New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

What would Sleepy Joe have done to prevent the virus ? How would Biden's Open Border policy helped to contain it?

Biden would not have dismissed the Pathogen as just flu like Trump did. He would have been more likely to take aggressive shut down efforts as well as block or restrict foreign travel from all countries like Taiwan and Japan did. Trump failed to act, and just banning travel from China does almost nothing given how people travel around the world today as well as the fact that the virus was spreading to various parts of the globe within hours thanks to air-travel. Just blocking travel from one country, China, made no sense.

Oh please trump through his travel ban in 2016 and your ilk sued him over it
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Moron, the models were all wrong........and the model makers are walking them back weekly......
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

In other news, 99% prefer to have a roof over their head and not starve to death.

You morons and your idiotic fake polls.

Its not just that. The Dentists offices have been closed- the people can't get their teeth cleaned.

The broads I have as FB friends are all bitching about nail salons, hair salons all closed. Looking for local folks that are doing manicures and pedicures in their kitchens or cutting hair in their basements.

People look like a mess, when President Trump orders the economy restarted, its going to be huge for him, electorally.

That doesn't include all the lives being lost as non-corona related medical issues aren't being dealt with. Colonoscopies, mammograms, prostrate biopsies are all being cancelled. People are going to die because their cancers weren't detected.

Those people are just eggs in the democrat party omelete.....
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

What would Sleepy Joe have done to prevent the virus ? How would Biden's Open Border policy helped to contain it?

Biden would not have dismissed the Pathogen as just flu like Trump did. He would have been more likely to take aggressive shut down efforts as well as block or restrict foreign travel from all countries like Taiwan and Japan did. Trump failed to act, and just banning travel from China does almost nothing given how people travel around the world today as well as the fact that the virus was spreading to various parts of the globe within hours thanks to air-travel. Just blocking travel from one country, China, made no sense.

Moron, he did exactly doofus.....he called Trump a xenophobe for shutting down travel with china, you idiot.
People should have at least a months supply of food stocked up AT LEAST THAT MUCH and a couple of thousand in cash when you don't have access to the banks.
If you're at the stage when you're stockpiling like you are, cash won't mean jack shit. It will be better to have stuff to barter with.
Dumb ass you're irrelevant since you are not an American citizens
Cash is good to have because they are closing down some branches hell I bet you don't have banks in the shithole you live in.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Moron, the models were all wrong........and the model makers are walking them back weekly......

The United States did not need to have nearly 13,000 dead currently from this virus. Japan only has 93 dead. Taiwan only has 5 dead. Korea only has 200 dead. These countries had testing ready and instituted total travel bans from anywhere, not just one country. THESE COUNTRIES PROVED THAT TRUMP FAILED TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM THIS PATHOGEN!
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Moron, the models were all wrong........and the model makers are walking them back weekly......

The United States did not need to have nearly 13,000 dead currently from this virus. Japan only has 93 dead. Taiwan only has 5 dead. Korea only has 200 dead. These countries had testing ready and instituted total travel bans from anywhere, not just one country. THESE COUNTRIES PROVED THAT TRUMP FAILED TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM THIS PATHOGEN!

Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Moron, the models were all wrong........and the model makers are walking them back weekly......


United States deaths from coronavirus: 12,857

Japan deaths from coronavirus: 93

South Korea deaths from coronavirus: 200

Taiwan deaths from coronavirus: 5

New Zealand deaths from Coronavirus: 1

As you can see, TRUMP FAILED to protect the United States from Coronavirus. If Trump had one his job, the United States would have less than 300 deaths, but instead we have 12,857 and its rising by over a 1,000 per day now. TOTAL FAILURE!
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Moron, the models were all wrong........and the model makers are walking them back weekly......

The United States did not need to have nearly 13,000 dead currently from this virus. Japan only has 93 dead. Taiwan only has 5 dead. Korea only has 200 dead. These countries had testing ready and instituted total travel bans from anywhere, not just one country. THESE COUNTRIES PROVED THAT TRUMP FAILED TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM THIS PATHOGEN!


Just trying to make it easier for you to read key facts since you have demonstrated ignorance of these facts.
How ANGRY the Trumpsters must be at their hero for advancing and enabling this national fraud!
You're a dumb fuck. No one takes advice from dumb fucks except other dumb fucks.

How long do you think the peasants will put up with no income, no hope? You want to destroy America, but most people want to go back to normal.

