New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid

The star of a new Mitt Romney ad is under fire after report surfaces he received more than a million dollars in government grants and aid.

[ame=""]New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]



The Last Word
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Déjà vu!

When the government intrudes further and further into our lives, avoiding the use of its services becomes damn near impossible. But only an idiot would consider that as the government "helping".

The government has taken over student loans. So, in the future, I suppose fools like you will claim that everyone who went to college could not have done so without Big Brother's help.

I see how that works!
Déjà vu!

When the government intrudes further and further into our lives, avoiding the use of its services becomes damn near impossible. But only an idiot would consider that as the government "helping".

The government has taken over student loans. So, in the future, I suppose fools like you will claim that everyone who went to college could not have done so without Big Brother's help.

I see how that works!
So you are claiming that this company had Federal dollars FORCED upon it? :lol:
New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid

The star of a new Mitt Romney ad is under fire after report surfaces he received more than a million dollars in government grants and aid.

New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid - YouTube

The Last Word

And all this news came from the UNION LEADER---:badgrin: Yeah right:eusa_angel:

We do know that Obama used economic stimulus dollars that was promised to create jobs here--that ended up creating jobs in China and Finland.

Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News
Obama Administration Gave Half-Billion-Dollar Loan to Al Gore-Connected Electric Car Company Fisker to Build in Finland |

We also know that Obama LIED about Romney's 20 year record at Bain Capital. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach
And about Romney's stance on abortion : Twisting Romney’s Abortion Stance

And now we're suppose to BELIEVE something coming out of the Obama campaign?--and from THE UNION LEADER? Don't hold your breath on that one--:badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
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Déjà vu!

When the government intrudes further and further into our lives, avoiding the use of its services becomes damn near impossible. But only an idiot would consider that as the government "helping".

The government has taken over student loans. So, in the future, I suppose fools like you will claim that everyone who went to college could not have done so without Big Brother's help.

I see how that works!
So you are claiming that this company had Federal dollars FORCED upon it? :lol:

I am saying when government takes over the routes to success, then you have no choice but to use the government to achieve success. The government takeover of college loans is literally a textbook example.

If a person takes out a college loan they have to go through the government. That does not mean the government FORCED them to take the loan, but if you don't take the loan, you don't go to college.

That in no way means the government is responsible for success.

That is what is meant when people say it is socialism.

People succeed in spite of the government.

The government intrusion into the business world now means that many business people have no choice but to use the government. The government has set up a toll booth on the road to success.
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If a person takes out a college loan they have to go through the government.

No, they don't. One can seek undergraduate or graduate education loans from private lenders if one so chooses. Now, if one seeks federal student loans then, yes, the federal government is the place to go for those.
If a person takes out a college loan they have to go through the government.

No, they don't. One can seek undergraduate or graduate education loans from private lenders if one so chooses. Now, if one seeks federal student loans then, yes, the federal government is the place to go for those.

Many banks are getting out of the student loan business. The one I work for no longer does them since the fed take over.
Are any wingnuts with at least half a brain going to address the OP?

This company SOUGHT Federal money to build their business.

I dare you to refute it, dopes.
New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid

The star of a new Mitt Romney ad is under fire after report surfaces he received more than a million dollars in government grants and aid.

New Romney Ad Features Worker Who Received Government Aid - YouTube

The Last Word

And all this news came from the UNION LEADER---:badgrin: Yeah right:eusa_angel:

We do know that Obama used economic stimulus dollars that was promised to create jobs here--that ended up creating jobs in China and Finland.

Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News
Obama Administration Gave Half-Billion-Dollar Loan to Al Gore-Connected Electric Car Company Fisker to Build in Finland |

We also know that Obama LIED about Romney's 20 year record at Bain Capital. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach
And about Romney's stance on abortion : Twisting Romney’s Abortion Stance

And now we're suppose to BELIEVE something coming out of the Obama campaign?--and from THE UNION LEADER? Don't hold your breath on that one--:badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama

Since that "factcheck" on Romney at Bain, dozens of documents have been found, SIGNED BY MITT HIMSELF, saying he worked at Bain, was the sole owner, owned 100% of the stock and received salaries from nearly a dozen companies.


Perjury before the Massachusetts ethics commission can lead to civil penalties

Mitt Romney's Signature Appears On Bain SEC Filings During Time He Said He Left Bain

On Abortion, Mitt Romney has taken millions from "Phil Frost" the maker and seller of the "abortion pill".

Mitt Romney raising money at home of 'morning-after pill' exec -


How is it right wingers know so little about their leaders? It's frightening. The worst part is once they find out, they don't care.
Nobody cares... I took student loans because fucktard liberals cant control university everyone has a hand in government, true. So we need to get the government out of it. It needs to run the army, build a few roads, and not much else. Heck I thought we needed NASA, looks like private enterprise is filling that void. thanks Obama. privatizing on accident!!!!!!!
It's great that so many wingnuts are agreeing that Gilchrist Metals did not build their business all by themselves.

Just like President Obama (praise be unto Him!) said!
If a person takes out a college loan they have to go through the government.

No, they don't. One can seek undergraduate or graduate education loans from private lenders if one so chooses. Now, if one seeks federal student loans then, yes, the federal government is the place to go for those.

So I guess they lied when they said Banks could no longer issue Student loans and the Government was going to be the sole provider?

Are any wingnuts with at least half a brain going to address the OP?

This company SOUGHT Federal money to build their business.

I dare you to refute it, dopes.

Sure they did, and why should they not. The Government makes it available, someone is going to use it.

What the hell is your point, I have been laid off and Claimed UE for a while before, that does not mean I have to ignore the Fact that to Much UE can be a bad thing and cost to much.

Are you implying that All Companies get help like this? Because I assure you they don't. The Vast Majority succeed despite the Government, Not because of it.
It's great that so many wingnuts are agreeing that Gilchrist Metals did not build their business all by themselves.

Just like President Obama (praise be unto Him!) said!

See that's where your arguement goes bad. See some people get the money and then suck and lose the business and some grow their business, it has nothing to do with government, you can get government funding and still suck, so that does not dimish this guys achievement.
So I guess they lied when they said Banks could no longer issue Student loans and the Government was going to be the sole provider?

Banks can issue whatever loans for education they like. But the federal government no longer assumes the risk for them anymore. If you're getting a federal student loan, it will be a direct loan; FFELP is gone.

Private education loans obviously still exist.
Are any wingnuts with at least half a brain going to address the OP?

This company SOUGHT Federal money to build their business.

I dare you to refute it, dopes.

Sure they did, and why should they not. The Government makes it available, someone is going to use it.

Exactly! I thank you, Charles, and so does the President Of The United States.

So, why is Bishop Romney claiming that they built that company by themselves, with no help?

Mitt is a habitual liar.

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