New standard for conservative leaders "Borderline unethical"


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Don't you just love how the media ignores tax cheats and outright lying politicians on the left? How about when they use "uncivil discourse" when describing the tea party or conservative women?

But when a conservative like Christie says it like it is, the headlines read "Borderline Unethical".

I'll take a politician that makes "borderline unethical" statements any day over "totally corrupt" actions.

What say you?

The issue is whether ALL state employees should contribute more to the pension system, or everyone except the judges, who overruled the Governor's mandate.

Meanwhile, Christie is front and center in another case now headed to the Supreme Court. In the fall, a Mercer County Superior Court judge ruled that judges weren't subject to Christie's public benefits overhaul law, which would have reduced their pensions, and Christie pounced.

He called the decision "self-interested" and said the judge, in order to "put more money in her pocket and the pocket of her cronies, has decided that the pension system being broken is fine by her, as long as she gets hers and her colleagues get theirs."

McCann called those comments by Christie, a lawyer, "borderline unethical."

New Jersey bar president calls Christie criticism 'borderline unethical'

Isn't he right?
Don't you just love how the media ignores tax cheats and outright lying politicians on the left? How about when they use "uncivil discourse" when describing the tea party or conservative women?

But when a conservative like Christie says it like it is, the headlines read "Borderline Unethical".

I'll take a politician that makes "borderline unethical" statements any day over "totally corrupt" actions.

What say you?

The issue is whether ALL state employees should contribute more to the pension system, or everyone except the judges, who overruled the Governor's mandate.

Meanwhile, Christie is front and center in another case now headed to the Supreme Court. In the fall, a Mercer County Superior Court judge ruled that judges weren't subject to Christie's public benefits overhaul law, which would have reduced their pensions, and Christie pounced.

He called the decision "self-interested" and said the judge, in order to "put more money in her pocket and the pocket of her cronies, has decided that the pension system being broken is fine by her, as long as she gets hers and her colleagues get theirs."

McCann called those comments by Christie, a lawyer, "borderline unethical."

New Jersey bar president calls Christie criticism 'borderline unethical'

Isn't he right?

Christie calling out anyone for self interest decisions is an example of hypocrisy. Self interest decision exists on the left, on the right, in the middle and is the guiding principle of capitalism. Making it solely a fault of the left is another example of hypocrisy.
I'm confused. Are you agreeing with the governor? Should ALL state employees "share the pain" or just those who don't wear a robe?
But when a conservative like Christie says it like it is, the headlines read "Borderline Unethical".

Your headline reads "New Jersey bar president calls Christie criticism 'borderline unethical'." Typical he said, she said journalism.

A similar headline would be "Gov. Christie calls Sen. Lautenberg a 'partisan hack' for his criticism of proposed Rutgers-Rowan merger."

Did that lead to days of soul-searching over Lautenberg's degree of hackitude or did no one care what combative phrase one public figure hurled at another? Was that proof the media is out to get "politicians on the left" because it doesn't put the words "partisan hack" in enough news stories about politicians on the right? Perhaps to someone on the left with a weird victim mentality but otherwise no.
Borderline? Republicans have been unethical for the last 20 years. They don't even hide it anymore.
Ah yes, but look who provides their guiding philosophy. According to Randian philosophy, anyone that minds societal ethics and morals is weak and unworthy of being a leader. Only those that are strong enough to be completely amoral are worthy of leadership according to the person whose philosophy Ryan and the rest follow.
Well deanie missed the point. Again.Sigh.

People on both sides of the aisle agree with Christie on this issue. The point is that the writer completely left that out and decided to make this hit piece on the governor.

Should judges be exempt from the new pension rules? Yes or no.
Don't you just love how the media ignores tax cheats and outright lying politicians on the left? How about when they use "uncivil discourse" when describing the tea party or conservative women?

But when a conservative like Christie says it like it is, the headlines read "Borderline Unethical".

I'll take a politician that makes "borderline unethical" statements any day over "totally corrupt" actions.

What say you?

The issue is whether ALL state employees should contribute more to the pension system, or everyone except the judges, who overruled the Governor's mandate.

Meanwhile, Christie is front and center in another case now headed to the Supreme Court. In the fall, a Mercer County Superior Court judge ruled that judges weren't subject to Christie's public benefits overhaul law, which would have reduced their pensions, and Christie pounced.

He called the decision "self-interested" and said the judge, in order to "put more money in her pocket and the pocket of her cronies, has decided that the pension system being broken is fine by her, as long as she gets hers and her colleagues get theirs."

McCann called those comments by Christie, a lawyer, "borderline unethical."

New Jersey bar president calls Christie criticism 'borderline unethical'

Isn't he right?

So a judge is saying he has more power over an executive/legislative action? Aren't judges public servants as well?

Sounds like this judge needs to be scrutinized...and removed.
Exactly. The courts have been legislating from the bench and are as equally responsible for bankrupting the state as much as the corrupt politicians. Two of the most expensive pieces of legislation in this state were the "Abbott schools" (a complete failure) and the Mt. Laurel affordable housing decision (another catastrophic disaster). Christie has had enough.

But on this issue, I'll be damned if if the tens of thousands of public servants have to comply and the few hundred overpaid judges do not. It's bullshit and "self serving".
Exactly. The courts have been legislating from the bench and are as equally responsible for bankrupting the state as much as the corrupt politicians. Two of the most expensive pieces of legislation in this state were the "Abbott schools" (a complete failure) and the Mt. Laurel affordable housing decision (another catastrophic disaster). Christie has had enough.

But on this issue, I'll be damned if if the tens of thousands of public servants have to comply and the few hundred overpaid judges do not. It's bullshit and "self serving".

Exactly my thinking.

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