I suggest you read the first post in this thread and take a look at the poll. Government checks are on the way as well. Millions of Americans continue to work in the essential services economy.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
The US has closed and stopped working on a massive scale

millions of Americans
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
A large part of our workforce will not be coming back to work , because a large part of our economy is going to be claiming bankruptcy , and if you didn't get the memo, it's q 6T bill, 4T for the feds to try and keep the banksters afloat, 2T for the rest of us

There's no way back from here....and that means your scared rabbit existence as well


It will be ugly

And the longer we are shut down the harder it will be to get started again

We took 16 million working men from their jobs in the early 1940s and sent them overseas for years. They did just fine when they came back to civilian life. This time, one of the jobs in fighting this war is STAYING HOME!
You're a dumb fuck. No one takes advice from dumb fucks except other dumb fucks.

How long do you think the peasants will put up with no income, no hope? You want to destroy America, but most people want to go back to normal.

I want to go back to normal. However even after this virus is a thing of the past, you will still be a dumb fuck.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
The US has closed and stopped working on a massive scale

millions of Americans
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
A large part of our workforce will not be coming back to work , because a large part of our economy is going to be claiming bankruptcy , and if you didn't get the memo, it's q 6T bill, 4T for the feds to try and keep the banksters afloat, 2T for the rest of us

There's no way back from here....and that means your scared rabbit existence as well


It will be ugly

And the longer we are shut down the harder it will be to get started again

We took 16 million working men from their jobs in the early 1940s and sent them overseas for years. They did just fine when they came back to civilian life. This time, one of the jobs in fighting this war is STAYING HOME!

Actually, most of the men drafted into WWII weren't working when they got the call from Uncle Sam. The Roosevelt Depression created huge unemployment, it was double digit joblessness through 1941.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
The US has closed and stopped working on a massive scale

millions of Americans
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
A large part of our workforce will not be coming back to work , because a large part of our economy is going to be claiming bankruptcy , and if you didn't get the memo, it's q 6T bill, 4T for the feds to try and keep the banksters afloat, 2T for the rest of us

There's no way back from here....and that means your scared rabbit existence as well


It will be ugly

And the longer we are shut down the harder it will be to get started again

We took 16 million working men from their jobs in the early 1940s and sent them overseas for years. They did just fine when they came back to civilian life. This time, one of the jobs in fighting this war is STAYING HOME!

Dont confuse the Greatest Generation with the bedwetting patticakes that replaced them in the military
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
The US has closed and stopped working on a massive scale

millions of Americans
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus

The United States has not stopped working. Essential services are doing increased business. Its the job of people in the non-essential economy to stay at home so as not to aid the pathogen the country must defeat. If we can send 1/3 of the labor force overseas in the early 1940s to fight the Nazi's and the Japs, we can keep a large part of the workforce at home in order to fight this pathogen.

As far as needs, you need food, water, shelter, clothing and healthcare. Until you run out of that, you can stay in your home. Staying home is your work now.
A large part of our workforce will not be coming back to work , because a large part of our economy is going to be claiming bankruptcy , and if you didn't get the memo, it's q 6T bill, 4T for the feds to try and keep the banksters afloat, 2T for the rest of us

There's no way back from here....and that means your scared rabbit existence as well


It will be ugly

And the longer we are shut down the harder it will be to get started again

We took 16 million working men from their jobs in the early 1940s and sent them overseas for years. They did just fine when they came back to civilian life. This time, one of the jobs in fighting this war is STAYING HOME!

Actually, most of the men drafted into WWII weren't working when they got the call from Uncle Sam. The Roosevelt Depression created huge unemployment, it was double digit joblessness through 1941.

WRONG! The Unemployment rate in the United States for 1941 was 9.9%.(Less than peak unemployment under Obama) The vast majority of people who went into military service were taken from jobs in the civilian sector. Sure, some were unemployed, but the vast majority were not.
How ANGRY the Trumpsters must be at their hero for advancing and enabling this national fraud!

He followed the advice of morons at the CDC and the know, the "experts" you guys worship........and they were either wrong.....or actively trying to shut down the economy to get Trump and crush the U.S.....
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.

Moron, the models were all wrong........and the model makers are walking them back weekly......
Worth the time to watch.
You mean you haven't seen that video that CBS claims what shot in American when it was really shot in Italy?
You mean, you haven't seen the videos of overwhelmed hospitals, and claim they are virtually empty? Even after they have spoon-fed to you?

And that's what Trump has done to your brains. My demonstration is complete.

There have been layoffs at hospitals in Pennsylvania. A lot of elective procedures have been canceled as hospitals have cleared space for Chinese Kung Flu patients that never came. Patients have had to put off their planned Breast Augmentations, Hip Replacements and other so-called elective procedures. But the COVID patients aren't showing. Most folks aren't that sick and are just being sent home.
That is the same here. Two of our local hospitals are ghost towns. People come into the ER sure they have the virus and get sent home ,because they have no symptoms. Gov. Newsom just sent 500 ventilators to NY because they aren't needed.

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