New Polls & Hit Pieces Surface Just As Palin Is To Give Major Speech In India


May 29, 2010
This woman is just a civilian. Conservatives everywhere for the most part understand that most Major news organizations in the United States is nothing more than a propaganda machine for left wing ideology and special interest groups. But more than just knowing who they are, it is also imperative to know how they do their dirty deed less we fall into the trap eyes-wide open.

Since Sarah Palin came out on the national scene in August of 2008, the big media guns in print, web and television have been going on the offensive against Palin, her family and all that she has accomplish with great fervor filled with gossip, lies and propaganda hit-pieces. The greatest weapon used against Palin is the use of FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and DOUBT to cast a pall over supporters and potential supporters of the former Governor if she ever has an desire to pursue higher office.

This is an attempt to influence public perception by disseminating negative and dubious information designed only to undermine the credibility of their beliefs; the belief that Sarah Palin is a strong candidate that can defeat Barrack Obama in the 2012 election.

Case in point...

Enter India Today Conclave 2011 Saturday, March 19 - A prestigious forum for world leaders to discuss the challenges facing the New World. Previous speakers for this conference have included Benazir Bhutto, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell and the Dalai Lama. The Prime Minister of India is schedule to give the opening remarks to the conference. The former vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party and Governor of Alaska from 2006-09 will exclusively attend the 10th India Today Conclave on Saturday, March 19th and give the key note speech title: "My Vision of America".

Enter the media -

On Sunday March 13: The New York Magazine publish a 'UNSOURCED' gossip article that Palin and Fox News chairman Roger Aile were at odds against each other and that Palin was brazen and contemptuous in her actions to Ailes over advice given to her about the Tucson shooting - something that happened almost two months ago that suddenly reappeared this week for some strange reason.

On Monday March 14: The Politico ran a story Titled: "Palin becoming Al Sharpton?" In the hit-piece they attempt to make Palin politics to be about "grievances and group identity" according to her critics, which is a betrayal of conservative principle and tie her to the likes of Democrat Al Sharpton who is considered a joke, race-baiter and hustler among conservatives.

On Tuesday March 15: Mitt Romney received an another piece of hardware for his Republican-In-Name-Only mantle, the most coveted seal of approval from Meagan McCain.

On Wednesday March 16: Low and behold, a brand new smacking poll from ABC/Washington Post showing that fewer GOP-leaning independents see Palin in a favorable light - they pointed out that these poll numbers show "a potentially troubling sign for the former Alaska governor as she weighs..." whether to run or not in the 2012 election. Of course many media sources picked up on the new poll and compared Sarah to the likes of Nancy Pelosi low poll numbers and other liberals that conservatives don't care much for.

(By the way do you actually think that if Palin indeed does run that ABC/Washington Post will ever have a favorable poll numbers for Palin?)

Well, we have two more days to consider what other hit-piece, gossip or polling data telling us who Sarah Palin is or is not, however way you may see it. Some conservatives and independents will indeed lap it up by getting discouraged and buy it no matter how well Palin may do in India which is on the weekend so if Sarah Palin does well you won't hear much from it but if she was to make a tiny gaffe or something out of the ordinary happened, of course it will be blared across the World.

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