New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden

The forts were all forfeited by the then United States. The South accepted their surrender as they did at Ft. Sumter.

Yes, other forts were readily surrendered without a fight. Fort Sumter was the first fight. And if you recall, I already gave you the definition for...

at war

engaged in a war : fighting
Where was this? I am not nearly as crazy as you are.
Of course they fought. Just how crazy are you??

You are batshit crazy. Of course they fought. You just blew up your own position by exposing just how ignorant you are of the events you're trying to rewrite.

April 12. At 4:30 a.m., a flaming mortar shot arcs into the air and explodes over Fort Sumter. On this signal, Confederate guns from fortifications and floating batteries around Charleston Harbor roar to life. Outmanned, outgunned, undersupplied, and nearly surrounded by enemy batteries, Anderson waits until around 7:00 a.m. to respond. Captain Abner Doubleday volunteers to fire the first cannon at the Confederates, a 32-pound shot that bounces off the roof of the Iron Battery on Cummings Point.

For nearly 36 hours the two sides keep up this unequal contest. A shell strikes the flagpole of Fort Sumter, and the American colors fall to the earth, only to be hoisted back up the hastily repaired pole. Confederates fire hotshot from Fort Moultrie into Fort Sumter. Buildings begin to burn within the fort. With no more resources, Anderson surrenders Fort Sumter to Confederate forces.
OK, then when John Brown captured a building at Harpers Ferry, did he start a war?


The south hadn't even seceded yet. That wasn't the Confederate States of America attacking the United States of America. Your desperation is observed and laughed at.

He had inherited the disastrous, foremost Vietnam-war, resulting issues.
So you're saying it was the other guy's or last guy's fault..... Where have I heard that before?
He didn't take them hostage - maybe one should rather blame the CIA for "negligence"?

He's the President. You know the guy who's supposed to be in charge.

The USA was involved in "overthrowing the Shah" ? sorry I mistakenly thought it was an Iranian guy named Khomeini

LOL yeah because the US never fucks around and gets leaders of other countries deposed and replaced. Oh wait.

And yet he paved the way for Americans to stop wasting energy, (energy awareness) aka walk to that 100 feet distant letterbox - and not use your car, stop starting your car and making a U-turn to get to the opposite shop, and also introduced/enforced e.g. fuel efficient cars
I guess that is why he is disliked - right?

No he's disliked for the reasons I listed.
OK, then when John Brown captured a building at Harpers Ferry, did he start a war?
That was an act by a group of individuals.

When the CONFEDERACY attacked those military installations THAT was not an act by a group of individuals . It was an act of war by a rebellious group of STATES. And that means war

You stupid old fuck
Sure it does. Wilson was objectively awful. He was terrible, far worse than anyone you can name.

Wilson was a blatant racist and blocked Women from voting
He also led us during WWI and pushed the formation of the League of Nations

Some Good, Some Bad……That is what Historians consider
The experts got this wrong, Biden received more black votes than Obama! 81M+. The greatest administration ever!

A bit harsh for Trump no? Last place. No wars, good economy, protected the border, last place?

A new ranking of presidents by a group of self-styled experts determined that Abraham Lincoln is America's greatest president, while Donald Trump ranks last.

Lincoln topped the list of presidents in the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project expert survey for the third time, following his top spot in the rankings in the 2015 and 2018 versions of the survey.

According to a release from the Presidential Greatness Project, the 154 respondents to the survey included "current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who have recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses."


The respondents were asked to rank presidents on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being a failure, 50 being average, and 100 being great. Rounding out the top five in the rankings were Franklin Delano Roosevelt at number two, George Washington at three, Theodore Roosevelt at four, and Thomas Jefferson at five.

Trump was ranked in last place in the survey, being ranked worse than James Buchanan at 44, Andrew Johnson at 43, Franklin Peirce at 42, and William Henry Harrison at 41.

Respondents were also tracked by their political affiliation and ideology, which the release argues did not "tend to make a major difference overall" in the rankings, though there were some outliers, mainly with recent presidents.
/----/ Meanwhile, here is their guy.
Top 5
Lincoln, FDR, Washington, Jefferson, Teddy

I would put Reagan and Obama in the top 10
Biden around 25
Bush 43 around 35

And Trump easily the worst modern President and maybe third from the worst ever behind Andrew Johnson and Buchanan
/----/ That's because you want to live in a Euro style nanny state.
Actually academics who have spent their lives studying the Presidents and don’t confer with Fox News for their rankings

And medical doctors spent their entire lives studying medicine and yet most of them initially fell for the vaccine hoax. There are many now that are no longer on that train, but they must be careful. Medicine and hard science can obviously be compromised for politics. Opinions about historical events are 95% political in nature.
Lincoln was on top... btw he is a Republican. The Republican experts voting in the survey ranked Trump 42nd.
Who were the idiot 154 "respondents"? A bunch of welfare ghetto Negros? All from the Communist states? Morons respondintg to a disphit Leftest internet poll? Never Trumpeters? Bat shit crazy Marxist college professors? Their confused students?

Whoever they were they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground to put the Best President of modern times at the bottom of the list. A President that had more successes in his first three years than almost any other President in history. A President that did a fantastic job managing a Pandemic caused by Biden's Chinese buddies bio weapon. You know who the Chinese are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich and hated Trump. Now their man is in the White House.

