New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Since when is algae a food staple? Is that what you eat at night?

Biofuel from Algae Hits California Pumps | Biofuels | ReWire | KCET

And when it stops costing 4X the amount of jet fuel, it will be great...

When a company can make it profitable, efficient, and easily renewable... believe me, they will embrace the crap out of it... if it is just a pipe dream, like it is now, companies will indeed stay away from it, and rightfully so
Is today your first day in the real world?

Show me any product ever made which didn't cost 4X the amount of anything when it is first produced?

As more companies jump in, more research and innovation, technologies improve, costs go down. Not the other way around.

Conventional oil was profitable from day one. We've been hearing about the wonders of shale oil for a very long time, with no real results.

It is still expensive when compared to conventional oil.

Some day, when conventional oil goes above a hundred bucks a barrel, and stays there, shale oil will be worth a harder look.

But like I said, if you want to invest, go right ahead. Get in on the ground floor. Be the first. Don't be late. Buy now! Don't wait! Get in before it's too late!
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By Charles Kennedy
January 30, 2013

The US shale boom has led some to predict that it will overtake Saudi Arabia as world’s largest oil and gas producer by 2020, thanks to the massive reserves found in plays such as the Bakken Shale of North Dakota, the Marcellus Shale in New York, and the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas; even the newly discovered Tuscaloosa Shale formation in Louisiana holds large potential.

However there is a new shale formation that has been discovered in West Texas which could dwarf all others being drilled in the US at the moment.

The play is known as the Cline Shale play and has been discovered in the Permian Basin.

John Breyer a geologist at Marathon Oil Corp.(NYES: MRO) said that this new discovery could dwarf anything that exists in North Dakota...


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New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.

The difference is Shale Oil v Oil Shale.

Shale oil (Bakkens) Profitable at about $65
a barrel. Oil Shale beneath Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah will only be profitable at $200 a barrel. However it look like the Cline Shale oil is more like the Bakkens variety.

Shale Oil vs. Oil Shale
LOL, no I do not belong to the republican party. Shouldn't you be off getting your shit packed?

LOL your lame deflection attempt doesn't change the fact that your pessimist mentality does nothing to advance innovation. That's okay, we'll fix the world around you while you wallow in your status quo.

LOL, Which of course is nothing like your lame deflection concerning the party that you love to hate. You don't need to fix a damn thing for me other then this obmanation of an economy I'm doing just fine. I can still afford to fill up three trucks a week so don't worry about fixing anything that's not broken just for me. Maybe 25 years down the road you guys might make something that works but for now drill baby drill!

LOL just as I thought. Don't give a shit what's going on in the world around you, just as long as you got yours. There's your problem: the fact that you don't realize oil is a broken situation that needs fixing. Typical clueless, selfish asshole.
Since when is algae a food staple? Is that what you eat at night?

Biofuel from Algae Hits California Pumps | Biofuels | ReWire | KCET

And when it stops costing 4X the amount of jet fuel, it will be great...

When a company can make it profitable, efficient, and easily renewable... believe me, they will embrace the crap out of it... if it is just a pipe dream, like it is now, companies will indeed stay away from it, and rightfully so
Is today your first day in the real world?

Show me any product ever made which didn't cost 4X the amount of anything when it is first produced?

As more companies jump in, more research and innovation, technologies improve, costs go down. Not the other way around.

I've been in the real world for 50 years... the problem with your thinking is that companies are willing to risk capital because they believe there is a reward. When the government gets involved as we've seen with Solyndra, etc. is that there is no risk.. they just print money and throw it at things they believe are good or that should be.

It's an intellectually bankrupt way of approaching matters.

That's why gubmint fails nearly every time it does this stupid shit.
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LOL your lame deflection attempt doesn't change the fact that your pessimist mentality does nothing to advance innovation. That's okay, we'll fix the world around you while you wallow in your status quo.

LOL, Which of course is nothing like your lame deflection concerning the party that you love to hate. You don't need to fix a damn thing for me other then this obmanation of an economy I'm doing just fine. I can still afford to fill up three trucks a week so don't worry about fixing anything that's not broken just for me. Maybe 25 years down the road you guys might make something that works but for now drill baby drill!

