New Photos PROVE Obama was in Indonesia when he was a child!!!!


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
Meet the 'chubby boy with the curly hair': New photographs of Barack Obama's childhood in Indonesia emerge | Mail Online


This can only mean one thing! Obama was a child when he was in Indonesia -- meaning he must have been BORN in Indonesia, because how else would he even get from Hawaii to Indonesia?????

Obama is a usurper of the throne of the US PRESIDENT! We must impeach him now and get Joe Biden kicked out to so we can make our queen, Nancy Pelosi the new president of the united states!!!!
Oops, you're too late.
Fox sent a news crew to get the "dirt" on the "madrasah" that Obama attended while in Indonesia. The first "religious" artifact they encountered was a "crucifix" hanging over the entrance of the "madrasah". Turns out the "madrasah" wasn't a "madrasah", it was a "Christian" school for children. Oops.


Obama's parents separated when he was two years old, later divorcing. Obama, Sr. went on to Harvard to pursue Ph.D. studies, and then returned to Kenya in 1965. In 1966, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, another East–West Center student from Indonesia. A year later, the family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, where Obama's half-sister Maya Soetoro Ng was born. Several incidents in Indonesia left Dunham afraid for her son's safety and education so, at the age of 10, Barack was sent back to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. His mother and sister later joined them.

Barack Obama Biography -


Seems Obama moved to Indonesia YEARS AFTER he was born. You fucked up again. Oops. Is that all you guys know is "oops"?
Meet the 'chubby boy with the curly hair': New photographs of Barack Obama's childhood in Indonesia emerge | Mail Online


This can only mean one thing! Obama was a child when he was in Indonesia -- meaning he must have been BORN in Indonesia, because how else would he even get from Hawaii to Indonesia?????

Obama is a usurper of the throne of the US PRESIDENT! We must impeach him now and get Joe Biden kicked out to so we can make our queen, Nancy Pelosi the new president of the united states!!!!

I guess you didn't bother to read your own posted news source.

Born to a black Kenyan father, Obama moved to Indonesia when he was seven after his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, married her second husband, Lolo Soetoro, whom she met when they were studying at the University of Hawaii.

And that information can be found in every posted/printed biography of Barack Obama.
In other late breaking news, The confederate garrison at Vicksburg surrendered to General Grant, Lord Wellington defeated French forces in Spain, King Charles was beheaded in London, Martin Luther was recalcitrant at the Diet of Worms (I would be too!) Crusaders sack Constantinople, Vandals create havoc in Rome, Nero builds a new palace in burnt out areas of Rome as his version of Urban renewal,......

In other words, this news is as stale as the bread Flemming's penicillin came from
well that's special, but to be honest President Obama could sprout antenae like this dude during the state of the union addy>

and he'd still be potus

Birthers, I'm afraid you're going to have to get rid of this wal street crook the old fashioned way.
well that's special, but to be honest President Obama could sprout antenae like this dude during the state of the union addy>

and he'd still be potus


No way he would do that. that kind of antennae is only good for reception. Obama isn't interested in reception.... only transmission.

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