New Pruitt question: Where are his emails?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Jesus H - The hits just keep on comin' from the slimiest swamp creature of all.

An examination of Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt’s government email accounts has uncovered only one message he wrote to anyone outside EPA during his first 10 months in office — a number that has watchdogs questioning whether he is communicating in private.

EPA says Pruitt mainly holds discussions in person or over the phone, which would explain the meager electronic trail for his external communications. But Pruitt’s critics remain suspicious — especially in light of all the steps the agency has taken to conceal his activities, from refusing to release his meeting calendars to installing a $43,000 soundproof booth in his office.

Oversight groups said it seems implausible that someone as active as Pruitt, who meets frequently with political and industry allies, would have sent only a single email to someone outside EPA. Agency records also include evidence that Pruitt has used text messages at least once to set up a meeting with an Oklahoma lawyer.​

New Pruitt question: Where are his emails?

$3,000 on"Tactical clothing"? and 24 grand all told --- Are you fucking kidding me? Shitcan this bastard NOW!

They’re basically glorified cargo pants, and they’re beloved by preppers and gun owners alike.

According to expense reports obtained by the Intercept, Pruitt has spent more than $4.6 million in public funds during his tenure, including $24,115 on body armor, protective vests, and “tactical polos and pants.”​

Scott Pruitt isn’t the only one spending thousands on "tactical pants"
Way to go Pruitt keep slashing regulations....keep up the good work must be doing a great job to warrant so many fake news attacks.....

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