New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Translation: it's where you turn for affirmation of your idiotic Trump talking points.

Hey everyone, wanna see Fort Fun Indiana cry?

Watch the TDS morons insist that any vaccine has to go through the usual FDA year and half long approval process. They will kick and scream for it.

I suspect they will insist that illegal aliens get the vaccine prior to any Americans.
So far we have 300k people infected in a short time with social distancing. I can’t believe some of you are still downplaying this.

How many do we have every year with the flu?
Coronavirus Fact-Check #1: “Covid19 is having an unprecedented impact on ICUs” The media claim this pandemic’s effect on hospitals around the world has never been seen before, but is that true?

This the first of a new on-going series of micro-articles tackling the prevailing, media-generated talking points of on Sars-Cov2 and Covid19.

". . .Those of you who have spent any time debating or discussing the current coronavirus “pandemic” on social media will almost certainly have encountered an argument that goes something like this:
“Coronavirus is nothing like the flu, the seasonal flu doesn’t overwhelm health services like this.”
But is this true? We’ve done some research.

In 2018 hospitals all across the United States were full to capacity with flu patients. Alabama declared a state of emergency. Elective surgeries were cancelled, patients were turned away.

California hospitals were “war zones” where people were treated in hastily erected tents.

The same year ICUs in Milan were “totally overrun” with flu cases.

In December of 2019 the NHS had to implement “emergency temporary beds” in 52% of its hospitals to account for their regular “winter crisis”. Most of those hospitals still had temporary beds operating from the previous winter.

Last November experts were publishing reports warning that the NHS was under too much pressure to deal with the seasonal flu.

The 2009 Swine Flu pandemic turned out to be no worse than a bad flu season in the end, but nevertheless had a huge impact on hospitals across the United States.. . . .
Oh look at the guy being brainwashed by the media and not thinking for himself....
The Guardian is MSM. It is littered with MI6 agents.

OffGuardian was founded by former journalists when The Guardian banned commenters that called out lies on the Guardian.

"About Off-Guardian
Comment is free but facts are sacred CP Scott, former editor of the Guardian
OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its five founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections.
Our remit, as we see it, is to provide a home for the comment – & the facts – you no longer find in the MSM.
Our editors & admins are based around the globe, in North America, Britain, and Southern and Eastern Europe."

You will note; from SPR (Swiss Propaganda Research) Off Guardian is further from the Nexus of power, than establishment media is than all the sources I EVER see you post from. . . .

I studied Chomsky and Bernays buddy. Sorry if you don't like reality. Trust me on this, 2aguy often does not like what I post either. . . I am the most nonpartisan person on this site. Ask anyone. I'm so non-aligned, most just think I am a conspiracy theorist because they do not grasp, nor understand my deep knowledge of interest group politics, the interlocking directorate, revolving door politics, iron triangles and stake holding interests.


This is the site recommended by Assange for unbiased analysis of all western media, check it out sometime, they are doing a stellar job covering the pandemic . . .
Translation: it's where you turn for affirmation of your idiotic Trump talking points.
I suggest you check you translator, it's broken.

I suggest idiots like you be relegated to anonymous message boards where nobody takes you seriously and you have less effect on reality.

Oh wait, that's already the case, I'm good...
Listen n00b, I've been here five years longer than you, posted half as frequently, and have twice the reputation as you do, judging by just the reactions I have garnered.

IOW, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Nobody gives a shit about what you do or say. . . . . and. . . I suspect your credibility is much the same in real life too.

Keep your shit up, and folks will think of you as another Deano or Billy000.

My, it must really suck to just parrot what your overlords tell you without having an iota of common sense or the ability to do any critical thinking.

This thread proves that polls are truly for sheep; especially the ones most likely to get shorn!
So far we have 300k people infected in a short time with social distancing. I can’t believe some of you are still downplaying this.

How many do we have every year with the flu?
Coronavirus Fact-Check #1: “Covid19 is having an unprecedented impact on ICUs” The media claim this pandemic’s effect on hospitals around the world has never been seen before, but is that true?

This the first of a new on-going series of micro-articles tackling the prevailing, media-generated talking points of on Sars-Cov2 and Covid19.

". . .Those of you who have spent any time debating or discussing the current coronavirus “pandemic” on social media will almost certainly have encountered an argument that goes something like this:
“Coronavirus is nothing like the flu, the seasonal flu doesn’t overwhelm health services like this.”
But is this true? We’ve done some research.

