apartheid government in South Africa.

It seems you can not digest how Jews aren't simply shocked or moved by another kid in the neighborhood who shouts once again that the source of all his problems is "Jew this, Jews that..." they've heard for centuries.

Maybe they need to stop pissing people off.

And now they want it back because the neo Marxist ANC government is even worse. The nation is the murder, rape, violent crime and car theft capital of the world. More South Africans were murdered by the ANC during white reign, and now the figures are 1000% up.

Maybe you need to stop being pissed of by LIES, propaganda and blood libels that have no basis in reality. The Jews are not to blame, you neo Marxist Nazi scum are
And now they want it back because the neo Marxist ANC government is even worse. The nation is the murder, rape, violent crime and car theft capital of the world. More South Africans were murdered by the ANC during white reign, and now the figures are 1000% up.

I don't think anyone is clamoring for a return to Apratheid in South Africa, dude. In fact, what amazes me about SA is how reasonable everyone has been. The blacks didn't inflict horrible vengence on the whites when they took over.

I don't think the Zionists will be so lucky when they lose... heh, heh, heh...

Maybe you need to stop being pissed of by LIES, propaganda and blood libels that have no basis in reality. The Jews are not to blame, you neo Marxist Nazi scum are

Guy, long before I ever met a Jewish person, I grew up in a neighborhood where we used "Jew" as a verb.

as in,

"He totally Jewed you on that deal."

When I got older, I realized it was an accurate verb.

now, here's the thing... you guys stole someone else's land, and you wonder why THEY WANT TO KILL YOU.

Most of the rest of the world would say, "Um, yeah. You stole their land. You routinely bomb their children. You make them second class citizens in their own country."
Why when this old material stops you in your tracks and shows you don't have an argument worth shit.

No, the 'Well, a failed League of Nations that didn't stop World War II totally told the Zionists they could steal Arab land" isn't really an argument the Arabs or anyone else in the world really accepts at this point.

If you had one person, one vote in Palestine, the Zionist Entity would be no more and you know it.

WHY for that to happen the arab muslims would first have to give up all claims to Jewish Palestine and move back to where they came from. Then the ones that stayed would need to agree to the UN terms or be evicted under the terms of international law covering fifth columnists and enemy aliens. Then the vote would be overwhelmingly in Israel's favour. But seeing as this will never happen you can dream on.

The LoN did not fail as stopping wars was never in its remit. And all the other international laws it created at the same time giving land to the arab muslims, African's and South Sea Islanders are accepted by the world and the arab's. Even when they gave land to Saudi arab princes and made them kings of land they had never seen.

WHY for that to happen the arab muslims would first have to give up all claims to Jewish Palestine and move back to where they came from. Then the ones that stayed would need to agree to the UN terms or be evicted under the terms of international law covering fifth columnists and enemy aliens. Then the vote would be overwhelmingly in Israel's favour. But seeing as this will never happen you can dream on.

Again, coming up with more schemes to preserve Apartheid in the Zionist Entity?

South Africa tried this shit in the 1980's and fooled absolutely no one.

The LoN did not fail as stopping wars was never in its remit.

Uh, no, the LoN was supposed to do EXACTLY that. It's why it's establishment was a key component of the treaties that ended World War I. But instead of protecting nations from the aggression of other nations- which was the whole point of its existence - it turned a blind eye when it happened until the Empires of Europe engaged in that last gasp of self-destruction of World War II.

But you keep pretending "A land with out a people for a people without a land" wasn't ALWAYS a lie.
What interests me isn't that a neo-Marxist anti-American is supporting terrorists but that a militant atheist is supporting religious fanatics. Don't people like him realize that if the radical Islamics win, then all infidels will be treated equally?

Um... no. Frankly you guys do the "Muslims are going to kill us all" bit, but they can't even agree amongst themselves on the nature of their Magic Sky Pixie any more than Xians or Jews can.

Muslims are not the Borg. they are just as likely to fight each other over how many Imams there are as they are to fight Xians on whether Jesus/Isa was the son of God or just another Prophet.

The Zionists don't have a problem with the Palestinians because their Sky Pixie is meaner than their Sky Pixie. They have a problem with the Palestinians because they stole their land.

Have you not yet realised that the only person bringing religion into the equation all the time is you, no one else is hammering on about sky pixies. It is all you have to cover up your Jew hatred and Nazism.

Read the koran and hadiths to see just what the muslims believe, and yes they are force fed this vile rubbish every day of their sorry lives. From the commands to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " to " THE LAND IS YOURS. TAKE IT BY FORCE "
Over 100 verses commanding the muslims to kill in the name of their sky pixie that are still taught today as the everlasting word of their god.

Your use of the word Zionist in an out of context and illogical manner shows that you are intent on RABID RACISM TOWARDS THE JEWS. The Jews don't hate the Palestinians, but they do fear them and will do everything they can to stop them from mass murdering their children. It is the Palestinian arab muslims that hate the Jews because their sky pixie tells them to.
If they would only use these engineering skills to build a modern, functioning, society for their people, they be a lot better off

Every time they try, the Zionists bomb and bulldozer them back to where the Zionists want them to be.

WRONG as they have never tried because they know they will lose so much if they did. So they make a show of making an effort and then start firing illegal weapons at Israel knowing that Israel will respond. This then allows the terrorists and neo Marxists to blame the Jews for destroying the work done. Like the last time when the building materials were promised and the few that arrived hamas stole to build new tunnels, then blamed Israel for not allowing them through. Didn't you post from an islamonazi source about this until it was shown the nations that promised the materials had reneged on their promise.

... steal Arab land ...

I've never understood this. What is "Arab land"?

