New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

I think there’s a way for the Trumps to show that we’re all in this together, and while I think Ivanka is trying to do that, it hasn’t been successful because of the mixed messages coming from Trump

The scope of this pandemic is different, of course, so it’s difficult to compare it to crises of the past in modern history. We haven’t seen anything like this in our lifetimes

I think Ivanka Trump is using her social media platform and her young family to try to humanize her father. But I think it’s fair to say that there’s been a muddled response from the White House.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

We're quite acclimated to that, kinda like the death toll of our shooting gallery schools.
Lol, if it was real. The media would be camped out in
Kinda drifted off there. No dummy, the media would not be camped out in ICU units. See of you can squeeze that lump between your ears and figure out why that is.
Oh bull, nurses are being sent home because hospitals cancelled all non life threatening surgeries because they thought they would be overwhelmed. Well it's not happening, and if you think cnn wouldn't be in the hospitals showing it. I got some land on the moon i'll sell ya.
Another reason for cancelling non life threatening surguries is that the chances of spreading the virus that way are quite high.
Are we not doing that nationally?
I think there’s a way for the Trumps to show that we’re all in this together, and while I think Ivanka is trying to do that, it hasn’t been successful because of the mixed messages coming from Trump

The scope of this pandemic is different, of course, so it’s difficult to compare it to crises of the past in modern history. We haven’t seen anything like this in our lifetimes

I think Ivanka Trump is using her social media platform and her young family to try to humanize her father. But I think it’s fair to say that there’s been a muddled response from the White House.

In between shoving him off of her?
There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.

Flu vaccine is a tricky thing and not a good comparison. The flu shot only protects from the 4 more prevalent strains out of China any given year. People give up on the flu shot because over a third of people who get a flu shot get the flue anyway.

The vaccine out of Pittsburgh university is specific to the Wuhan virus.

Complete rubbish. Were not talking about whether you get the flu, were talking about whether you die from it. The Flu vaccine prevents you from dying from it, but only 50% of people get the flu shot. Plus, if you do get the flu, you will have a milder case of it if you had the flu shot.
No it doesn't. It's supposed to prevent you from getting the flue.
And we may find in 18 months or more that it actually does. Ever worked in drug development research?
They aren't going to wait 18 months to release a vaccine, idiot.

Then they're not going to do a real trial.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.
There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.

Flu vaccine is a tricky thing and not a good comparison. The flu shot only protects from the 4 more prevalent strains out of China any given year. People give up on the flu shot because over a third of people who get a flu shot get the flue anyway.

The vaccine out of Pittsburgh university is specific to the Wuhan virus.

Complete rubbish. Were not talking about whether you get the flu, were talking about whether you die from it. The Flu vaccine prevents you from dying from it, but only 50% of people get the flu shot. Plus, if you do get the flu, you will have a milder case of it if you had the flu shot.
No it doesn't. It's supposed to prevent you from getting the flue.
And we may find in 18 months or more that it actually does. Ever worked in drug development research?
They aren't going to wait 18 months to release a vaccine, idiot.

Then they're not going to do a real trial.
They are going to dispense with the usual FDA red tape. The FDA has killed 10 times more people than any virus ever has. Do you actually want to wait 18 months for a vaccine?
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.

This is a world wide pandemic that originated in Ultraliberal Red China.

It has hit Socialized Medicine countries like Italy and Spain a lot greater that America.

How someone can blame it on the American President is sort of silly, even for libs. No one really thinks that Sleepy Joe has the magic bullet to cure this, and no one really thinks that The Donald invented it.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.
"If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?
Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn."

What is this gibberish supposed to mean?
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.

This is a world wide pandemic that originated in Ultraliberal Red China.

It has hit Socialized Medicine countries like Italy and Spain a lot greater that America.

How someone can blame it on the American President is sort of silly, even for libs. No one really thinks that Sleepy Joe has the magic bullet to cure this, and no one really thinks that The Donald invented it.

Maybe if "lib" had not come to be mean with "disagreed with me once" you wouldn't see "libs" everywhere you turn. Please try to read the post again that you responded to with this drivel. Point out where "someone blamed it on the American president". Point out where anyone suggested the entitled trust fund baby Don "invented it".

Thus far you've addressed nothing, you've just made false claims, just like Don does.

See if you can digest and understand what was written.

It is here, it seems to like americans just fine.

Congregate. Don't wear anything over your face. Follow Don, I really don't mind. This is going to be a fun episode of The Reality America Show indeed.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.
"If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?
Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn."

What is this gibberish supposed to mean?

I don't do remedial work or change nappies, grow up.
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
When will we start working on the high number of the common flu deaths?
And this happens every year

There is a vaccine every year that people can take to prevent flu death. Sadly only 50% of the population gets the flu shot. If everyone got the flu shot, you could cut seasonal flu deaths by 90%.