Those "154 Respondents" smells of typical Libtard bullshit. Libtards of both parties love Lincoln because he killed Southerners and (in their ignorant knowledge of History) "freed the slaves".

Bullshit list. Only idiots take any stock in it.
And medical doctors spent their entire lives studying medicine and yet most of them initially fell for the vaccine hoax. There are many now that are no longer on that train, but they must be careful. Medicine and hard science can obviously be compromised for politics. Opinions about historical events are 95% political in nature.
Yea it is just like that

Conservatives embracing conspiracies over actual facts
Who were the idiot 154 "respondents"? A bunch of welfare ghetto Negros? All from the Communist states? Morons respondintg to a disphit Leftest internet poll? Never Trumpeters? Bat shit crazy Marxist college professors? Their confused students?

Whoever they were they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground to put the Best President of modern times at the bottom of the list. A President that had more successes in his first three years than almost any other President in history. A President that did a fantastic job managing a Pandemic caused by Biden's Chinese buddies bio weapon. You know who the Chinese are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich and hated Trump. Now their man is in the White House.

Those "154 Respondents" smells of typical Libtard bullshit. Libtards of both parties love Lincoln because he killed Southerners and (in their ignorant knowledge of History) "freed the slaves".

Bullshit list. Only idiots take any stock in it.
/----/ Hey, Flash, those "154 Respondents" that smell of typical Libtard bullshit is all the democRATs have to campaign on.
Who were the idiot 154 "respondents"? A bunch of welfare ghetto Negros? All from the Communist states? Morons respondintg to a disphit Leftest internet poll? Never Trumpeters? Bat shit crazy Marxist college professors? Their confused students?

Whoever they were they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground to put the Best President of modern times at the bottom of the list. A President that had more successes in his first three years than almost any other President in history. A President that did a fantastic job managing a Pandemic caused by Biden's Chinese buddies bio weapon. You know who the Chinese are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich and hated Trump. Now their man is in the White House.

Those "154 Respondents" smells of typical Libtard bullshit. Libtards of both parties love Lincoln because he killed Southerners and (in their ignorant knowledge of History) "freed the slaves".

Bullshit list. Only idiots take any stock in it.
Those taking the survey included both. Conservatives and Republicans

Both who identified Trump as the worst President in 150 years
Yea it is just like that

Conservatives embracing conspiracies over actual facts

You mean like boys can be girls? Facts like that?

Many doctors are very suspect over the vaccines because of the FACTS that have come out over time. Many are quiet about their skepticism due to politics. I don't expect a fully indoctrinated person like yourself to understand.
You mean like boys can be girls? Facts like that?

Many doctors are very suspect over the vaccines because of the FACTS that have come out over time. Many are quiet about their skepticism due to politics. I don't expect a fully indoctrinated person like yourself to understand.
Kind of like that

It has been known for thousands of years that a persons sexuality does not always align with their biological sex

Doctors OVERWHELMINGLY support the value of vaccines
/----/ Hey, Flash, those "154 Respondents" that smell of typical Libtard bullshit is all the democRATs have to campaign on.
Especially when their Boy's approval rating is in the in the gutter. Democrat dirty tricks. Create a stupid survey so that the idiot Moon Bats will talk about it on the Internet.

Of course I also wouldn't put it pass her if the 154 respondents were Nikki Haley's campaign workers.

The ranking that I made in an earlier post of modern President is far more accurate.
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Former President Donald Trump is outperforming President Joe Biden on a series of key issues, a recent ABC/IPSOS survey found.

The survey asked respondents who they trust more — Trump or Biden — to handle a series of key issues in the country, including crime, immigration, the economy, guns, and more.

Overall, it appears Americans have more confidence in Trump than Biden to handle some of the most pressing issues of the day. For instance, 43 percent trust Trump to handle the economy, while 31 percent said the same of Biden — a +12 advantage for Trump.

Forty-one percent said they trust Trump to better handle the issue of crime in the country, compared to 28 percent who said the same of Biden. Trump also has a ten point advantage on handling inflation, an 18-point advantage on immigration, a one point advantage on gun violence, an eight-point advantage on Israel and Hamas, and a three-point advantage on Ukraine and Russia.
Former President Donald Trump is outperforming President Joe Biden on a series of key issues, a recent ABC/IPSOS survey found.

The survey asked respondents who they trust more — Trump or Biden — to handle a series of key issues in the country, including crime, immigration, the economy, guns, and more.

Overall, it appears Americans have more confidence in Trump than Biden to handle some of the most pressing issues of the day. For instance, 43 percent trust Trump to handle the economy, while 31 percent said the same of Biden — a +12 advantage for Trump.

Forty-one percent said they trust Trump to better handle the issue of crime in the country, compared to 28 percent who said the same of Biden. Trump also has a ten point advantage on handling inflation, an 18-point advantage on immigration, a one point advantage on gun violence, an eight-point advantage on Israel and Hamas, and a three-point advantage on Ukraine and Russia.
/——-/ But but but in a poll 154 said he was the worst president in the entire solar system.
/——-/ But but but in a poll 154 said he was the worst president in the entire solar system.
The same poll that put Lincoln as best? LOL! The sonofabitch with the lack of leadership that caused a civil war that killed over a million Americans? A poll that had FDR as second? LOL! The dufus who extended the Great Depression for seven years longer than it should have been because of government interference in the economy?

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