Land that Arabs (and only Arabs) have an inherent and never-ending right to sovereignty over? Land that belongs to one particular ethnic group and no other, despite the history of the territory?

How does an ethnic group, or religion obtain such rights? From what morals or laws do those rights arise? How can other ethnic groups gain those sort of rights?

Any land formally muslim is "muslim land in their mind... including Spain

Only two lands in islam Dar al islam and Dar al harb. If it is not lived on by muslims in is Dar al harb or land at war with islam.
And now they want it back because the neo Marxist ANC government is even worse. The nation is the murder, rape, violent crime and car theft capital of the world. More South Africans were murdered by the ANC during white reign, and now the figures are 1000% up.

I don't think anyone is clamoring for a return to Apratheid in South Africa, dude. In fact, what amazes me about SA is how reasonable everyone has been. The blacks didn't inflict horrible vengence on the whites when they took over.

I don't think the Zionists will be so lucky when they lose... heh, heh, heh...

Maybe you need to stop being pissed of by LIES, propaganda and blood libels that have no basis in reality. The Jews are not to blame, you neo Marxist Nazi scum are

Guy, long before I ever met a Jewish person, I grew up in a neighborhood where we used "Jew" as a verb.

as in,

"He totally Jewed you on that deal."

When I got older, I realized it was an accurate verb.

now, here's the thing... you guys stole someone else's land, and you wonder why THEY WANT TO KILL YOU.

Most of the rest of the world would say, "Um, yeah. You stole their land. You routinely bomb their children. You make them second class citizens in their own country."


As for vengeance

70,000 Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa; Obama’s African Legacy | American Free Press

Showing that you grew up amongst Jew haters and Nazi's. explains it all if your "friends" were just like you. Did you live next door to billo by any chance ?

It was you guys that stole someone elses land I live in the same country my ancestors lived in 1,000 year ago.
Another LIE spread by islamonazis as the bombing is of military targets, it is hamas that puts children in them as human shields. They make themselves 4th class citizens in their own country by being terrorists and trying to destroy everything
WHY for that to happen the arab muslims would first have to give up all claims to Jewish Palestine and move back to where they came from. Then the ones that stayed would need to agree to the UN terms or be evicted under the terms of international law covering fifth columnists and enemy aliens. Then the vote would be overwhelmingly in Israel's favour. But seeing as this will never happen you can dream on.

Again, coming up with more schemes to preserve Apartheid in the Zionist Entity?

South Africa tried this shit in the 1980's and fooled absolutely no one.

The LoN did not fail as stopping wars was never in its remit.

Uh, no, the LoN was supposed to do EXACTLY that. It's why it's establishment was a key component of the treaties that ended World War I. But instead of protecting nations from the aggression of other nations- which was the whole point of its existence - it turned a blind eye when it happened until the Empires of Europe engaged in that last gasp of self-destruction of World War II.

But you keep pretending "A land with out a people for a people without a land" wasn't ALWAYS a lie.

WRONG I am showing that you are a complete imbecile and cant think past the nest racist remark aimed at the Jews. Why don't you give the Palestinians the vote in American elections then, could it be they are not American citizens by any chance. I will leave you to work out the rest.

WRONG AGAIN it was never in its remit to stop wars caused by any nation that was not a member state. It was formed to take control for the allied nations of the reparations of war from the Ottomans and Germany. Or do you only think that they had a mandate in Palestine. They had control of land all over the Globe.

Another LIE as it is you that keeps bringing that up not the supporters of the Jews. Showing that all you have is a few mantras that are done to death everytime you start to lose every argument
If they would only use these engineering skills to build a modern, functioning, society for their people, they be a lot better off

Every time they try, the Zionists bomb and bulldozer them back to where the Zionists want them to be.
"Zionists" is antisemitic code for "fucking Jews".

That's it in a nutshell, they think they are being clever in using the word out of context so they wont fall foul of anti racism laws. Problem is the majority of people now see it as a racist term and are starting to report it as such. rat boy is one of the worst offenders, and if he ignores many more people he will end up talking to himself.
If they would only use these engineering skills to build a modern, functioning, society for their people, they be a lot better off

Every time they try, the Zionists bomb and bulldozer them back to where the Zionists want them to be.
"Zionists" is antisemitic code for "fucking Jews".

No it isn't. "Fucking Jews" is anti-Semitic code for "fucking Jews".

Oranges and apples...using your logic Israel, Europe, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt are all appartheid just because arabs want to overthrow their governments..

Not really, but do try that weak-ass argument.

However majority of those same arabs who live in Israel prefer to stay there rather than move to PA, Saudi Arabia or the Caliphate.

Why should they move from their homes. Again, its the Zionists who need to go back where they came from.

And maybe some losers feel too much offended by people who stand on their own feet and are more successful, you can always find yourself a scapegoat for your own failures if your'e weak.

It's really easy to be successful when the world's only superpower pumps billions of dollars propping up your religious fantasies why we let poor kids in this country go hungry at night. It's also kind of fucked up.

YES REALLY as that is the criteria

Because they are not their homes, and the Zionists have come back to where they came from. IN the 1930's the cry from your prople was the Jews should go back to Palestine were they came from. This lasted right up until the mid 1960's when it changed to the Jews in Palestine should return to were they came from.


So when a Jew in America does good and brings fame and fortune to the USA they are only managing it because the USA pumps $trillions into their pockets. Nothing to do with them actually being the best, better than you and all the other Nazi's that cry because they were never given the chance to be good. Who would you blame for the kids going hungry if the US stopped paying Israel to subsidise the American workers. It certainly would not be the kids parents who spend all their money on drink and drugs, or the black's fiddling the books would it .
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