The season flu only kills an average of 200 people a day and is easily preventable with the vaccine every year. Right now, we are approaching 2,000 deaths per day, ten times that of season flu with half of the deaths occurring in New York State and New Jersey. Thats why dead bodies are being stacked up outside hospitals in New York City as we discuss this.
No we aren't approaching 2000 deaths a day
FYI people die with the common flu
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.
"If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?
Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn."

What is this gibberish supposed to mean?

I don't do remedial work or change nappies, grow up.

When it comes to the Angry Lil 3 year old who's Daddy taught him to flip the bird ...
Nappies are MANDATORY!! :D
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.
"If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?
Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn."

What is this gibberish supposed to mean?

I don't do remedial work or change nappies, grow up.
ROFL! So you believe people can interpret the garbage you spew?
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.

This is a world wide pandemic that originated in Ultraliberal Red China.

It has hit Socialized Medicine countries like Italy and Spain a lot greater that America.

How someone can blame it on the American President is sort of silly, even for libs. No one really thinks that Sleepy Joe has the magic bullet to cure this, and no one really thinks that The Donald invented it.

Maybe if "lib" had not come to be mean with "disagreed with me once" you wouldn't see "libs" everywhere you turn. Please try to read the post again that you responded to with this drivel. Point out where "someone blamed it on the American president". Point out where anyone suggested the entitled trust fund baby Don "invented it".

Thus far you've addressed nothing, you've just made false claims, just like Don does.

See if you can digest and understand what was written.

It is here, it seems to like americans just fine.

Congregate. Don't wear anything over your face. Follow Don, I really don't mind. This is going to be a fun episode of The Reality America Show indeed.

I recommend scooping up all Orangelings who believe this is nothing but a "Dem hoax" and "no worse than a cold or the flu". Then plop them onto a remote desert island where they can infect each other to their heart's content. Donnie can produce another Reality TeeVee show - "Celebrity Apprentice Survivor" !!

In episode one, Jared infects Ivanka infects Melania infects Mnuchen infects Stephen Miller infects Pence infects DeVos infects DeSantis infects Abbott infects Bannon who then infects The MyPillow Guy. Then they get in a bidding war for ventilators and at the end of each show, one of them leaves the island (in a body bag). :cool:
Last edited:
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

Yes, no focus on slowing the curve. Because as we've been advised by an Orange Turd, MILLIONS would be committing suicide! :icon_rolleyes:
So why hasn’t the curve been flattened in NY, where #PresidentCuomo is in charge?

Doesn't have a damn thing to do with politics. It has to do with incompetency at the top.
So where is the Democrat plan to deal with it? Two months ago they were telling us President Trump was the greatest threat to national security, not a virus spreading through Asia.

I think they have been proven right given Trump's failure to stop or contain the virus in the United States.
Just Trump eh? No criticism for Pelosi handing out impeachment pens when this thing was growing and the ONLY Person doing anything in this country was Trump?

Trump should have been removed from office on February 5th during the Senate Trial.
That's what every moron believes.

You're the Moron Coalition's spokesperson? Congrats are in order.
That doesn't make any sense.
If you don't, how can you expect the responses you garner to?

Action was what was required, and delayed, and still is being. Now we ride the wave, blindly, sans any accurate way to track it now. That horse has left the barn.

"The fast-spreading novel coronavirus is almost certainly killing Americans who are not included in the nation’s growing death toll, according to public health experts and government officials involved in the tally.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts only deaths in which the presence of the coronavirus is confirmed in a laboratory test, agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund said. “We know that it is an underestimation.”

A widespread lack of access to testing in the early weeks of the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists say. Even now, some people who die at home or in overburdened nursing homes are not being tested, according to funeral directors, medical examiners and nursing home representatives."

Coronavirus death toll: Americans are almost certainly dying of covid-19 but being left out of the official count

Would anyone like to what-about-what-aboutism the accuracy of China's reported numbers again?

And it appears India has blocked exportation of Don's snake oil remedy.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Let us recall shall we, as we observe the trajectory, that the US and S Korea diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exact same day; Jan 21st.

Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve

The hopelessly partisanshitheaded can point and sneeringly attempt to hurl blame in order to obfuscate the reality that we all participated in and cooperated with allowing turning our economic-political-healthcare-societal systems over to the predatory whims of concentrated capital.

Enjoy the shortages and rationing of hellthcare, capital thanks you once again for their socialist bailout. We provided socialism, once again, to the predatory class that hid the coming pandemic from the public while they alerted the donor class and the substantial people all got their insider trading/pillaging wrapped up.

And then our "leaders" left for 3 weeks to hibernate.

No, america is most certainly not great at all. What say we deal with objective reality.

This is a world wide pandemic that originated in Ultraliberal Red China.

