New President, Same Strategy: Another US Invasion? [VIDEO]...

When I pulled the lever for him I did basically on two hopes that I had. 1) He wasn't Hillary , and 2) He was truly an outsider. #2 remains an unknown, we will know if he continues down the path of War.
What good is an outsider who doesn't know a thing about Washington or politics. He shows every day his total ignorance

There are things you'll learn as you get older, one of them is that Washington D.C. is intrinsically dishonest and criminal. It is this way for MANY reasons. The very definition of insanity is to continue doing the very same all the while expecting a different outcome. The system is corrupt from within, the only way to change is new and different blood.

When are we planning to do that exactly?

If one were to go look at the document one would see that it's dated from 2015. It's already been done, what that document tells you is that we knew going in that ISIS was a part of the "rebels". We knew.

Yup, John McInsane even posed for cheerful photos with Islamist killers (Moderate Rebels). They're out there for anyone who's interested in seeing them.
When I pulled the lever for him I did basically on two hopes that I had. 1) He wasn't Hillary , and 2) He was truly an outsider. #2 remains an unknown, we will know if he continues down the path of War.
What good is an outsider who doesn't know a thing about Washington or politics. He shows every day his total ignorance

There are things you'll learn as you get older, one of them is that Washington D.C. is intrinsically dishonest and criminal. It is this way for MANY reasons. The very definition of insanity is to continue doing the very same all the while expecting a different outcome. The system is corrupt from within, the only way to change is new and different blood.

When are we planning to do that exactly?

If one were to go look at the document one would see that it's dated from 2015. It's already been done, what that document tells you is that we knew going in that ISIS was a part of the "rebels". We knew.

Oh I get that, yeah we did.

"When are we planning to do that exactly?"

was in reference to ...

" ... , the only way to change is new and different blood."

It's called being hopeful that we can reverse the damage already done and ongoing. Do I think we can? No I do not. But I need to remain hopeful.
What good is an outsider who doesn't know a thing about Washington or politics. He shows every day his total ignorance

There are things you'll learn as you get older, one of them is that Washington D.C. is intrinsically dishonest and criminal. It is this way for MANY reasons. The very definition of insanity is to continue doing the very same all the while expecting a different outcome. The system is corrupt from within, the only way to change is new and different blood.

When are we planning to do that exactly?

If one were to go look at the document one would see that it's dated from 2015. It's already been done, what that document tells you is that we knew going in that ISIS was a part of the "rebels". We knew.

Oh I get that, yeah we did.

"When are we planning to do that exactly?"

was in reference to ...

" ... , the only way to change is new and different blood."

It's called being hopeful that we can reverse the damage already done and ongoing. Do I think we can? No I do not. But I need to remain hopeful.

Yeah, I don't either, so it's time to stop cooperating and participating. Fuck hope.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're describing it as being a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're saying it's gonna be a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
Endless war is the current american paradigm, settle in as we go deeper and deeper in debt while we act like we really mind that.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're saying it's gonna be a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
Endless war is the current american paradigm, settle in as we go deeper and deeper in debt while we act like we really mind that.

Yeah, the 'long-fought battle' comment really is disturbing. I mean, we've already been there a long time. How much longer is the war gonna go on? Crazy stuff.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're saying it's gonna be a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
Endless war is the current american paradigm, settle in as we go deeper and deeper in debt while we act like we really mind that.

Yeah, the 'long-fought battle' comment really is disturbing. I mean, we've already been there a long time. How much longer is the war gonna go on? Crazy stuff.

We have annexed the region, it's ours. Then we bitch about them coming here? Phuggin' phenomenal.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're saying it's gonna be a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
Endless war is the current american paradigm, settle in as we go deeper and deeper in debt while we act like we really mind that.

Yeah, the 'long-fought battle' comment really is disturbing. I mean, we've already been there a long time. How much longer is the war gonna go on? Crazy stuff.

We have annexed the region, it's ours. Then we bitch about them coming here? Phuggin' phenomenal.

True. It's all about Empire-building now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned us about. I mean, really? Even a 'victory' in Mosul means nothing. The Generals are telling us the war in Iraq is gonna go on & on regardless.

It really does remind you of '1984.' The wars are meant to never end. Americans should remember that when they're told to celebrate a 'victory' in Mosul, or anywhere else for that matter.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're saying it's gonna be a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
Endless war is the current american paradigm, settle in as we go deeper and deeper in debt while we act like we really mind that.

Yeah, the 'long-fought battle' comment really is disturbing. I mean, we've already been there a long time. How much longer is the war gonna go on? Crazy stuff.

We have annexed the region, it's ours. Then we bitch about them coming here? Phuggin' phenomenal.

True. It's all about Empire-building now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned us about. I mean, really? Even a 'victory' in Mosul means nothing. The Generals are telling us the war in Iraq is gonna go on & on regardless.