LOL just as I thought. Don't give a shit what's going on in the world around you, just as long as you got yours. There's your problem: the fact that you don't realize oil is a broken situation that needs fixing. Typical clueless, selfish asshole.

Oil is a broken situation? Then maybe the enviro-Nazis should stop fucking everything up. Go live in your caves, drive your Prius' and whatnot.... leave the rest of us reality dwellers the fuck alone.
By Charles Kennedy
January 30, 2013

The US shale boom has led some to predict that it will overtake Saudi Arabia as world’s largest oil and gas producer by 2020, thanks to the massive reserves found in plays such as the Bakken Shale of North Dakota, the Marcellus Shale in New York, and the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas; even the newly discovered Tuscaloosa Shale formation in Louisiana holds large potential.

However there is a new shale formation that has been discovered in West Texas which could dwarf all others being drilled in the US at the moment.

The play is known as the Cline Shale play and has been discovered in the Permian Basin.

John Breyer a geologist at Marathon Oil Corp.(NYES: MRO) said that this new discovery could dwarf anything that exists in North Dakota...


Continue reading: -->
New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.

The difference is Shale Oil v Oil Shale.

Shale oil (Bakkens) Profitable at about $65
a barrel. Oil Shale beneath Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah will only be profitable at $200 a barrel. However it look like the Cline Shale oil is more like the Bakkens variety.

Shale Oil vs. Oil Shale

Look how that link starts!

I first came across Alex Harris here on the pages of Energy and Capital back in early October.
He was a newer reader who had recently made the decision to start investing in energy.
I couldn't blame him for wanting to get a piece of the action — especially after hearing the success stories from some of my other readers.

That's an investment newsletter! :lol:

Sure, you could dish out ten times more money per share for a company that had to buy its way into the play...
But personally, I prefer the drillers that have been in it since the beginning.
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Nigerian email.
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And when it stops costing 4X the amount of jet fuel, it will be great...

When a company can make it profitable, efficient, and easily renewable... believe me, they will embrace the crap out of it... if it is just a pipe dream, like it is now, companies will indeed stay away from it, and rightfully so
Is today your first day in the real world?

Show me any product ever made which didn't cost 4X the amount of anything when it is first produced?

As more companies jump in, more research and innovation, technologies improve, costs go down. Not the other way around.

Conventional oil was profitable from day one. We've been hearing about the wonders of shale oil for a very long time, with no real results.

It is still expensive when compared to conventional oil.

Some day, when conventional oil goes above a hundred bucks a barrel, and stays there, shale oil will be worth a harder look.

But like I said, if you want to invest, go right ahead. Get in on the ground floor. Be the first. Don't be late. Buy now! Don't wait! Get in before it's too late!

10 years ago you would have been correct. I'm in meetings with operators, drillers, engineers on a weekly basis and oil is being extracted in the permian and bakken formations through hydraulic fracturing.

North Dakota crude oil production continues to rise - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
And when it stops costing 4X the amount of jet fuel, it will be great...

When a company can make it profitable, efficient, and easily renewable... believe me, they will embrace the crap out of it... if it is just a pipe dream, like it is now, companies will indeed stay away from it, and rightfully so
Is today your first day in the real world?

Show me any product ever made which didn't cost 4X the amount of anything when it is first produced?

As more companies jump in, more research and innovation, technologies improve, costs go down. Not the other way around.

I've been in the real world for 50 years... the problem with your thinking is that companies are willing to risk capital because they believe there is a reward. When the government gets involved as we've seen with Solyndra, etc. is that there is no risk.. they just print money and throw it at things they believe are good or that should be.

It's an intellectually bankrupt way of approaching matters.

That's why gubmint fails nearly every time it does this stupid shit.

The gubmint has been subsidizing the oil industry for the last 100 years.
50% of our energy comes from coal. It would take a lot of solar panels to replace that!

And the greenies don't want nukular power even though it has zero emissions.