It has hit Socialized Medicine countries like Italy and Spain a lot greater that America.

How someone can blame it on the American President is sort of silly, even for libs. No one really thinks that Sleepy Joe has the magic bullet to cure this, and no one really thinks that The Donald invented it.

Maybe if "lib" had not come to be mean with "disagreed with me once" you wouldn't see "libs" everywhere you turn. Please try to read the post again that you responded to with this drivel. Point out where "someone blamed it on the American president". Point out where anyone suggested the entitled trust fund baby Don "invented it".

Thus far you've addressed nothing, you've just made false claims, just like Don does.

See if you can digest and understand what was written.

It is here, it seems to like americans just fine.

Congregate. Don't wear anything over your face. Follow Don, I really don't mind. This is going to be a fun episode of The Reality America Show indeed.

I recommend scooping up all Orangelings who believe this is nothing but a "Dem hoax" and "no worse than a cold or the flu". Then plop them onto a remote desert island where they can infect each other to their heart's content. Donnie can produce another Reality TeeVee show - "Celebrity Apprentice Survivor" !!

In episode one, Jared infects Ivanka infects Melania infects Mnuchen infects Stephen Miller infects Pence infects DeSantis infects Abbott infects Bannon who then infects The MyPillow Guy. Then they get in a bidding war for ventilators and in the final scene, one of them leaves the island (in a body bag). :cool:

Actually, REAL science would tell you that the vast majority of Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't hospitalized at all, and the vast majority who are do not need to be put in an Iron Lung or other ventilator, and of those who are ventilated, most live.

What you are describing is just a Liberal Fantasy.
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

Those 72%? They don't understand what a Great Depression will do to them and their family.

The democrats? They understand completely what a Great Depression will do for their desire to increase their power over the American people......

The bad news is that inevitably, I will be laid off. Shop revenues for the month of March were down between 25 and 50%, depending on which metric was being used, which means my pay was down by a nearly equal percentage. So far, in the first few days of April, revenues are down 75-90% companywide.

I work for good people. It’s a family-owned business with 10 shops. I know they don't have the cash reserves to keep paying staff through this, and even if they did, they would be foolish to do so since there is no date certain of a return to normalcy.

At some point very soon, they will have to shift from keeping enough employees to recover quickly when the crisis ends, to preserving whatever assets they have for the survival of the family. When that happens and I am laid off, as millions of working-class Americans already have been, I have a problem beyond no job and no income. Try no health insurance. Because I, as most working Americans, get my health insurance through work.

Approximately $1,500 a month comes out of my pay to cover health insurance for me, my wife, and my son. It is the top-tier health insurance plan available, but the basic plan would only have been a few hundred dollars cheaper. The policies of my government have not only encouraged me to get my insurance through my employer -- they have made it nearly impossible to get it any other way. The government has also ordered the draconian actions that have shut the economy down and thus the potential loss of my insurance, at a time when we are theoretically heading into a healthcare mega disaster.

If I were an ambitious leftist trying one more time to get socialized health care across the goal line I couldn't plan it any better: intentionally throw tens of millions of Americans out of work and deprive them of their health insurance.

But what about COBRA? (That's the law that allows you to keep your employer-sponsored health insurance when you lose your job.) Duh! You still have to pay for it. With no income. The $1,200 of promised money I am supposed to someday get from the government is not enough to cover 1 month of my premiums. Unemployment insurance? Medicaid? When people’s backs are to the wall and they have no choice and no other way, they will accept socialism.

I fear Donald Trump has taken the bait and he knows this. He is trapped in a car barreling down the highway toward economic disaster and a great depression, and he knows it. He is desperately looking for an off ramp but unfortunately he has turned the accelerator and the wheel over to the "experts.”

The “experts” are people of genuine theoretical scientific knowledge but no real-world experience and no capability of risk assessment beyond the specific risks in their chosen field. They are focused on the virus and only the virus, because it is not their job to worry about anything but the virus. They could, without blinking an eye, recommend a six-month in-home lockdown. You could scream, "But people will starve by the millions!” That is not their concern. If they starve to death in their homes, they did not die of coronavirus and thus the “experts” have done their jobs. It doesn't help that almost all of them are government employees for life guaranteed to receive full pay and benefits until the end of the known universe. They are not capable of grasping the concept that no work equals no pay, no insurance, no food, and finally nowhere to live.

But there’s another bunch of people in that car. Malevolent people within the government, federal and state, who would love nothing more than to slam the car into the wall, destroy the economy, the lives of millions of people, and destroy America’s preeminence in the world, and the Trump presidency, in order to give themselves the ultimate power, the power of life or death over each citizen. They will fight furiously when and if the president tries to take back control of the car.
Wonderfully written especially about virus experts being theoretical and virus only and nothing else. Can’t hid in our houses based on one track, one purpose minds. Absent personal attacks and profanity which will make the libs spittle out in return
New POLL: 72% of Americans choose saving lives over the health of the U.S. Economy.

