New Poll: Americans Oppose Obamacare’s HHS Mandate 53% To 43%…


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!

In what must come as a shock to the White House, Americans value their religious freedoms.
Via Weekly Standard:
A new poll released Thursday shows that Americans oppose Obamacare’s HHS mandate–the rule requiring “free” coverage of contraception, sterilizations, and the “week-after” pill that may kill human embryos–by a 10-point margin. Polling on this issue has varied widely, depending on how pollsters frame the question. There doesn’t seem to be a trace of bias in the way WPA Research phrased the question in its poll, which was conducted on behalf of the conservative Family Research Council:
Question: As you may know, the President’s healthcare law contains the HHS mandate which requires that all private healthcare plans, including both employer based health plans and individual market health plans, cover preventative care services for women, which includes all FDA approved contraceptives, including drugs that can destroy a human embryo, and sterilization services without a direct cost to the patient. Employers that offer their employees’ healthcare plans that do not includes these drugs and services will be fined up to $100 per day per employee. Do you support or oppose this law?

Total Support 43%
Undecided 4%
Total Oppose 53%
Family Research Council did the polling?

The far right oligargh-funded think tank?

Guess what - there was no poll. They made it up.

Who cares about what a right-wing think tank's poll says?

No matter what Republicans invent about Obamacare, it never ends up being the destructive or Satanic law they say it is.

It's actually working. Our premiums are not going up by 15% a year anymore. In the last 2 years they've gone up 4%.

The law is working and Republicans in their echo chamber will invent whatever they can if they think it can make people suspicious of Obama.

Meanwhile, in real life, the Democratic Governors of Arkansas and Kentucky have stood tall for Obamacare and have record approval ratings while the dipshit Republican moron from Georgia is in trouble because he wouldn't accept the Medicaid expansion and is trying to make getting healthcare coverage as difficult as possible for people.
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Who cares about what a right-wing think tank's poll says?

No matter what Republicans invent about Obamacare, it never ends up being the destructive or Satanic law they say it is.

It's actually working. Our premiums are not going up by 15% a year anymore. In the last 2 years they've gone up 4%.

The law is working and Republicans in their echo chamber will invent whatever they can if they think it can make people suspicious of Obama.

Meanwhile, in real life, the Democratic Governors of Arkansas and Kentucky have stood tall for Obamacare and have record approval ratings while the dipshit Republican moron from Georgia is in trouble because he wouldn't accept the Medicaid expansion and is trying to make getting healthcare coverage as difficult as possible for people.

How interesting..... you work for CBS news.....

Family Research Council did the polling?

The far right oligargh-funded think tank?

Guess what - there was no poll. They made it up.


Hi Grandma: If so, I agree this is a distraction from the real reason for opposition.

As a Constitutionalist, who believes in my rights and freedoms protected equally under law, I find this ACA bill, regulations, mandates and penalty structure to be Unconstitutional on its face.

I do NOT need any other % of Americans before I have the right to defend my beliefs.
I do NOT need the Supreme Court to recognize my beliefs are excluded for this to be true.

I am excluded and discriminated against by this bill that imposed fines and punishment
for not buying private insurance, while exempting others based on mandated terms.

This is govt regulating and discriminating on the basis of religion and creed,
since some groups are exempted but others are not. By the Constitution, govt is NOT supposed to be
in the business of regulating by religion, much less "discriminating by creed" -- but because people backing this law do not count my Constitutional
beliefs as valid, this law is being pushed and enforced anyway.

Last I checked, the Constitutional laws, including the First and Fourteenth Amendment,
did NOT require someone's religious beliefs or creed to have ANY minimum "% of other Americans"
behind it in order to count as protected.

As long as it is my belief, it is already protected by law.

But this ACA violates it.

What I and other Americans like me are fighting is to prove to
other people like you that our beliefs are violated by law, and this bill is unconstitutional in spirit.
It breaches the Constitutional contract, and has made mandatory "other conditions" that we did not agree to change the contract to.

This is like someone getting raped and nobody believes the rape happened.

So we are basically considered "not raped" until proven we were raped.

And like I said, the fact our equal rights and protections were violated
doesn't depend on others to be true.

It does depend on public perception if anything is done about this,
but doesn't mean the violation "didn't happen." It has happened since this bill was
passed off as law, and continues to happen as long as it is pushed and enforced as law,
not recognized as unconstitutional by excluding and discriminating by creed, and not changed to remove the discriminatory mandates to make the programs optional.

And as far as I'm concerned, any citizen like you or me, or especially partisan coalitions of Democrat leaders/members,
who CONTINUE to push this law without recognizing that it violates equal protection, civil rights and liberties of others excluded by our beliefs,
is equally guilty of "conspiring to violate civil rights."

I cannot enforce this bill or teach in any way that it is lawful,
or else I consider that to be involved in "conspiring to violate civil rights."

People like me have CLEARLY protested this bill as Unconstitutional based on our beliefs,
and like a woman crying rape, either the complaint is taken seriously,
or brushed aside by blaming the victim and pretending the violation isn't real,
and the person really isn't being forced unlawfully but is "crying wolf."

Thanks but no thanks.

This issue of Constitutionality is much more important to address than arguing
about poll numbers and stats on the insurance programs
that distracts from the real issue here. Thanks for pointing that out.
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At what cost is it working?

Why not pay for reform by charging wrongdoers for costs to taxpayers of crimes already incurred, and applying THOSE credits and reimbursements (of taxmoney otherwise wasted) to cover loans or costs of health care?

Instead of depriving liberties from lawabiding citizens forced to pay in advance (for a system that STILL does not cover all costs or invest anything in creating more medical service providers) while LOSING freedom to cover health care for more people in more efficient ways?

Why wasn't this reform covered in more cost effective ways that didn't cost citizens our Constitutional freedoms?
Why aren't the criminals wasting tax dollars held responsible for paying those costs, so the resources we already spent are used instead of charging taxpayers more and more?

Note: taking extra cars from all citizens who have more than one, and letting other people use them to get to work would help more people. But at what cost of rights and freedoms?

Do you understand there is a better way to do this WITHOUT violating the Constitution?

What price can you put on human freedom?

Who cares about what a right-wing think tank's poll says?

No matter what Republicans invent about Obamacare, it never ends up being the destructive or Satanic law they say it is.

It's actually working. Our premiums are not going up by 15% a year anymore. In the last 2 years they've gone up 4%.

The law is working and Republicans in their echo chamber will invent whatever they can if they think it can make people suspicious of Obama.

Meanwhile, in real life, the Democratic Governors of Arkansas and Kentucky have stood tall for Obamacare and have record approval ratings while the dipshit Republican moron from Georgia is in trouble because he wouldn't accept the Medicaid expansion and is trying to make getting healthcare coverage as difficult as possible for people.
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