New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Sure it does. American capitlaists wereearly eager supporters of both Adolph and Stalin. We support 73% of the world's dictators. Are you this unaware for real or are you "in character"?
Foreign involvement is a necessity. We have learned the hard way the American businesses will be stifled by foreign countries if the US doesn't step in somehow.
Sure it does. American capitlaists wereearly eager supporters of both Adolph and Stalin. We support 73% of the world's dictators. Are you this unaware for real or are you "in character"?
Foreign involvement is a necessity. We have learned the hard way the American businesses will be stifled by foreign countries if the US doesn't step in somehow.

Empire. A militarist presence in 70% of the nations on the planet, supporting 73% of the world's dictatorships.


And stupidity.

War without end, Amen, Amen.

After a half century of societal wealth redistribution toward evermore concentrated capital and the utterly bipartisanly pursued neoliberal economic policy paradigm, which rests upon dismantling a functional democratic representational govt of, by and for the people, we have arrived where we are.

We do not have one. Enjoy the pandemic.

The campaign was successful. We do indeed have what capital has always sought; a dysfunctional govt that does not work, and not only does not serve the interests of society and we the people at large, but rather targets via actions and inactions, which of us can be abandoned to death in the interest of the “progress” of capital. Humans always seem to be in the way of capital’s manifest destiny. All the way back to the nation’s founding.

And then they rewarded themselves yet again with more socialism on the backs of the unsubstantial people.


When you vote for a cabal that openly says it wants govt to NOT work, accept it gracefully when you got what you voted for. There’s your “winning”.
I don't do remedial work or change nappies, grow up.

Nappies? Are you a little Paki fuck in Coventry? That makes TOTAL sense...

After a half century of societal wealth redistribution toward evermore concentrated capital and the utterly bipartisanly pursued neoliberal economic policy paradigm, which rests upon dismantling a functional democratic representational govt of, by and for the people, we have arrived where we are.

We do not have one.

The campaign was successful. We do indeed have what capital has always sought; a dysfunctional govt that does not work, and not only does not serve the interests of society and we the people at large, but rather targets via actions and inactions, which of us can be abandoned to death in the interest of the “progress” of capital. Humans always seem to be in the way of capital’s manifest destiny. All the way back to the nation’s founding.

And then they rewarded themselves yet again with more socialism on the backs of the unsubstantial people.


When you vote for a cabal that openly says it wants govt to NOT work, accept it gracefully when you got what you voted for. There’s your “winning”.

So you ARE a little Paki fuck. Wow, it all makes sense. To limit the size and scope of government is not to say we want to to not work, only that we seek to limit it.

Tell me, why is wealth disparity in the capitalist haven of America vastly less than the socialist utopia of the UK? :dunno:
You've made it apparent you can't.

After a half century of societal wealth redistribution toward evermore concentrated capital and the utterly bipartisanly pursued neoliberal economic policy paradigm, which rests upon dismantling a functional democratic representational govt of, by and for the people, we have arrived where we are.

We do not have one.

The campaign was successful. We do indeed have what capital has always sought; a dysfunctional govt that does not work, and not only does not serve the interests of society and we the people at large, but rather targets via actions and inactions, which of us can be abandoned to death in the interest of the “progress” of capital. Humans always seem to be in the way of capital’s manifest destiny. All the way back to the nation’s founding.

And then they rewarded themselves yet again with more socialism on the backs of the unsubstantial people.


When you vote for a cabal that openly says it wants govt to NOT work, accept it gracefully when you got what you voted for. There’s your “winning”.

BWAHAHA - ;lol: :rofl: what a pretentious little fool. Capital seeks nothing, capital is inanimate, you moron. The question is who controls capital, lords and kings, as you Marxists seek, or individuals, as we capitalists seek. Over here in the colonies, as you call us - well, the Brits, you Pakis may differ - we say "give me liberty or give me death," you Brits say "Give me slavery and free shit."
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
1340 is not anywhere near 2000
Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

I get it now you hate Jared because he's a Jew
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu

1,340 Americans died on Saturday from covid-19 and those are just the ones who were CONFIRMED to have covid-19. The actual death toll is larger than that.

Seasonal flu only kills 200 people a day and it can largely be prevented with the flu vaccine. Unfortunately only 50% of the population gets the flu vaccine.
In time there will be a vaccine for the wuhan virus