I do like what Arizona is doing, though. Lots of mirrors focusing the sun onto liquid-filled pipes to produce energy during the day, then using nuke power at night. Kind of poetic.

Natural gas is abundant in the US, and can be used to replace coal and oil in many applications. While it does not have the zero emissions of solar or nuclear, it is much lower in carbon than coal or oil. And since solar is not going to replace coal or oil any time soon, unless we cover all of Nevada with mirrors, then anyone with a lick of common sense would see that natural gas is the way to go.

And we can be energy independent with natural gas. We can stop transferring our wealth to oil nations.

Speaking of investments, natural gas is about the most volatile commodity being traded out there. So watch out for that, too.
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It may be, however they go to some lengths to explains the difference between the two, oil shale is not really oil and it comes from rock that is not really shale. Shale oil, (like the Bakkens) is profitable. Oil Shale, in Colorado, Utah is not even close to being profitable.
Every couple of years, these shale stories make the rounds. The people pumping out these stories are shilling for investment scams. They get stories like this posted on the internet so they can link to them in their scam newsletters to their victims to make their investment scheme sound legitimate.

Shale is notoriously expensive to extract and process. This is not conventional oil.

The price of conventional oil would have to top $100 a barrel and remain there for an extended period of time (years) to even begin to make shale oil a viable economic proposition. That's why you will not find a single operating shale oil well anywhere.

Don't be suckered into these investment scams.

This is the oil frauds' version of one of those Nigerian emails.

The difference is Shale Oil v Oil Shale.

Shale oil (Bakkens) Profitable at about $65
a barrel. Oil Shale beneath Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah will only be profitable at $200 a barrel. However it look like the Cline Shale oil is more like the Bakkens variety.

Shale Oil vs. Oil Shale

Look how that link starts!

I first came across Alex Harris here on the pages of Energy and Capital back in early October.
He was a newer reader who had recently made the decision to start investing in energy.
I couldn't blame him for wanting to get a piece of the action — especially after hearing the success stories from some of my other readers.

That's an investment newsletter! :lol:

Sure, you could dish out ten times more money per share for a company that had to buy its way into the play...
But personally, I prefer the drillers that have been in it since the beginning.
To get complete articles and information, join our newsletter for FREE!
Plus receive our latest free oil report, "2013 Oil Price Forecast"
Energy & Capital Members Receive:
Daily commentary and advice from energy investment experts
Access to some of the best oil, gas, and cleantech stock picks around
Foresight on how the future of energy will unfold

Nigerian email.
And when it stops costing 4X the amount of jet fuel, it will be great...

When a company can make it profitable, efficient, and easily renewable... believe me, they will embrace the crap out of it... if it is just a pipe dream, like it is now, companies will indeed stay away from it, and rightfully so
Is today your first day in the real world?

Show me any product ever made which didn't cost 4X the amount of anything when it is first produced?

As more companies jump in, more research and innovation, technologies improve, costs go down. Not the other way around.

I've been in the real world for 50 years... the problem with your thinking is that companies are willing to risk capital because they believe there is a reward. When the government gets involved as we've seen with Solyndra, etc. is that there is no risk.. they just print money and throw it at things they believe are good or that should be.

It's an intellectually bankrupt way of approaching matters.

That's why gubmint fails nearly every time it does this stupid shit.

Are you sure about that? or did you get your information from WND and/or Faux News?

The political reaction to the Solyndra scandal has been laughably devoid of both short-term and long-term historical perspective. In an attempt to exploit a political opportunity, many House Republicans are railing against government investments in the renewable energy sector. However, those same politicians requested millions of dollars for cleantech projects in their own states just a year or two before.

This bad case of amnesia stretches far beyond the last two years. Apparently, many in Congress have forgotten about the last 100 years of government investments in oil, gas and nuclear — all of which have far outpaced investments in renewable energy like solar PV, solar thermal, geothermal and wind.

As the chart shows, Oil & Gas is way-way ahead when it comes to government investment.

When adding them all up over time, the report’s authors found that on an average yearly basis, renewables represent a small fraction of the total government investments in the energy sector. Here are two great charts that make that clear:
No, I was referring to the lithology in the Eagle Ford, Cline, Permian Basin in Texas. The laterals are being completed at a MD of 10,000 feet....approx 8500 below the water table.

