New Poll: Democrats prefer socialism over capitalism

When Obama bailed out the Auto Industry…did Claudette argue, “Don’t like it, don’t drive?”

You damned right I argued.

No way should tax dollars be used to bail out any company.

That money still hasn't been paid back and no one is holding their breath for it to be paid back.

And the plan to have the farmers pay back their $12B and subsidies are where exactly?

Sure they will pay it back by providing food for the country. Food everyone needs.

You sure are a jackass. LOL

And the automakers provided cars…you do know what cars are…right?

Or…since we gave them $12B….we are not going to have to pay for the food?

Oh wait..we will.

Are you insane?

No but you seem to be.
socialism murdered over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) people in the last Century, but that ain't enough for dimocrap scum.

They want more.

Most Democrats Now Have A Positive View Of Socialism: Gallup Poll

Socialists Have Officially Taken Over The Democratic Party

As Gallup's Frank Newport put it, "the drop in Democrats' positive views of capitalism this year has for the first time left Democrats more positive about socialism as a concept than about capitalism."

Not only does this expose Democrats as completely out-of-touch with mainstream America, it shows that the far left has cemented its grip on the party.

The result is even more shocking when considered in the current context, in which socialist paradise Venezuela is collapsing, its people starving, and its government increasingly authoritarian.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
Yeah…they already got socialist welfare (i.e. subsidies) from the blob for that. And now another $12B….

Why do you like socialism so much?

Those subsidies have been in place for decades. Long before Trump was elected.

This 12 billions will be as follows:

Officials said the aid would be delivered in three ways: Direct assistance, for producers of soybeans, cotton, dairy, corn and hogs; a food purchase program under which the government will buy surpluses of beef, legumes and other products; and a trade promotion program.

If you want to call that socialism, be my guest. LOL

Free money from others for doing nothing. If it were inner city folks getting it you’d call it socialism.

Nope. I'd call it freeloading. At least farmer work. Can't say the same for freeloaders.

Whatever floats your leaky blue boat.

Your logic is the only thing that is leaky…

Giving $12B to one group for doing nothing is bad because you think they don’t work
Giving $12B to another group for doing nothing is good because you think they do work

Is the guy who makes minimum wage not “working” and deserves nothing?

Hey. Stop buying food then.

Grow your own..

Ever worked on a farm?? I have and believe me those who work on farms work hard all day, every day. You wouldn't last five minutes doing real work.

Fuck off idiot.
Ignore candyass. Arguing with morons is a waste of time. She is wrong 100% of the time. She may be related to Timmy. They share the same childlike mentality.
he he he

Ironically, I could buy food before they had $12B of our money. Shouldn’t the price go way down after they get it? Wanna bet that it doesn’t?

The utter stupidity of your position that somehow the industry and the type of work they do is excuse enough for them to get socialist freebies is unique to trump supporters it seems.

LMAO You so funny.

Go grow your own food there cornholio. Lets see how long you last. You sure are a dumbass.

So if I don’t favor giving $12B to air conditioning workers, I should turn off my air conditioner? Is that your “logic”?

If you say so. LOL

That is your logic…

Don’t support gifts of $12B to farmers—-you say “grow your own food”

wouldn’t that correlate to

Don’t support gifts of $12B to air-conditioning makers—wouldn’t you say “go make your own”

It highlights the incredible stupidity of trump supporters such as yourself.
They think they are capitalists, when they are really crony capitalists or socialism lite.
What purpose does it serve to qualify capitalist? It is still capitalism.
Still no explanation on why Obama’s gift to GM was bad but Trump’s gift to farmers is good. I’m sure the difference is black and white.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.

Haha...I like that. Lefties with a tad bit of decency left in them and slightly embarrassed by their quest for free shit play it that way.
“I love me some free shit...but I don’t expect my neighbors to buy my cocaine for me. I draw the line right there....DAMNIT, I’ll buy my own cocaine, I’m a grown ass man!”
Funny shit.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.
None of those countries are currently socialist. East Germany was socialist for a while during the cold war.
Agreed. They're social democracies, democratic socialism.

As compared to the actual socialism of Venezuela.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.

Haha...I like that. Lefties with a tad bit of decency left in them and slightly embarrassed by their quest for free shit play it that way.
“I love me some free shit...but I don’t expect my neighbors to buy my cocaine for me. I draw the line right there....DAMNIT, I’ll buy my own cocaine, I’m a grown ass man!”
Funny shit.
I assume this means you're another one who doesn't understand the difference between Canada and Venezuela?
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case. Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously. But I'm sure we all know that.
"democratic socialism" is just a stepping stone like everything else with the left
There is indeed a continuum on which this all exists. So the question is where we want to be on that continuum. That's where the vote comes in.

