New Shale Formation in West Texas could Dwarf the Bakken

Just think how great those volts could be doing if they were completely paid for by taxpayers and just given away. Lol
And just like all the others, it's decades away, if they can make them work at all. Remember the public has to buy the damn things and fuel cells ain't cheap and they have never been used in long term applications in rough environments.

Exactly. So far Green Energy has been little more then hype.


The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2]

25% of one of the leading countries and world economies is powered by renewables.

Is Germany better than the United States?
And just like all the others, it's decades away, if they can make them work at all. Remember the public has to buy the damn things and fuel cells ain't cheap and they have never been used in long term applications in rough environments.

Exactly. So far Green Energy has been little more then hype.

The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2]
25% of one of the leading countries and world economies is powered by renewables.

Is Germany better than the United States?


Apparently, Bigfoot sightings are rare. :lol:
And just like all the others, it's decades away, if they can make them work at all. Remember the public has to buy the damn things and fuel cells ain't cheap and they have never been used in long term applications in rough environments.

Exactly. So far Green Energy has been little more then hype.


The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2]

25% of one of the leading countries and world economies is powered by renewables.

Is Germany better than the United States?

German industry sent a letter to Angela Merkel warning her in no uncertain terms that the skyrocketing cost of energy, due to the renewables push, will decimate manufacturing there.

Meanwhile, natural gas prices have dropped almost 50% here in the last 3 years, leading to renewed interest in manufacturing here in the US.

Thank you Germany, you can send us ALL those jobs!!

Cheap Natural Gas, but wait ? there?s more | Watts Up With That?

Chemicals Industry Bosses And Labor Union Send Angela Merkel Warning Letter Over Skyrocketing Energy Prices

This is the original Der Spiegel article from September, 2012...
Chemiebranche warnt Merkel vor Folgen der Energiewende - SPIEGEL ONLINE
And just like all the others, it's decades away, if they can make them work at all. Remember the public has to buy the damn things and fuel cells ain't cheap and they have never been used in long term applications in rough environments.

Exactly. So far Green Energy has been little more then hype.


The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2]

25% of one of the leading countries and world economies is powered by renewables.

Is Germany better than the United States?

And Germany's doing it by “Everyone has skin in the game,” says Davidson. “The movement is decentralized and democratized, and that’s why it works. Anybody in Germany can be a utility.”

How Germany Is Getting to 100 Percent Renewable Energy - Truthdig

Nov 15, 2012
By Thomas Hedges


The money the government uses to pay producers comes from a monthly surcharge on utility bills that everyone pays, similar to a rebate. Customers pay an additional cost for the renewable energy fund and then get that money back from the government, at a profit, if they are producing their own energy.

In the end, ratepayers control the program, not the government. This adds consistency, writer Osha Gray Davidson says. If the government itself paid, it would be easy for a new finance minister to cut the program upon taking office. Funding is not at the whim of politicians as it is in the U.S.

“Everyone has skin in the game,” says Davidson. “The movement is decentralized and democratized, and that’s why it works. Anybody in Germany can be a utility.”

The news conference the foundation organized with InsideClimate News comes two weeks after one of the biggest storms in U.S. history and sits in the shadow of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would unlock the world’s second-largest oil reserve in Canada. The event also comes one day after a report that says that the U.S. is on track to become the leading oil and gas producer by 2020, which suggests that the U.S. has the capability to match Germany’s green movement, but is instead using its resources to deepen its dependency on fossil fuels.

Exactly. So far Green Energy has been little more then hype.

The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000 to about 25 percent in the first half of 2012.[1][2]
25% of one of the leading countries and world economies is powered by renewables.

Is Germany better than the United States?

German industry sent a letter to Angela Merkel warning her in no uncertain terms that the skyrocketing cost of energy, due to the renewables push, will decimate manufacturing there.

Meanwhile, natural gas prices have dropped almost 50% here in the last 3 years, leading to renewed interest in manufacturing here in the US.

Thank you Germany, you can send us ALL those jobs!!

Cheap Natural Gas, but wait ? there?s more | Watts Up With That?

Chemicals Industry Bosses And Labor Union Send Angela Merkel Warning Letter Over Skyrocketing Energy Prices

This is the original Der Spiegel article from September, 2012...
Chemiebranche warnt Merkel vor Folgen der Energiewende - SPIEGEL ONLINE

And wingnuts here warned that the stimulus would send inflation soaring.

How's that working out for you, wingnut?

Auto gas is doubled, meat is up 25%, grain-based foods up 30%, prices going higher while packages get smaller...

Seems it's not as rosy as you'd like to pretend...

Corn 2009 - 375 Corn - 2012 - 800 in August, down to 700

Wheat 2009 - 500 Wheat - 2012 - 800

Soybeans 2009 - 900 2012 - 1425

Lean Hogs 2009 - 60 2012 - 94 in August, down to 88

Feeder Cattle 2009 - 94 2012 - 150

Should I keep going?
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