Americans support drastic efforts to stop coronavirus, expect crisis to last for months in Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll
Joel Shannon, USA TODAY
USA TODAYApril 3, 2020, 4:30 AM EDT

The poll, conducted March 27-30 on behalf of Public Agenda and USA TODAY, surveyed U.S. adults as a part of the Hidden Common Ground initiative, which aims to examine issues that divide America along with potential solutions. The online poll has a credibility interval, akin to a margin of error, of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Americans choose saving lives over the health of the US economy
Clinton is among the majority (72%)of respondents who believe the government's priority should be saving lives by stopping the spread of the virus, as opposed to sparing the economy.

Only about 1 in 5 said the government's main priority should be saving the economy.

Those 72%? They don't understand what a Great Depression will do to them and their family.

The democrats? They understand completely what a Great Depression will do for their desire to increase their power over the American people......

The bad news is that inevitably, I will be laid off. Shop revenues for the month of March were down between 25 and 50%, depending on which metric was being used, which means my pay was down by a nearly equal percentage. So far, in the first few days of April, revenues are down 75-90% companywide.

I work for good people. It’s a family-owned business with 10 shops. I know they don't have the cash reserves to keep paying staff through this, and even if they did, they would be foolish to do so since there is no date certain of a return to normalcy.

At some point very soon, they will have to shift from keeping enough employees to recover quickly when the crisis ends, to preserving whatever assets they have for the survival of the family. When that happens and I am laid off, as millions of working-class Americans already have been, I have a problem beyond no job and no income. Try no health insurance. Because I, as most working Americans, get my health insurance through work.

Approximately $1,500 a month comes out of my pay to cover health insurance for me, my wife, and my son. It is the top-tier health insurance plan available, but the basic plan would only have been a few hundred dollars cheaper. The policies of my government have not only encouraged me to get my insurance through my employer -- they have made it nearly impossible to get it any other way. The government has also ordered the draconian actions that have shut the economy down and thus the potential loss of my insurance, at a time when we are theoretically heading into a healthcare mega disaster.

If I were an ambitious leftist trying one more time to get socialized health care across the goal line I couldn't plan it any better: intentionally throw tens of millions of Americans out of work and deprive them of their health insurance.

But what about COBRA? (That's the law that allows you to keep your employer-sponsored health insurance when you lose your job.) Duh! You still have to pay for it. With no income. The $1,200 of promised money I am supposed to someday get from the government is not enough to cover 1 month of my premiums. Unemployment insurance? Medicaid? When people’s backs are to the wall and they have no choice and no other way, they will accept socialism.

I fear Donald Trump has taken the bait and he knows this. He is trapped in a car barreling down the highway toward economic disaster and a great depression, and he knows it. He is desperately looking for an off ramp but unfortunately he has turned the accelerator and the wheel over to the "experts.”

The “experts” are people of genuine theoretical scientific knowledge but no real-world experience and no capability of risk assessment beyond the specific risks in their chosen field. They are focused on the virus and only the virus, because it is not their job to worry about anything but the virus. They could, without blinking an eye, recommend a six-month in-home lockdown. You could scream, "But people will starve by the millions!” That is not their concern. If they starve to death in their homes, they did not die of coronavirus and thus the “experts” have done their jobs. It doesn't help that almost all of them are government employees for life guaranteed to receive full pay and benefits until the end of the known universe. They are not capable of grasping the concept that no work equals no pay, no insurance, no food, and finally nowhere to live.

But there’s another bunch of people in that car. Malevolent people within the government, federal and state, who would love nothing more than to slam the car into the wall, destroy the economy, the lives of millions of people, and destroy America’s preeminence in the world, and the Trump presidency, in order to give themselves the ultimate power, the power of life or death over each citizen. They will fight furiously when and if the president tries to take back control of the car.
Wonderfully written especially about virus experts being theoretical and virus only and nothing else. Can’t hid in our houses based on one track, one purpose minds. Absent personal attacks and profanity which will make the libs spittle out in return

Please consider my concept in post #395 ^ ;)
Do these people think letting the economy crash will have no negative impact or cost lives just curious if they consider that. It's rather sad that we have become such an either or society and that we now believe we can't try and accomplish both keeping people safe and saving the economy.

It's not going to crash. The next two stimulus packages will be half a trillion in direct payments to people, and universal health care.

And not one dime for corporations or tax cuts of any kind.

I just hope Trumkinland will be able to cope with the fact non whites will be getting money from the government.

Of course my challenge to all of them about becoming Maga Martyrs, and sacrificing themselves for the cause is still open.
The economy already has crashed.

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