I'd think you'd need to convince the electorate that Canada and Germany and Australia are on their way to being Venezuela.

It's a continuum, but in which direction do countries inevitably move? On what are politicians elected, promises to reduce government services and spending, promises to leave government services and spending alone, or promises to expand government services and increase spending?
No argument there. My point is that the Right has so over-used the word trying to scare people that it simply no longer scares people. Not unlike what the Left has done with "racism".

What we could use is honest words and definitions instead of wild hyperbole, and we're not getting that right now.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.
None of those countries are currently socialist. East Germany was socialist for a while during the cold war.
Agreed. They're social democracies, democratic socialism.

As compared to the actual socialism of Venezuela.
Venezuela is not a socialist country. Over half of their economy is privately owned. However they are notorious for nationalizing private corporations on a whim.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.
Well you could, you know, move to one of those places rather than trying to fundamentally change our country.
I've never said I'm trying to.

I'm just trying to point out (what I really would have thought was) the obvious.

Talk radio needs to re-train its listeners on fundamental communication skills. Just standing there and screaming SOCIALISM AAAUUUGHHH simply isn't good enough any more.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.
None of those countries are currently socialist. East Germany was socialist for a while during the cold war.
Agreed. They're social democracies, democratic socialism.

As compared to the actual socialism of Venezuela.
Venezuela is not a socialist country. Half of their economy is privately owned.
Then the word means nothing, yet I keep hearing people screaming it.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.
None of those countries are currently socialist. East Germany was socialist for a while during the cold war.
Agreed. They're social democracies, democratic socialism.

As compared to the actual socialism of Venezuela.
Venezuela is not a socialist country. Half of their economy is privately owned.
Then the word means nothing, yet I keep hearing people screaming it.
That doesn't mean you have to listen to the idiots.

Here is a map of socialist countries...


Notice that Canada, the nordic countries and Venezuela are not colored on the map.
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Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.
None of those countries are currently socialist. East Germany was socialist for a while during the cold war.
Agreed. They're social democracies, democratic socialism.

As compared to the actual socialism of Venezuela.
Venezuela is not a socialist country. Half of their economy is privately owned.
Then the word means nothing, yet I keep hearing people screaming it.
That doesn't mean you have to listen to the idiots.
Well, most of the GOP is screaming it, so it's difficult to avoid.

I don't take partisans seriously, but the word (and/or the even better "Marxism") gets crammed into damn near every conversation.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.

Haha...I like that. Lefties with a tad bit of decency left in them and slightly embarrassed by their quest for free shit play it that way.
“I love me some free shit...but I don’t expect my neighbors to buy my cocaine for me. I draw the line right there....DAMNIT, I’ll buy my own cocaine, I’m a grown ass man!”
Funny shit.
I assume this means you're another one who doesn't understand the difference between Canada and Venezuela?

Oh I know the difference....That was my point.
Canadians want government controlled free shit cleverly disguised while Venezuelans want full governmental control...they’re programmed to take whatever scraps .GOV will allow them to take.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.

Haha...I like that. Lefties with a tad bit of decency left in them and slightly embarrassed by their quest for free shit play it that way.
“I love me some free shit...but I don’t expect my neighbors to buy my cocaine for me. I draw the line right there....DAMNIT, I’ll buy my own cocaine, I’m a grown ass man!”
Funny shit.
I assume this means you're another one who doesn't understand the difference between Canada and Venezuela?

Oh I know the difference....That was my point.
Canadians want government controlled free shit cleverly disguised while Venezuelans want full governmental control...they’re programmed to take whatever scraps .GOV will allow them to take.
Well, I do believe that's how you see it.
No problem helping farmers or livestock family's, but some of you are living in the past, there is a guy sitting behind a desk or at best sitting in an air conditioned huge tractor. most of the farm money go's to big corporate farms. policy's of the 80's killed off a large part of our small family owned farms.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.

Haha...I like that. Lefties with a tad bit of decency left in them and slightly embarrassed by their quest for free shit play it that way.
“I love me some free shit...but I don’t expect my neighbors to buy my cocaine for me. I draw the line right there....DAMNIT, I’ll buy my own cocaine, I’m a grown ass man!”
Funny shit.
I assume this means you're another one who doesn't understand the difference between Canada and Venezuela?

Oh I know the difference....That was my point.
Canadians want government controlled free shit cleverly disguised while Venezuelans want full governmental control...they’re programmed to take whatever scraps .GOV will allow them to take.
Well, I do believe that's how you see it.

I’m just simplifying the trivial there a more eloquent way to describe it...hell yes. But I like it raw and REAL.

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