New Rule for shooting in self-defense


Mar 16, 2012
A standing is that if you shoot an intruder, shoot to kill. If you leave the intruder alive, he'll swear that you didn't shoot him in self-defense, and you'll end up on trial for attempted murder.

A new rule: If you shoot an intruder, shoot to kill, and flush the corpse down the toilet, and don't call 911.

The standing rule is insufficient, especially if the intruder is a member of a crime-prone special class.
The standing rule is insufficient, especially if the intruder is a member of a crime-prone special class.


Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, blah fuckin' blah...

The way it plays out will be based on the races of the actors involved. If you're white and you're attacked by a black, you can pretty much kiss it all goodbye. Your choice is to die/be robbed/raped/whatever, or fight back and get charged/called a racist. It is pretty much open season on whites in America, courtesy of chief game wardens Obama and Holder.
The thing is if(attackers black) YOU SHOT to kill in self defense, YOU WILL BE charged with MURDER. This is really what this trayvon shit is all about...Obama is using it as a back door to take away our self defense rights.

Think about it as normally these types of cases remain local. NOT the whole media, justice department, president, Al sharpton!

He tried with fast and furious and he is trying again with this.
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The standing rule is insufficient, especially if the intruder is a member of a crime-prone special class.


Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, blah fuckin' blah...

The way it plays out will be based on the races of the actors involved. If you're white and you're attacked by a black, you can pretty much kiss it all goodbye. Your choice is to die/be robbed/raped/whatever, or fight back and get charged/called a racist. It is pretty much open season on whites in America, courtesy of chief game wardens Obama and Holder.

I don't know if we're quite there yet, but we may be coming to that point. I don't trust either of them, or any other liberal, as far as I can spit....
A standing is that if you shoot an intruder, shoot to kill. If you leave the intruder alive, he'll swear that you didn't shoot him in self-defense, and you'll end up on trial for attempted murder.

A new rule: If you shoot an intruder, shoot to kill,

New rule?

Sounds like a different version of an old one - don't point gun at another human being unless your intent is to kill them.

and flush the corpse down the toilet, and don't call 911.

The standing rule is insufficient, especially if the intruder is a member of a crime-prone special class.

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The standing rule is insufficient, especially if the intruder is a member of a crime-prone special class.


Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, blah fuckin' blah...

The way it plays out will be based on the races of the actors involved. If you're white and you're attacked by a black, you can pretty much kiss it all goodbye. Your choice is to die/be robbed/raped/whatever, or fight back and get charged/called a racist. It is pretty much open season on whites in America, courtesy of chief game wardens Obama and Holder.

Even worse than those two are the Guilty white liberals that empower those bozos. People like the policie chief in Baltimore or members of congress who dont want to protect people. I've always said a rich republican should buy a house in Pelosi's rich liberal neighborhood and turn it into a halfway house, you'll see those liberals run like they never have. Liberals tolerate crime because it doesnt effect them personally.

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