"New resolution could remove Jerry Nadler as judiciary committee chair"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

Apparently Pelosi is trying to regain control over the House Democrats. They're really making it appear as if she's not in charge any more.
The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

How did I know that sooner or later, some idiot would say that? You people are soooo predictable.


The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

How did I know that sooner or later, some idiot would say that? You people are soooo predictable.



Trump lied again. He promised to release the transcript, but instead released what the White house claims would be on a real transcript.
The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
Oh, just LOVE watching you BUTT HURT ABNORMALS with your OUTRAGE and defiance.....and I might add a talking point from 3 days ago that the transcript would be a lie....in the mean time Jojo ACTUALLY SAID ON TAPE EXACTLY WHAT YOU THINK TRUMP DID.....You do know most independents and fair minded people are laughing their balls off over your TDS and as the "PHONY POLLS" keep showing Trump on the rise, you fools will now triple down on absurdity...... You are our entertainment, been saying it for years!

It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The Congress voted against any impeachment procedures against the President recently. Jerry Nadler unilaterally and illegally declared impeachment inquiry proceedings based on an UNNAMED AND UNKNOWN ALLEGED WHISTLEBLOWER, and he got Nancy Pelosi to agree to it. So here you have two people engaged in illegal actions that violate their own congress, who voted no more impeachment shit. I hope Jerry Nadler is removed, and if Pelosi doesn't straighten out and respect the Congressionsal majority vote not to impeach any more, but get some legislating going, I think they should remove her from her cushy job, too. When they disobeyed the express and recent vote of Congress to halt the impeachment push, they used their chairmanship and House Speaker's job to betray their own fellow congressmen, not to mention, they betrayed the American people who voted these people in as well.

Their home districts can deal with them later, if they want to (or not), but as it stands both Pelosi and Nadler have taken impeachment too far, and they are not telling who presented them with this obfuscated claim.

Who are these rotten apples to go against their own congress' express wish to put impeachment shit behind them?

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
It's verbatim. madam, backed up by tapes. Keep it up, and they'll be putting you into the outback.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The Congress voted against any impeachment procedures against the President recently. Jerry Nadler unilaterally and illegally declared impeachment inquiry proceedings based on an UNNAMED AND UNKNOWN ALLEGED WHISTLEBLOWER, and he got Nancy Pelosi to agree to it. So here you have two people engaged in illegal actions that violate their own congress, who voted no more impeachment shit. I hope Jerry Nadler is removed, and if Pelosi doesn't straighten out and respect the Congressionsal majority vote not to impeach any more, but get some legislating going, I think they should remove her from her cushy job, too. When they disobeyed the express and recent vote of Congress to halt the impeachment push, they used their chairmanship and House Speaker's job to betray their own fellow congressmen, not to mention, they betrayed the American people who voted these people in as well.

Their home districts can deal with them later, if they want to (or not), but as it stands both Pelosi and Nadler have taken impeachment too far, and they are not telling who presented them with this obfuscated claim.

Who are these rotten apples to go against their own congress' express wish to put impeachment shit behind them?

You should write a letter to the editor. I'm sure that will straiten it all out.
The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
It's verbatim. madam, backed up by tapes. Keep it up, and they'll be putting you into the outback.

No it's not. If you read it, you would see it plainly states that is not an accurate word for word transcript.
Little Green men wrote

The biggest liar on the board doesn’t believe the transcript released by The DNI and

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
IOW, the transcript doesn't say what you hoped it would say, so you'll just insist it isn't accurate. It's at least as accurate as the complainer who didn't even hear it.

This is all you get.
Little Green men wrote

The biggest liar on the board doesn’t believe the transcript released by The DNI and

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

Read the full summary of President Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

Today, the Justice Department said after reviewing the transcripts of the Ukranian leader and President Trump that no crime whatever was committed and would not support an impeachment.
Read The Mueller Report!

It says you are a loser!

The call passed the muster of DNI, NSA, CIA and DOJ.

It was only after the Russian Mole-Spy couldn’t get any traction that he ran to the press with heresay.

Now go lie to some children about sexual identity.

Joe Biden is done & you assholes shot your own candidate in the foot!

Little Green men wrote

The biggest liar on the board doesn’t believe the transcript released by The DNI and

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.
It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.
Little Green men wrote

The biggest liar on the board doesn’t believe the transcript released by The DNI and

The transcript came out today, but it is not a transcript. Instead, it is what the White house claims they remember about the conversation. This White house is well known for lying about virtually everything. There is no reason to believe the papers they call a transcript have anything to do with what was actually said.

Read the full summary of President Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky
View attachment 281384

How stupid does a person have to be to try to debate a subject without even reading the transcript?

You're dealing with willful ignorance in that they haven't read that document. They probably haven't read any of the documents that have been released.

The result is that they make total fools of themselves to all of cyberspace.
You lied to America about Russian Collusion and that did give you a small edge in 2018.

Hate to tell you but today you handed Trump a Super Majority for 2020.

It is a long shot, but Piglosi, after the debacles with Trump and Ukraine just might do it as Old Nads is getting to be more of a liability then an asset....he certainly isn't the most pleasant to look at and his tendency to be an outright idiot when on TV can't possibly help with the voting public!

The delusions of you far right radical extremists knows no bounds.

The republicans have absolutely no power in the House. Us voters took that away from them last year.

That so called resolution won't even make it to a committee for debate or vote much less the floor of the House to be voted on.

Keep grasping in those delusions you have. It's all you have left.

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