New Taliban talks to end Afghan war

I'm not a Lefty, but I see no reason why we should not pull out all of our military out of that shit-pile country. With the understanding that if they allow terrorist training camps to exist then we'll be sending drones and bombs up they ass for a very long time. Big fucking bombs that are very loud. We have a presence in Germany, Japan, and So Ko for some very good reasons, mainly to counter-balance the Russians, Chinese, and NoKo gov'ts from getting too aggressive in their respective regions. But Afghanistan is a different story, and I don't see any benefits that outweigh the cost of staying there any longer. Now or 50 years from now, it'll still be a shit-pile and we'll still be sending our guys home in bodybags. Fuck that.
I'm not a Lefty, but I see no reason why we should not pull out all of our military out of that shit-pile country. With the understanding that if they allow terrorist training camps to exist then we'll be sending drones and bombs up they ass for a very long time. Big fucking bombs that are very loud. We have a presence in Germany, Japan, and So Ko for some very good reasons, mainly to counter-balance the Russians, Chinese, and NoKo gov'ts from getting too aggressive in their respective regions. But Afghanistan is a different story, and I don't see any benefits that outweigh the cost of staying there any longer. Now or 50 years from now, it'll still be a shit-pile and we'll still be sending our guys home in bodybags. Fuck that.
I'd like the girls to learn to read, get basic healthcare and not get shot in their heads or have acid tossed in their faces over getting either. But I agree that Americans getting killed and maimed over it …. well it's not really our responsibility when even the Saudis and Shia agree that the Taliban are … excessive.

But, I'm more than a little leery about just trusting the Taliban won't let terrorists operate in Afghan unless there's a credible threat the Predator drones will drop Hellfires on them if they try.

Trump's already screwed up the "deal" once by trying to sign it at Camp David with cheers to the murderers of Americans, so I'm not really optimistic the deal's gonna get done now.

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