New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

$6 billion a year for ethanol, what a GREAT idea! NOT!

Give away money for a product that degrades motors while taking staple foodstuffs off the market.

Government subsidies and tax credits have NEVER caused the discovery or exploitation of a viable energy resource.

Private enterprise has done that since the first human cut down the first tree!!

Since when is algae a food staple? Is that what you eat at night?

Biofuel from Algae Hits California Pumps | Biofuels | ReWire | KCET

You really are an idiot. 99% of ethanol is made from CORN, moron.


You have no clue what's going on in the world around you.

Brazil’s 37-year-old ethanol fuel program is based on the most efficient agricultural technology for sugarcane cultivation in the world,
Ethanol fuel in Brazil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in addition:

Algae Biofuel Breakthrough Could Lead to High Efficiency, Low Cost

HowStuffWorks "How Algae Biodiesel Works"

Northwest Biotech Firms Will Benefit From Algae Biofuel Tax Credit · EarthFix · Oregon Public Broadcasting


CO2 emissions could feed algae biofuel bonanza - Politics - CBC News

Is algae the answer to greener transport? | Greenbang

A little education goes a long way.
LOL, Which of course is nothing like your lame deflection concerning the party that you love to hate. You don't need to fix a damn thing for me other then this obmanation of an economy I'm doing just fine. I can still afford to fill up three trucks a week so don't worry about fixing anything that's not broken just for me. Maybe 25 years down the road you guys might make something that works but for now drill baby drill!

LOL just as I thought. Don't give a shit what's going on in the world around you, just as long as you got yours. There's your problem: the fact that you don't realize oil is a broken situation that needs fixing. Typical clueless, selfish asshole.

Ah, whats the matter, you don't like the way that I make a living? Go fuck yourself.


You're not paying attention as usual. I don't give a shit how you make a living.
Do they even go outside?

You ever been on a drilling rig? Or do you get all your info from the enviro weenies? Show me an alternative to oil that will economically keep a 747 in the air, then we can talk.

Let's talk.

Use of Biofuels in Aviation

Biojet Fuel from Algae - Unitel`s New Technology Overcomes a Major Problem Facing the Algal Biofuels Industry | Reuters

Did you notice I said "economically", these pie in the sky fuels are no where near economical and until they can be produced on a much larger scale than currently planned they will never be able to compete with oil based fuels. Oh! Did say that ugly word, compete, well yes I did and I mean with private dollars, not government dollars. Developing alternative fuels is not a government function, at least not our government.
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The VAST majority of which go to independent drillers, known as 'wildcatters', NOT Exxon/Mobil.

I believe those subsidies should stop, also.

Let me Google that for you...

I grabbed the top result: Energy subsidies total $24 billion, most to renewables - Mar. 7, 2012

...with the vast majority going to renewable energy sources, according to a government report.

Of note... This is a stark change from a decade ago. The CBO noted that until 2008, most energy subsidies went to the fossil-fuel industry. But no links.


I'd be happy to open up 64 years worth of books, ledgers, and tax returns and challenge anyone to find a single subsidy. They don't exist.
Is this on privately owned land or does Obama have the muscle to preclude extraction of the oil so we can remain friends with the Muslims?
We're talkin'-about gas, here, Skippy.

Conventional oil was profitable from day one.

Like the late 1990's when crude hit $10/barrel and gasoline was $1.00?

Tell that crap to the thousands of oil companies that went bankrupt, and the tens of thousands of industry workers that lost jobs.
Great! Another excuse not to move forward to modern, clean energy and away from antiques like the reciprocating piston engine.
It's gettin' better, YET!!!!!

February 4, 2013


"....Nissan plans to follow rival Toyota Motor Co, the world's largest purveyor of hybrids, which now is poised to leapfrog pure EVs altogether to pursue what might be the next big green-tech breakthrough: pollution- and petroleum-free fuel-cell cars that convert hydrogen to electricity.

Vice Chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada, the "father of the Prius" who helped put hybrids on the map, said he believes fuel-cell vehicles hold far more promise than battery electric cars.

"Because of its shortcomings — driving range, cost and recharging time — the electric vehicle is not a viable replacement for most conventional cars," said Uchiyamada. "We need something entirely new."
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What subsidies?
About $4 billion per year.

I've long suspected that you were clueless. Thanks for the confirmation.

Can ya pleez reference that $4bil?
I know you've linked one of your threads, but it doesn't seem to relate specifically to this statement.

History of U.S. Oil Subsidies Go Back Nearly a Century - Yahoo! News
The Congressional Research Service states the fledgling oil industry in the United States first received government assistance in 1916. That was when intangible drilling costs were able to be fully deducted from a company's expenses for tax purposes. In 1926, a write-off for cost depletion was introduced. That provision allowed oil companies to deduct costs based upon overall gross receipts and not just the actual value of the oil.