but I fear not soon enough to save the US economy

we have to go back to work virus or no virus
The construction industry hasn't dropped any jobs. The jobs connected with the construction industry have not stopped working. Non-essential jobs have stopped working maybe we should do away with them anyway all together
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.
No one belives this. Every one knows the economy is important. Having healthy people to work it is also important. Here we are dealing with a crisis the magnitude of which only happens every hundred years or so. Imagine you are the one dealing with it. We all know there are tipping point to whixh we can no longer come back from. We could lose enough lives that it could kill an economy for generations. On the other hand we could hurt the economy bad enough through our solutions of keeping every one alive bad enough to hurt the economy for generations. Pretty bad choices on both sides the fence. No one alive today has dealt with some thing of this magnitude. All we have to draw upon is the 1918 pandemic and how much of that info is even still available. I agree we need to do both try and save people and the economy. The question is how. Aside from a vaccine we only have two ways to go. Put most people back to work and risk the possibilty of every one on the planet contracting it., or try and quarintine until we have better medicine to deal with it. Either is a big risk. What is happening is worst case scenario. We are doing half measures which means we will likely do both destroy the economy and kill a large portion of the population. Beliving our scientists can combat this thing with a vaccine in the near future seems to be the best bet so drastic quarintine would be required. We know that in the past quarintine was a big part of how past generations dealt with it. So more good evidence on that side of the argument. That all being said we may never come up with a vaccine. Big risk all the way around but some one has to pull the trigger and make it one way or the other and hope for the best.

We have to accept the fact that democrats are engaged in treason. They are leveraging this event to weaken America and allow a foreign power, China, to gain supremacy over America. Every day America is idled will take a month for recovery.

Let me ask you, are the police immune from Wuhan virus? What about fire fighters? If not, shouldn't they shelter in place? Or are you saying they are expendable and their safety doesn't matter? What about truck drivers, shouldn't they shelter in place? Grocery store clerks? Shut down all stores for 6 months. And utility workers, let's shut off the lights and your XBox. No need for running water, we must shelter in place. Are you placing your want to flush toilets above the lives of utility workers?
Blah,blah, blah, your a dumb fuck. Both possibilties exist. No fucking treason just two choices as to how to go. Make a choice and go with with it. Either reopen economy now or quarintine enough to stop the spread. What other choice is there dumb fuck? Our leaders have not made either choice. Bad out comes couold happen with either choice. The worst will happen if no one has the balls to make the decision and we stay on current course. You are obviously on the side of open the economy now. I am on the side of quarinteen. The only way to find out who is right is for one trigger or the other to be pulled. Some one needs to decide and soon.

Duck and cover comrade?

See, none of you leftists can answer this. If grocery clerks can adapt to work safely, then why can't everyone else?

Yes, reopen the economy, NOW. Make provisions to protect ourselves, use PPE, space out, but OPEN AMERICA BACK UP.

You're a dumb fuck. No one takes advice from dumb fucks except other dumb fucks.
Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

I get it now you hate Jared because he's a Jew

Piss off - I don't hate Jared. I merely loathe his scrawny pastiness for its arrogance, slumlordery and incompetence.
Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

I get it now you hate Jared because he's a Jew

Piss off - I don't hate Jared. I merely loathe his scrawny pastiness for its arrogance, slumlordery and incompetence.
Yeah, no hostility there!
The construction industry hasn't dropped any jobs. The jobs connected with the construction industry have not stopped working. Non-essential jobs have stopped working maybe we should do away with them anyway all together
what planet are you posting from Red?

Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

I get it now you hate Jared because he's a Jew

Piss off - I don't hate Jared. I merely loathe his scrawny pastiness for its arrogance, slumlordery and incompetence.
Fuck you beotch you hate him because he's a Jew
The construction industry hasn't dropped any jobs. The jobs connected with the construction industry have not stopped working. Non-essential jobs have stopped working maybe we should do away with them anyway all together
what planet are you posting from Red?

The planet of North Carolina no construction job has been shut down nor have the suppliers and anyone connected with the construction industry.
Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

I get it now you hate Jared because he's a Jew

Piss off - I don't hate Jared. I merely loathe his scrawny pastiness for its arrogance, slumlordery and incompetence.
Fuck you beotch you hate him because he's a Jew

Nope - I loathe President Poopstain .. The crooked, arrogant, incompetent silver spoon rich boy for all the same reasons.
Is Trump a secret Jew? :auiqs.jpg:

Know what I wish Ivanka would do? F-ing Tell Daddy the TRUTH and convince Jared to resign from jobs he is quite clearly NOT qualified for!
Because you liberals don't want Trump to get credit for his Mid East Peace Plan.

I wrote a better middle "east peace plan" on a 3"x3" sticky note last night - - - IN MY SLEEP

Jared: What do you need Bibi?
Bibi: Everything
Jared: DONE!!

I get it now you hate Jared because he's a Jew

Piss off - I don't hate Jared. I merely loathe his scrawny pastiness for its arrogance, slumlordery and incompetence.
Fuck you beotch you hate him because he's a Jew

Nope - I loathe President Poopstain .. The crooked, arrogant, incompetent silver spoon rich boy for all the same reasons.
Is Trump a secret Jew? :auiqs.jpg:

A bitter bitch is still a bitter bitch.
The construction industry hasn't dropped any jobs. The jobs connected with the construction industry have not stopped working. Non-essential jobs have stopped working maybe we should do away with them anyway all together
what planet are you posting from Red?

The planet of North Carolina no construction job has been shut down nor have the suppliers and anyone connected with the construction industry.
well that's swell Red, because our f*cktard Governor has us all shut TF down here

while collecting his 'tax paid' check

and tellin us 'we're all in this together'

I AM NOT a happy camper right now


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