In 2018 hospitals all across the United States were full to capacity with flu patients. Alabama declared a state of emergency. Elective surgeries were cancelled, patients were turned away.

California hospitals were “war zones” where people were treated in hastily erected tents.

The same year ICUs in Milan were “totally overrun” with flu cases.

In December of 2019 the NHS had to implement “emergency temporary beds” in 52% of its hospitals to account for their regular “winter crisis”. Most of those hospitals still had temporary beds operating from the previous winter.

Last November experts were publishing reports warning that the NHS was under too much pressure to deal with the seasonal flu.

The 2009 Swine Flu pandemic turned out to be no worse than a bad flu season in the end, but nevertheless had a huge impact on hospitals across the United States.. . . .
Oh look at the guy being brainwashed by the media and not thinking for himself....
The Guardian is MSM. It is littered with MI6 agents.

OffGuardian was founded by former journalists when The Guardian banned commenters that called out lies on the Guardian.

"About Off-Guardian
Comment is free but facts are sacred CP Scott, former editor of the Guardian
OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its five founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections.
Our remit, as we see it, is to provide a home for the comment – & the facts – you no longer find in the MSM.
Our editors & admins are based around the globe, in North America, Britain, and Southern and Eastern Europe."

You will note; from SPR (Swiss Propaganda Research) Off Guardian is further from the Nexus of power, than establishment media is than all the sources I EVER see you post from. . . .

I studied Chomsky and Bernays buddy. Sorry if you don't like reality. Trust me on this, 2aguy often does not like what I post either. . . I am the most nonpartisan person on this site. Ask anyone. I'm so non-aligned, most just think I am a conspiracy theorist because they do not grasp, nor understand my deep knowledge of interest group politics, the interlocking directorate, revolving door politics, iron triangles and stake holding interests.


This is the site recommended by Assange for unbiased analysis of all western media, check it out sometime, they are doing a stellar job covering the pandemic . . .
Translation: it's where you turn for affirmation of your idiotic Trump talking points.
I suggest you check you translator, it's broken.

I suggest idiots like you be relegated to anonymous message boards where nobody takes you seriously and you have less effect on reality.

Oh wait, that's already the case, I'm good...
Listen n00b, I've been here five years longer than you, posted half as frequently, and have twice the reputation as you do, judging by just the reactions I have garnered.

IOW, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Nobody gives a shit about what you do or say. . . . . and. . . I suspect your credibility is much the same in real life too.

Keep your shit up, and folks will think of you as another Deano or Billy000.

My, it must really suck to just parrot what your overlords tell you without having an iota of common sense or the ability to do any critical thinking.


LoL!! ^ ^ ^ Believes that "reactions" on a board consisting of 2/3 Trumptards equates to critical thinking and common sense! :lmao:
We are listening to the world experts but the few facts that are slipping out indicates the Average Joe has a 2.5% chance of catching this and a .01% chance of dying from it.
We just don’t think the shutdown is worth it and don’t think that every safe spacing cellar dweller has any “right” to make sure they don’t get it by impounding us.

Well, the current data on infections and deaths in the United States shows a death rate of 2.7%. 99% of countries on the planet are engaged in some sort of lockdown to stop this Pathogen. Unless you live in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas, or South Carolina, your in a state that is under a stay at home order. This strategy for taking on the Pathogen has overwhelming bipartisan support. Until the pathogen is defeated, contained, or a vaccine is developed, this is clear the path that the country and nearly every country in the world will remain on.
72% of Americans probably figured out they're worth more on the Gub'Mit dole, than working out in a pandemic

IE~ the Gub'Mit is buying off dissent

you folks just don't realize it

.they are literally drooling in anticipation of a Great Depression.....the Crisis they have all been waiting for, praying for to their god "Government...."

The Great Depression years were the high point of Liberalism here in America. They had this guy, FDR, who tried to fix everything. Established unemployment checks, social security, welfare checks, public housing projects and so much more. Didn't cure the economic woes however, the Friday before Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor job on us in Hawaii, we still had double digit unemployment.

Then government spending really kicked in after Pearl Harbor, and the United States turned into a Superpower!

Is that what you think happened, Comrade? You don't think the absolute destruction of the infrastructure in Europe and Japan had a thing to do with it?

The condition that the Islands of Japan were in, had nothing to do with the rate at which the United States was able to produce tanks, planes, artillery, food, raw materials, and other supplies and needs. The value of all goods and services produced in the United States in 1945 was not impacted by the Japanese or the condition any of their cities were in.
you do realize that drum you keep beating is 80 ish now U2......~S~
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Comrade, do you think Super Fairy Barry would have put on bicycle shorts and wrestled the Wuhan virus to the ground, saving everyone?

