New RNC ad slams democrats for unleashing pattern of violence across the United States

I had forgotten about the old RNC. When the left is so loony they even push the RNC to act like men you know they have gone too far.
Trump attacks

Megan Kelly
Legal Mexicans
Harley Davidson
NFL kneel-ers
The First Amendment
The Press Core
The Courts
Canadian Prime Minister
Teresa May
German PM

etc etc etc

but you think it's the Democrats starting this and creating this atmosphere of hatred?
So, if Trump voices his opinion, then it's okay for his political opponents, even elected officials, to call upon their supporters to use violence against his supporters and cabinet members?

MEANWHILE THESE LEFTIST DOUCHES CALL THE COPS ON A GUY WHO WORE AN OBAMA MASK AT A RODEAL.. gawd these fkrs are so beyond hypocritical fkn gawd dam idiots.

All the guy did was wear a mask and look at these big baby snowflakes lmfao

Trump attacks

Megan Kelly
Legal Mexicans
Harley Davidson
NFL kneel-ers
The First Amendment
The Press Core
The Courts
Canadian Prime Minister
Teresa May
German PM

etc etc etc

but you think it's the Democrats starting this and creating this atmosphere of hatred?
Democrats attack:

  • White males
  • Conservative women
  • Conservative blacks
  • Conservative Hispanics
  • Conservative's children
  • ICE
  • COPS
  • Gun owners
  • Christians
  • The NRA
  • Haliburton
  • The NFL
  • The Flag
  • The National Anthem
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Catholic Priests
  • The Pope
  • Hispanics named Zimmerman
  • Bush
  • Palin
  • Trump
  • Trump jr
  • Barron Trump
  • Melania Trump
  • Newt
  • SUV's
  • Building a wall
  • Conservative gheys
  • Ivanka Trump
  • NON-authentic Black SCOTUS Justices
  • The military
  • Veterans
  • Republicans
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Mitt Romney
  • George Washington
  • Roseanne Barr
  • Glenn Beck
  • Sean Hannity
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Trump’s Cabinet
  • Mitch McConnell
  • John Boehner
  • Milo Yiannopolous
  • Ann Coulter
  • Condi Rice
  • James Woods
  • Jon Voight
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Ted Nugent
Come to think of it, is there anyone who speaks their mind that Democrats haven't attacked???

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