Both of those subsidies still exist. The Obama administration claims the average subsidy for huge oil companies is $4 billion per year. The bill in the Senate would have saved $24 billion in 10 years. The White House claims when gas goes up one cent per gallon, oil companies make $200 million more per month.
By Charles Kennedy
January 30, 2013

The US shale boom has led some to predict that it will overtake Saudi Arabia as world’s largest oil and gas producer by 2020, thanks to the massive reserves found in plays such as the Bakken Shale of North Dakota, the Marcellus Shale in New York, and the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas; even the newly discovered Tuscaloosa Shale formation in Louisiana holds large potential.

However there is a new shale formation that has been discovered in West Texas which could dwarf all others being drilled in the US at the moment.

The play is known as the Cline Shale play and has been discovered in the Permian Basin.

John Breyer a geologist at Marathon Oil Corp.(NYES: MRO) said that this new discovery could dwarf anything that exists in North Dakota...


Continue reading: -->
New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.

And here everyone was thinking all the scams were in the taxpayer funded green energy sector.....
About $4 billion per year.

I've long suspected that you were clueless. Thanks for the confirmation.

Can ya pleez reference that $4bil?
I know you've linked one of your threads, but it doesn't seem to relate specifically to this statement.

History of U.S. Oil Subsidies Go Back Nearly a Century - Yahoo! News
The Congressional Research Service states the fledgling oil industry in the United States first received government assistance in 1916. That was when intangible drilling costs were able to be fully deducted from a company's expenses for tax purposes. In 1926, a write-off for cost depletion was introduced. That provision allowed oil companies to deduct costs based upon overall gross receipts and not just the actual value of the oil.

Both of those subsidies still exist. The Obama administration claims the average subsidy for huge oil companies is $4 billion per year. The bill in the Senate would have saved $24 billion in 10 years. The White House claims when gas goes up one cent per gallon, oil companies make $200 million more per month.

Do you know what intangible drilling costs are?

Do you know what depletion is?

If you were familiar with either, you wouldn't be quoting such ridiculous nonsense.
Great! Another excuse not to move forward to modern, clean energy and away from antiques like the reciprocating piston engine.
It's gettin' better, YET!!!!!

February 4, 2013


"....Nissan plans to follow rival Toyota Motor Co, the world's largest purveyor of hybrids, which now is poised to leapfrog pure EVs altogether to pursue what might be the next big green-tech breakthrough: pollution- and petroleum-free fuel-cell cars that convert hydrogen to electricity.

Vice Chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada, the "father of the Prius" who helped put hybrids on the map, said he believes fuel-cell vehicles hold far more promise than battery electric cars.

"Because of its shortcomings — driving range, cost and recharging time — the electric vehicle is not a viable replacement for most conventional cars," said Uchiyamada. "We need something entirely new."

And just like all the others, it's decades away, if they can make them work at all. Remember the public has to buy the damn things and fuel cells ain't cheap and they have never been used in long term applications in rough environments.
And just like all the others, it's decades away, if they can make them work at all. Remember the public has to buy the damn things and fuel cells ain't cheap and they have never been used in long term applications in rough environments.

Exactly. So far Green Energy has been little more then hype.
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Then you should get some.

In the US, ethanol is produced from corn and soybeans.

In the 2010/11 agricultural marketing year,2 40 percent of the corn crop and 14 percent of soybean oil production was used to produce biofuels and other products, including distillers grains for use as animal feed.3

Biofuels Issues and Trends - Energy Information Administration
About $4 billion per year.

I've long suspected that you were clueless. Thanks for the confirmation.

Can ya pleez reference that $4bil?
I know you've linked one of your threads, but it doesn't seem to relate specifically to this statement.

History of U.S. Oil Subsidies Go Back Nearly a Century - Yahoo! News
The Congressional Research Service states the fledgling oil industry in the United States first received government assistance in 1916. That was when intangible drilling costs were able to be fully deducted from a company's expenses for tax purposes. In 1926, a write-off for cost depletion was introduced. That provision allowed oil companies to deduct costs based upon overall gross receipts and not just the actual value of the oil.

Both of those subsidies still exist. The Obama administration claims the average subsidy for huge oil companies is $4 billion per year. The bill in the Senate would have saved $24 billion in 10 years. The White House claims when gas goes up one cent per gallon, oil companies make $200 million more per month.

Yep, the same tax deductions ALL businesses enjoy, only with LOWER percentages.

And those deductions go mainly to those folks I mentioned a few pages back, the small, independent wildcatters that actually go out and FIND the oil.
The VAST majority of which go to independent drillers, known as 'wildcatters', NOT Exxon/Mobil.

I believe those subsidies should stop, also.

Let me Google that for you...
Link FAIL.

Please link to an article that shows how much "wildcatters" get vs. how much the big corporations (Exxon/Shell, etc.) get.

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