New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Great! Another excuse not to move forward to modern, clean energy and away from antiques like the reciprocating piston engine.

Your "modern, clean energy" has a cost about 10X what our current supplies cost, and the government subsidies amount to nothing more than ANOTHER tax on the less than 50% who PAY taxes.

Whatever works for the big guys is what is made to seem what works.

figure: in a recent year, EXXON made a net profit of $1400.00...

...per second.

Good. The more they make, the better.

(I have Exxon-Mobil stock in my 401k.)
Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.

The boom in North Dakota seems pretty real. The boom towns in the western part of the state are growing in population faster than they can keep up with infrastructure wise. People are living in RVs, automobiles, and sharing studio apartments in order to work there.

Doesn't sound like a scam to me.

No kidding...I have actually considered heating out there. I bet I could pull in $100K in a year.
Despite the fact that there is no VIABLE clean energy sources these morons continue to insist the entire worl economy becaue ther "might" be a problem 1 or 2 hundred years from now.

Despite all of the fraudperpetrated East Anglia and the UN these idiots just can't let it go.

Great! Another excuse not to move forward to modern, clean energy and away from antiques like the reciprocating piston engine.

Your "modern, clean energy" has a cost about 10X what our current supplies cost, and the government subsidies amount to nothing more than ANOTHER tax on the less than 50% who PAY taxes.
Unreal, isn't it?

What is it with some people's insistence that we continue to churn out crap and pollute the air we breathe? These people also enjoy shitting in their backyards.

Yeah.. going after oil means that all research into finding alternative VIABLE sources of energy stops :rolleyes:

Republicans are for dirty air, polluted water, etc... just like business is :rolleyes:

You people are as ridiculous as they come
They do have that reputation.

Why do you suppose that is?

People like you lying about it!
Sorry the Boom in ND is real, hotels are sold out years in advance and they build enough hotel properties or homes to keep up with the demand.
Its no use, Gore told them it was bad therefore it is.

Good. Who gives a shit if Texas has earthquakes.

Not much to lose in texas from a polluted water table either.

The water table occurs around 1500 feet. Casing is run through that area. The lateral is fractured at a measured depth of around 10,000 feet. Propagation from fracturing extends out 600 feet. There is no migration of any gases to the water table.
You are really quite ignorant on this, the boom is occuring...its real and its happening before your very eyes.

By Charles Kennedy
January 30, 2013

The US shale boom has led some to predict that it will overtake Saudi Arabia as world’s largest oil and gas producer by 2020, thanks to the massive reserves found in plays such as the Bakken Shale of North Dakota, the Marcellus Shale in New York, and the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas; even the newly discovered Tuscaloosa Shale formation in Louisiana holds large potential.

However there is a new shale formation that has been discovered in West Texas which could dwarf all others being drilled in the US at the moment.

The play is known as the Cline Shale play and has been discovered in the Permian Basin.

John Breyer a geologist at Marathon Oil Corp.(NYES: MRO) said that this new discovery could dwarf anything that exists in North Dakota...


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New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.
You are really quite ignorant on this, the boom is occuring...its real and its happening before your very eyes.

ND is a madhouse with more work and money changing hands that people and infrastructure can hardly keep up. (as you know)
Its kind of cool how you talk so authortatively out of your ass like that.

New rock fracturing technology available starting in 2008 has caused a recent boom in Bakken production. By the end of 2010 oil production rates had reached 458,000 barrels (72,800 m3) per day outstripping the capacity to ship oil out of the Bakken.[8][9] The production technology gain has led a veteran industry insider to declare that the USGS estimates are too low

Bakken formation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.

The boom in North Dakota seems pretty real. The boom towns in the western part of the state are growing in population faster than they can keep up with infrastructure wise. People are living in RVs, automobiles, and sharing studio apartments in order to work there.

Doesn't sound like a scam to me.

You are confusing oil shale extraction with natural gas fracking.

Those are totally separate.

There is no oil shale drilling going on in the US.

Worldwide, there are only about 15,000 barrels of shale oil being extracted each day. Compare that to the 20 million barrels of conventional oil the US consumes each day.
I am in the Hotel business, they can't build enough properties up there and everyone of them is sold out every night.
Its nuts.

You are really quite ignorant on this, the boom is occuring...its real and its happening before your very eyes.

ND is a madhouse with more work and money changing hands that people and infrastructure can hardly keep up. (as you know)
I am in the Hotel business, they can't build enough properties up there and everyone of them is sold out every night.
Its nuts.

You are really quite ignorant on this, the boom is occuring...its real and its happening before your very eyes.

ND is a madhouse with more work and money changing hands that people and infrastructure can hardly keep up. (as you know)

Yeah, it gets crazy. I was in the oil boom in Wyoming (derricks) and then the mining boom (equipment operator) a couple of years later in the same state. It was like the wild wild west up there!
And, the Monterey Shale in the San Joaquin Valley of California, which is estimated to hold 4 times the amount of oil as the Bakken.

We're swimming in crude. What happened to that "peak oil" we've been hearing about since the 1970's? If prices really are driven by supply and demand, why are we still paying over $3 a gallon for it?

Um, Because Gas and Oil are not the same thing duh.
Not the Volt, you dumbass...the Prius, the Camry, the Highlander, the Escape, the Fusion...I even see hybrid semi tractors (Coca-Cola uses them).
Not the Volt, you dumbass...the Prius, the Camry, the Highlander, the Escape, the Fusion...I even see hybrid semi tractors (Coca-Cola uses them).

..and because they use some of them they have to be great right? Heh, I bet it's more tax write-off then anything else. One will have to wait and see what maintenance and disposal costs are before any accurate financial conclusions can be made. Dumb ass.
The Prius has proven to be a runaway success. (Denying that just makes you look stupid.) The Camry Hybrid is also a fact, thousands of them are doing well in the brutal daily grind of Boston taxicabs. Haven't seen any here, but I recall seeing that UPS and FedEx are testing hybrid delivery trucks.
The Prius has proven to be a runaway success. (Denying that just makes you look stupid.) The Camry Hybrid is also a fact, thousands of them are doing well in the brutal daily grind of Boston taxicabs. Haven't seen any here, but I recall seeing that UPS and FedEx are testing hybrid delivery trucks.

I think that all of the costs have to be taken into consideration and that we will see how it goes. I never said anything bad about the Prius being bad but I don't think that this green energy bullshit hasn't done much for any of us overall. To not consider all of the costs including future battery disposal which could be costly is premature.
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The Volt's doing great now too, since the Pub Propaganda Machine stopped slandering it. Not reported on the PPM, of course. Scumbags, Un-American turds.

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