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New Social Security Program Would Give High School Graduates $25,000


Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota has introduced in the House the American Dream Accounts Act, a bill that calls for a program within the Social Security Administration that would open an investment account for every child born in the United States.

Around $5,000 would be put in an index fund, which would become available upon high school graduation or receipt of a GED diploma or certificate.

Where does the $5K come from?
I only meant to say not everything is the requirement for all the other taxpayers to pay for. If the gummint gets involved in every expense we have people who have children to support they will be unable to take care of their own. If we take every dime from parents for taxes, their freedom to be is annulled. I don't believe the Founders of the Constitution meant to interfere with child rearing, and needless to say, freedom to run one's own life should not be overshadowed by greed of others .Jumping through too many government hoops is not freedom
With respect, that is not anything like you originally said.
Dean Phillips introduced this bill on Sept 27th which has 2 co-sponsors. Regardless of the bill's contents, I see it as idiotic to introduce a bill on the day that the 118th Congress adjourns until after the November election. With the holiday season coming up and the 118th ending on January 3rd it's all rather senseless.
Typical liberal Democrat, in other words.
Proposed by a Democrat...
In the 1980's there were many suggestions as they talked about increasing social security taxes. The then Progressives would hear none of it. So, a massive social security tax increase with an increase in age to collect was passed. Tip O'Neill the Progressive Socialist Speaker of the House as he was polishing off his second bottle of whiskey a day would curse out anyone who was going to make any changes to it. That was our last chance to make real fundamental changes. Just like when the prime rate was raised to double digit levels to squeeze unhealthy debt from the economy. The federal reserve today to really squeeze it out should raise rates higher. We survive off of fiat money printing though.
If you think someone's kid deserves a college fund at someone else's expense, feel free to spend your own money and set one up for them.

When someone pays money into their own retirement with a promise from the government that they will get money back when they retire, the government has no business taking the money they owe that individual and giving it to deadbeats.
YOu people are some stingy bastards.
YOu people are some stingy bastards.
No, we're just tired of being robbed to support a bunch of worthless Democrat freeloaders.


If you want your parasites to get a windfall, give them YOUR RETIREMENT, OR STFU!!!
That's not what SS is for.
But the Democrats think it is.

People on SS have to work a certain number of quarters, and their check is based on earnings (what they paid in).

Then the Retard-in- Chief came up with a new plan when he was a Senator called SSI, where people that have NEVER WORKED get a cut of our retirement (AKA WELFARE).

Now the Democrats want to take what our workers earned (and paid for), and piss it away by giving it to MORE PARASITES!!!

So I'll challenge any Democrat here...

Post proof that you donated YOUR retirement (including your 401K) to the leeches, and we'll talk.

Otherwise, screw off!!!
The thieving Democrats are at it again, and trying to give away the money you were FORCED TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARD YOUR RETIREMENT.

Like the housing supports, it will go almost exclusively to minorities and most especially to latino illegals and their anchor babies, and will be pissed away to a demographic that could care less about being educated.
Like the housing supports, it will go almost exclusively to minorities and most especially to latino illegals and their anchor babies, and will be pissed away to a demographic that could care less about being educated.
Taking SS money that is supposed to go to seniors who paid in all their lives and divert it to teenagers reminds me of taking FEMA money intended for American citizens in a disaster and diverting it to illegal aliens.
Taking SS money that is supposed to go to seniors who paid in all their lives and divert it to teenagers reminds me of taking FEMA money intended for American citizens in a disaster and diverting it to illegal aliens.
Or finding $148 MILLION to send to Lebanon (a terrorist stronghold) after Hezbola bombed the Marine Barracks and our Embassy, while they tell US citizens that are struggling after a hurricane that they're on their own!!!
No, we're just tired of being robbed to support a bunch of worthless Democrat freeloaders.
Republicans don't have kids?

I mean I know I've joked that you guys multiply asexually (like other bacteria) because you can't get laid but that's just a joke.

Isn't it?

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