Weren't you Bolsheviks throwing a fit over him suspending flights from China, calling him RACIST? If he had done as you Marxists wanted, wouldn't the spread be worse? Also, how much does the open border contribute to Florida and Louisiana outbreaks? The open border is 100% on the Communist Chinese democrats, 100%

When you shut down travel and borders to stop a pandemic, you shut them all, not just that which involves China. A Pathogen hitches a ride in a human and within hours could be on the other side of the world. So the threat is not just from China, its from anywhere in the planet outside the United States. But Trump only blocked China. Blocking travel from a single country in a pandemic does not work. The Pathogen does not recognize borders.
you do realize that drum you keep beating is 80 ish now U2......~S~

I realize that the majority of the people on this planet believe in the strategy of lock downs. Hell, even Trump does as well as 41 out of the 50 states. You're in the tiny minority on this issue.
We need to start seeing the economic models as well so people have a better picture of the impacts of various scenarios as well.

The data is there I'm sure and it should be presented to the American people so they know what that is going to look like as well.

I definitely agree. If the people are walking into a situation with open eyes and decide to sink the economy for a 100 generations for a slightly better outcome with this coronavirus bullshit, that's fine.

But people have to have the information so they can realistically count the cost in living standards and weigh it against any benefit.

I don't like the idea of people pretending that there is no cost associated with a long term economic lockdown

Exactly. Right now they've been bombarded with data from the medical side which has some convinced we must do anything, no matter the cost. That's a moral decision. Fine. I get it, but we have not gotten similar information on the economic cost, which is directly related to these decisions, which would allow people to make an informed decision as to whether or not they agree with a given path.

Either way, we deserve to know how a given path impacts us economically.

I think the death/infection numbers are being cooked. The Ohio Dept of Health said on 12 March that 100,000 Ohioites were infected and the number was doubling every 6 days. Puts the number of infected now at more than a million in Ohio.

Yet, less than a hundred had died in the whole state, that's a death rate of less than 0.01%. A whole lot less than the 2 and 3 percent they have been jabbering about.

We won't have a full picture of the actual death rate until the pandemic is over. Until then, you plan based on the worst case possibility.
If they try to pull the same bullshit next season or something like it over something else then I think hope and pray that 20% of Americans can also still think hope and pray and don’t want America destroyed and we will engage in civil unrest. I certainly will and will gladly get arrested for it. You have bullshitted us into submission for one time only; it won’t happen again.

So you think civil unrest is warranted, but not until next fall or winter? If you think this is all bullshit why not engage in the civil unrest now?
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

If their bellies go empty, that will change. To all the men and women who messed with other people over the years, it seems many will get justice returned along with those who did very little to others.
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

Six months from now those same people will proclaim their pocketbooks were more important than lives...

Also let be clear if Americans are not working many will starve but let pretend what you are proposing will actually save lives while ignoring the long term damage this will cause and many more deaths from suicide to crime related deaths...
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

It's all in how you ask the question. You can ask "Do you value the economy higher than human life?" Or you can ask "Do you think it's ok to destroy the working class to fight a cold virus?"

By defeating the pathogen, most of the working class will still be alive. We don't have the ability to resurrect people from physical death. We do have the ability to resurrect the economy. Its been done multiple times in U.S. history.
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

Six months from now those same people will proclaim their pocketbooks were more important than lives...

Also let be clear if Americans are not working many will starve but let pretend what you are proposing will actually save lives while ignoring the long term damage this will cause and many more deaths from suicide to crime related deaths...

You can rebuild or even resurrect an economy, but you can't resurrect someone from physical death. The fastest way back to a healthy economy is by first defeating the pathogen.
72% of Americans probably figured out they're worth more on the Gub'Mit dole, than working out in a pandemic

IE~ the Gub'Mit is buying off dissent

you folks just don't realize it


yep. Give them access to a calculator to show them how fast they'll end up in foreclosure, bankruptcy or out of money for basic essentials and I have a feeling that sentiment changes in a hurry.

Right now it's not reality and something that will happen to someone else. Unfortunately, that reality is rooted in basic math. When they realize the math indicates they'll be the ones heading to the soup kitchen and tossed out of their homes because the bank doesn't give a shit, and having their cars hooked out of their driveways by the repo man it will interesting to see how many people still think an ultra-conservative approach is the best option.

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