New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden

Man, the leftist media must sure be pushing that Obama economy thing really hard. Sorry to disillusion all you liberal SUCKERS, who believed the BULLSHIT line, that Trump inherited a good economy from Obama.

HE DID NOT! Exactly the OPPOSITE is true. Obama's economy was badly SINKING, with 2 consecutive RECESSIONS in 2015, and more sinking GDPs in 2016.

Trump RESCUED us from the Obama mess, with continual RISING GDPs in 2017 and 2018. Try looking at the FACTS, before you post. And stop watching leftwing, lying media. I seem to have to correct this liberal media propaganda lie, just about every day, here.

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Hey moron what peril was the economy in right before Trump took over?
Why was Carter "supposedly" a shitty president? Because he didn't get into a war with Iran?
The economy

The hostages in Iran

The US involvement in the overthrowing of the Shah in Iran which lead to the hostages being taken.

A large part of how a President is viewed is timing.
I see, Trump lost weight and got a new hairstyle
BTW - Trumps "silent majority" supporters - MAGA's love them !!!

The experts got this wrong, Biden received more black votes than Obama! 81M+. The greatest administration ever!

A bit harsh for Trump no? Last place. No wars, good economy, protected the border, last place?

A new ranking of presidents by a group of self-styled experts determined that Abraham Lincoln is America's greatest president, while Donald Trump ranks last.

Lincoln topped the list of presidents in the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project expert survey for the third time, following his top spot in the rankings in the 2015 and 2018 versions of the survey.

According to a release from the Presidential Greatness Project, the 154 respondents to the survey included "current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who have recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses."


The respondents were asked to rank presidents on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being a failure, 50 being average, and 100 being great. Rounding out the top five in the rankings were Franklin Delano Roosevelt at number two, George Washington at three, Theodore Roosevelt at four, and Thomas Jefferson at five.

Trump was ranked in last place in the survey, being ranked worse than James Buchanan at 44, Andrew Johnson at 43, Franklin Peirce at 42, and William Henry Harrison at 41.

Respondents were also tracked by their political affiliation and ideology, which the release argues did not "tend to make a major difference overall" in the rankings, though there were some outliers, mainly with recent presidents.
So the 'deep state' fed you enough propaganda?
The experts got this wrong, Biden received more black votes than Obama! 81M+. The greatest administration ever!

A bit harsh for Trump no? Last place. No wars, good economy, protected the border, last place?

A new ranking of presidents by a group of self-styled experts determined that Abraham Lincoln is America's greatest president, while Donald Trump ranks last.

Lincoln topped the list of presidents in the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project expert survey for the third time, following his top spot in the rankings in the 2015 and 2018 versions of the survey.

According to a release from the Presidential Greatness Project, the 154 respondents to the survey included "current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who have recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses."


The respondents were asked to rank presidents on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being a failure, 50 being average, and 100 being great. Rounding out the top five in the rankings were Franklin Delano Roosevelt at number two, George Washington at three, Theodore Roosevelt at four, and Thomas Jefferson at five.

Trump was ranked in last place in the survey, being ranked worse than James Buchanan at 44, Andrew Johnson at 43, Franklin Peirce at 42, and William Henry Harrison at 41.

Respondents were also tracked by their political affiliation and ideology, which the release argues did not "tend to make a major difference overall" in the rankings, though there were some outliers, mainly with recent presidents.
This can’t make the Cult feel very good
The economy
He had inherited the disastrous, foremost Vietnam-war, resulting issues.
The hostages in Iran
He didn't take them hostage - maybe one should rather blame the CIA for "negligence"?
The US involvement in the overthrowing of the Shah in Iran which lead to the hostages being taken.
The USA was involved in "overthrowing the Shah" ? sorry I mistakenly thought it was an Iranian guy named Khomeini
A large part of how a President is viewed is timing.
And yet he paved the way for Americans to stop wasting energy, (energy awareness) aka walk to that 100 feet distant letterbox - and not use your car, stop starting your car and making a U-turn to get to the opposite shop, and also introduced/enforced e.g. fuel efficient cars
I guess that is why he is disliked - right?
Why is a person, born and classified wrongly as a man, - therefore a gender-change (maybe even via a surgery) a problem for you?

Does "she" parade and dance in frivolous and exhibitionist styled drag-queen outfit, on an LGBT party wagon?

The truth shall set you free.

Why do you avoid just saying/telling the truth?
The fuck it wasn’t. History is not your thing apparently
You love to blame Republicans. I know very well you love it. I am blaming Republicans for starting the invasion that was the start of war. A fucking fort is not a nation. It is a structure. And in the structure were men. None harmed by the South.

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