It really does remind you of '1984.' The wars are meant to never end. Americans should remember that when they're told to celebrate a 'victory' in Mosul, or anywhere else for that matter.
There is no war on terror being waged. It's a sham. A pretext for controlling the American people and conducting a coercive foreign policy. Trump offers no hope in changing the status quo. The sooner people realize it the better.
I just read where US Generals in Iraq are saying that even a 'victory' in Mosul won't end the war. They're saying it's gonna be a 'long-fought battle.'

How much longer? How many more years are we gonna be fighting these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are they meant to go on forever? It sure looks like it. What a sad mess.
Endless war is the current american paradigm, settle in as we go deeper and deeper in debt while we act like we really mind that.

Yeah, the 'long-fought battle' comment really is disturbing. I mean, we've already been there a long time. How much longer is the war gonna go on? Crazy stuff.

We have annexed the region, it's ours. Then we bitch about them coming here? Phuggin' phenomenal.

True. It's all about Empire-building now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned us about. I mean, really? Even a 'victory' in Mosul means nothing. The Generals are telling us the war in Iraq is gonna go on & on regardless.

It really does remind you of '1984.' The wars are meant to never end. Americans should remember that when they're told to celebrate a 'victory' in Mosul, or anywhere else for that matter.
There is no war on terror being waged. It's a sham. A pretext for controlling the American people and conducting a coercive foreign policy. Trump offers no hope in changing the status quo. The sooner people realize it the better.

Yeah, it really is looking like '1984.' I was really taken aback when the US General in Iraq said a 'victory' in Mosul isn't gonna change much. He basically said the war in Iraq is gonna go on for many more years regardless. Endless War keeps the Sheeple in fear. They dangle that 'Final Victory', but it never happens. The wars just continue on & on.
It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

Yep, Trump is a fuckin joke. Well deserved of ridicule. He makes Bush look good.
It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

Then what are we there for? Why did we invade and slaughter Thousands? Trump has called the Iraq War a very sad blunder. And i agree with him 100%.
Looks like the Permanent War will roll on. And that's very sad. I hate to see Trump go that route.

As we approach the president’s deadline it looks like the military is going to present Trump with a plan to do a whole lot more of what we’ve been doing and somehow expect different results. Proving the old saying that when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail, we are hearing increasing reports that the military will recommend sending thousands of US troops into Syria and Iraq.

More Troops: Why Trump's ISIS Strategy Will Fail

Good thing these are not real times of war, or we would need, real times of war tax rates.
It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

Then what are we there for? Why did we invade and slaughter Thousands? Trump has called the Iraq War a very sad blunder. And i agree with him 100%.

To reshape the ME. Iraq was the first phase. Syria the second. Iran will be next.
It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

Then what are we there for? Why did we invade and slaughter Thousands? Trump has called the Iraq War a very sad blunder. And i agree with him 100%.

To reshape the ME. Iraq was the first phase. Syria the second. Iran will be next.

Yup, Empire-building. Of course we're there to steal their oil. Why else would we be there? Most Americans really are so uninformed and naive.
It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

Then what are we there for? Why did we invade and slaughter Thousands? Trump has called the Iraq War a very sad blunder. And i agree with him 100%.

To reshape the ME. Iraq was the first phase. Syria the second. Iran will be next.

Yup, Empire-building. Of course we're there to steal their oil. Why else would we be there? Most Americans really are so uninformed and naive.

And you are okay with that? Are you defending Trump?
It's pretty funny Mattis has to convince Iraq that the US will not take its oil:

Benito Cheeto has said he would many times:

Then what are we there for? Why did we invade and slaughter Thousands? Trump has called the Iraq War a very sad blunder. And i agree with him 100%.

To reshape the ME. Iraq was the first phase. Syria the second. Iran will be next.

Yup, Empire-building. Of course we're there to steal their oil. Why else would we be there? Most Americans really are so uninformed and naive.

And you are okay with that? Are you defending Trump?

I agree somewhat with Trump in regards to the oil issue. Personally, i don't support these wars in the Middle East. I'd like to see a disengagement policy implemented. But Trump was Spot On about the Iraq War being a miserable blunder.

The American People were promised by the Warmongers, that the oil would be the huge 'pay-off.' And of course that hasn't been the case. American Taxpayers have paid through the nose in Iraq. Where's the big 'pay-off?'
Looks like the Permanent War will roll on. And that's very sad. I hate to see Trump go that route.

As we approach the president’s deadline it looks like the military is going to present Trump with a plan to do a whole lot more of what we’ve been doing and somehow expect different results. Proving the old saying that when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail, we are hearing increasing reports that the military will recommend sending thousands of US troops into Syria and Iraq.

More Troops: Why Trump's ISIS Strategy Will Fail


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