Umm does one not have to go thru the water table to get to the 10,000 ft level?
And the well is cased all the way to the 10,000 ft level?

Sure but production stops and casing is run through the water table, state it should be, before drilling resumes. Most people don't understand this hence oil, natural gas is the boogeyman.
How far below the water table are they required to case?
Just wondering about casing blowby during high pressure fracking operations.
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Umm does one not have to go thru the water table to get to the 10,000 ft level?
And the well is cased all the way to the 10,000 ft level?

Sure but production stops and casing is run through the water table, state it should be, before drilling resumes. Most people don't understand this hence oil, natural gas is the boogeyman.
How far below the water table are they required to case?
Just wondering about casing blowby during high pressure fracking operations.

It varies from state to state. It's usually run from drilling surface to 3000 feet. This covers the entire aquifer and extends down past the aquifer an additional 2500 feet. It depends on the aquifer depth.
$6 billion a year for ethanol, what a GREAT idea! NOT!

Give away money for a product that degrades motors while taking staple foodstuffs off the market.

Government subsidies and tax credits have NEVER caused the discovery or exploitation of a viable energy resource.

Private enterprise has done that since the first human cut down the first tree!!

Since when is algae a food staple? Is that what you eat at night?

Biofuel from Algae Hits California Pumps | Biofuels | ReWire | KCET

You really are an idiot. 99% of ethanol is made from CORN, moron.
Is today your first day in the real world?

Show me any product ever made which didn't cost 4X the amount of anything when it is first produced?

As more companies jump in, more research and innovation, technologies improve, costs go down. Not the other way around.

I've been in the real world for 50 years... the problem with your thinking is that companies are willing to risk capital because they believe there is a reward. When the government gets involved as we've seen with Solyndra, etc. is that there is no risk.. they just print money and throw it at things they believe are good or that should be.

It's an intellectually bankrupt way of approaching matters.

That's why gubmint fails nearly every time it does this stupid shit.

The gubmint has been subsidizing the oil industry for the last 100 years.

No they haven't.
Great! Another excuse not to move forward to modern, clean energy and away from antiques like the reciprocating piston engine.

Your "modern, clean energy" has a cost about 10X what our current supplies cost, and the government subsidies amount to nothing more than ANOTHER tax on the less than 50% who PAY taxes.

What about the subsidies to the oil industry?

The VAST majority of which go to independent drillers, known as 'wildcatters', NOT Exxon/Mobil.

I believe those subsidies should stop, also.
Your "modern, clean energy" has a cost about 10X what our current supplies cost, and the government subsidies amount to nothing more than ANOTHER tax on the less than 50% who PAY taxes.

What about the subsidies to the oil industry?

The VAST majority of which go to independent drillers, known as 'wildcatters', NOT Exxon/Mobil.

I believe those subsidies should stop, also.

There are no subsidies to oil companies... they get to deduct certain exploration costs (R&D) juts like many other firms. However, alternative energy firms do get about $12,800,000,000 in direct subsidies form the American Taxpayer. The eco-Nazis have no problem with that though.
And they've got nothing, wind and solar works about as good as the fiasco that is electric hybrid automobiles.
LOL your lame deflection attempt doesn't change the fact that your pessimist mentality does nothing to advance innovation. That's okay, we'll fix the world around you while you wallow in your status quo.

LOL, Which of course is nothing like your lame deflection concerning the party that you love to hate. You don't need to fix a damn thing for me other then this obmanation of an economy I'm doing just fine. I can still afford to fill up three trucks a week so don't worry about fixing anything that's not broken just for me. Maybe 25 years down the road you guys might make something that works but for now drill baby drill!

LOL just as I thought. Don't give a shit what's going on in the world around you, just as long as you got yours. There's your problem: the fact that you don't realize oil is a broken situation that needs fixing. Typical clueless, selfish asshole.

Ah, whats the matter, you don't like the way that I make a living? Go fuck yourself.

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