new theories emerging about adolf hitler's bizarre sex life

Well, as long as it isn't 'the Nazis were gay' BS conspiracy theory in 'The Pink Swastika'. What we actually know about Hitler is that:

*He hated Jews, the mentally disabled, Homosexuals, democrats (as in supporters of democracy), 'non-Aryan's', - and generally just anyone that disagreed with the Nazi ideology or got in his way.

Again, no, this is not wholly true.

Hitler only hated effeminate homosexuals: he did not hate the alpha dogs of gay male relationships.
Well, I found this about Hitler may having syphilis contracted from a prostitute. Maybe it was a male prostitute? :biggrin:

Did Hitler have syphilis - Medical News Today

An encounter with a Jewish prostitute in Vienna in 1908 may have given Hitler neuro-syphilis and provided the 'deadly logic and blueprint for the Holocaust' as well as giving him a reason to attempt to eliminate the mentally retarded, according to evidence presented at the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

That theory supported by 'ample circumstantial evidence though no final proof', according to a team led by Dr Bassem Habeeb, a psychiatrist at Hollins Park Hospital Warrington, in a paper presented to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' annual meeting in Edinburgh.

There has been speculation that Hitler had the infection since his personal doctor, Theo Morrell expressed his own suspicion in his private diary. But the theory has never been rigorously examined, say the researchers.

'But if Hitler's life is looked at through the lens of a syphilis diagnosis, one clue leads to another until a pattern of infection and progressive infection emerges, a disease that may have defined him from youth as an outsider and that progressively ravaged his body and mind.

Hitler put syphilis high on his political agenda, devoting 13 pages to the disease in Mein Kampf. The job of 'combating syphilis... the Jewish disease... should be the task of the entire German nation,' he wrote. 'The health of the nation will be regained only by eliminating the Jews'.

According to Dr Theophanous, Hitler's bizarre belief that syphilis was a hereditary disease that was originated and propagated by the Jews and resulted in insanity and mental retardation' could be the reason he attempted to eliminate the mentally retarded.

His doctor, Theo Morrell noted his Parkinson's disease, severe gastric crises, skin lesions and violent mood swings as evidence that he had contracted syphilis - as well as 'sudden criminal behaviour, paranoia, grandiosity and mania, all of which changes show in cases of neuro-syphilis.
To imagine that an insane man was able to fool millions of people. Wow. The power of good speeches, eh?
So history was altered, millions died and Germany is forever stained with the shadow of Adolf Hitler because he boned a Jewish whore with syphilis. It all makes sense now.
To imagine that an insane man was able to fool millions of people. Wow. The power of good speeches, eh?
Good speeches, expert inflection, dramatic presentation to an audience of disheartened Germans suffering from the aftermath of WW1 punitive measures, while power and control is the thing that floats their boat more than anything. Addie was the right man at the right time. Unfortunately.
Well, as long as it isn't 'the Nazis were gay' BS conspiracy theory in 'The Pink Swastika'. What we actually know about Hitler is that:

*He hated Jews, the mentally disabled, Homosexuals, democrats (as in supporters of democracy), 'non-Aryan's', - and generally just anyone that disagreed with the Nazi ideology or got in his way.

Again, no, this is not wholly true.

Hitler only hated effeminate homosexuals: he did not hate the alpha dogs of gay male relationships.
Actually it is 'wholly true', he hated homosexuals (even if he didn't imprison them all): Online Exhibition mdash United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Under Paragraph 175 of the criminal code, male homosexuality was illegal in Germany. The Nazis arrested an estimated 100,000 homosexual men, 50,000 of whom were imprisoned.
  • During the Nazi regime, the police had the power to jail indefinitely—without trial—anyone they chose, including those deemed dangerous to Germany’s moral fiber.
  • Between 5,000 and 15,000 gay men were interned in concentration camps in Nazi Germany. These prisoners were marked by pink triangle badges and, according to many survivor accounts, were among the most abused groups in the camps.
  • Nazis interested in finding a “cure” for homosexuality conducted medical experiments on some gay concentration camp inmates. These experiments caused illness, mutilation, and even death, and yielded no scientific knowledge.
Also that link you provided is to something written by a bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist. Did you even read the titles of his books or their bat shit crazy content: True Crime Solving History Series - Greg Hallett the Spymaster - Books
'Hitler was a British Agent'
'Adolf Hitler was the culmination of the British war machine an outsider of illegitimate lineage taken from his country, through several others, and into the arms of British mind control. Here he became the enemy of the country he would lead, to fulfil the contracts and obligations of the country that trained him.'
'The Prime Minister and Speaker of the House both tried to launch a nuclear strike on Taupo with the KGB's Vladimir Putin.'
'The more sexually deviant a woman is, the further and faster she is promoted, no matter how ingrained the learning difficulties. Male paedophiles are promoted into politics and then to the top positions with complete police cover.'
Well, as long as it isn't 'the Nazis were gay' BS conspiracy theory in 'The Pink Swastika'. What we actually know about Hitler is that:

*He hated Jews, the mentally disabled, Homosexuals, democrats (as in supporters of democracy), 'non-Aryan's', - and generally just anyone that disagreed with the Nazi ideology or got in his way.

shart_attack said:
Again, no, this is not wholly true.

Hitler only hated effeminate homosexuals: he did not hate the alpha dogs of gay male relationships.

hipeter924 said:
Actually it is 'wholly true', he hated homosexuals (even if he didn't imprison them all): Online Exhibition mdash United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


Hitler hated homosexuals — really?????

Lots of people hate people who are in groups collective extensions of their private selves, moron.

hipeter924 said:
Also that link you provided is to something written by a bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist.

Says you.

And that's a big plus, in my book.

Look, idiot, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this.

You're obviously not especially well read on this subject: all you have in your arsenal is lines you repeat from the Encyclopedia Brittanica or the like about the official policy lines of the National Socialist Party.

The single-most important fact with regard to the debunking of your ignorant claim about Hitler and homosexuality is—again—that many of those in Hitler's innermost circle were gay and/ or sexual deviants, and because of that, there is some warrant to believe that he was himself either homosexual or to some extent sexually deviant.

I'm not going responding to your childishly ignorant posts regarding this subject any more.

You would do well to read something else besides an encyclopedia for a change, because you don't know what you're talking about, kid.
The single-most important fact with regard to the debunking of your ignorant claim about Hitler and homosexuality is—again—that many of those in Hitler's innermost circle were gay and/ or sexual deviants, and because of that, there is some warrant to believe that he was himself either homosexual or to some extent sexually deviant.
You really are twisted, denying the historical facts behind the holocaust and the brutality of the Nazi system, and trying to pass off the claim that the Nazi Holocaust was perpetrated by homosexuals.

That you stand by that author even, is even more disturbing:
1. He libels the Queen, and claims Queen Elizabeth is illegitimate.
2. He accuses the United Kingdom of training Hitler to start a war.
3. He libels the former Prime Minister of New Zealand (who is a respected politician and married woman) as a pedophile and sex abuser.
4. He libels the current and previous New Zealand government (judiciary, police, and politicians) as pedophiles and sex abusers.

On behalf of New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the commonwealth, and all those that fought and died for freedom in WW2:
Also ignoring you.
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