New Tucker Carlson interview with Andrew Tate coming up soon!

This is going to be incredible. Months ago the enemies of free speech were saying “we’re never gonna hear from Tucker or Andrew Tate again” . Well…. The jig is up the good guys are winning .

I can’t wait for this interview.

Freedom prevails. We were told by anti Americans four or five months ago “Will never hear from Tucker or Andrew Tate again”.

This is a great day. What an amazing interview. A victory for free speech and for humanity. The good guys are winning.

This is going to be incredible. Months ago the enemies of free speech were saying “we’re never gonna hear from Tucker or Andrew Tate again” . Well…. The jig is up the good guys are winning .

I can’t wait for this interview.

What did Tate win? A chin?

This is going to be incredible. Months ago the enemies of free speech were saying “we’re never gonna hear from Tucker or Andrew Tate again” . Well…. The jig is up the good guys are winning .

I can’t wait for this interview.

So the only person white nationalist Tucker Carlson could find to talk to is a guy who was holding two women against their will.

That certainly says a lot of just how bad things have gotten for a guy who used to have an hourly show every night.
You're not innocent. You are a sodomite and a sinner !
OK relax Let’s have a conversation here.

You think an innocent man should go to jail?

You said Homo erotic fantasy I’m just trying to understand your point. Do you hate gay people?
Two fascists, one already incarcerated one on their way to being incarcerated.

WTF is watching this drivel?
Malcolm X was once a pimp. He robbed people and beat the living shit out of them. He changed his Ways.

African-American Muslims I used to work with admire Andrew Tate.

Andrew Tate didn’t do any crime. maybe you don’t know that the so-called victims have already come out and said nothing happened.

you think it’s OK for an innocent Man to go to jail ?

Are you one of those robots who repeats what you’re told by your slave masters in the media or are you a man who bows to no man?
OK relax Let’s have a conversation here.

You think an innocent man should go to jail?

You said Homo erotic fantasy I’m just trying to understand your point. Do you hate gay people?
No, I don't think you should go to jail. You should get on your knees and repent and sin no more.

I don't. Of course.
So you're claiming that Andrew Tate _hasn't_ been charged with rape and human trafficking, and that it's all just a media hoax?

Really? That's what you're going with? All-out reality-denial? Dang. You areally are devoted to TheParty and their weirdass alternate reality.

What makes is less than credible is that it is the government of Romania, and they confiscated tens of millions of dollars worth of goods, cash, cryptocurrency, etc., which is highly suspect, since these goods have nothing to do with the charges.
It's not the US government charging him, so that conspiracy theory isn't relevant.

Since we all know the government of Romania is much more corrupt than the US, the conspiracy theory is far more relevant.
There’s already one Romanian judge who says that the Tate brothers should be free. The Chargers are complete nonsense. For Tristan Tate the human trafficking charge is based on the idea that he forced women to go on TikTok while he was a multimillionaire, and he took minute amount of money from TikTok accounts like under $1000. It makes no sense at all.

I support equality between men and women. I also support common sense. It is, for example the fact that a 90 pound woman in general will not be a strong as a 200 lbs., 6 foot one man. And for w/e reason left wing elements in the US Army is acting as if that’s not the truth. This is also something Colonel Douglas Macgregor pointed out.

It’s also a fact that the overwhelming number of positions that are filled for oil rigging jobs, construction workers are overwhelmingly men. saying these things out loud it’s something that apparently stirs up people on the far left. And these are the type of far left people they don’t care about the truth they don’t care about anything real…

it is true that the Tate brothers were involved in the WebCam industry. Legally they did that and that’s something that they now say that they have moved on from and they don’t look back on it positively from what I understand. That’s similar to Malcolm X was once a pimp, a drug dealer, and beat the hell out of people and Rob them. Well, he change his ways for the better. That’s what the story is.

I agree with you. I don’t agree with everything that Andrew Tate says. But when we compare him to other influencers, who are peddling out right propaganda to it’s OK to smoke dope it’s OK to watch porn it’s OK to not want kids. They have influencers on Instagram going around with Pokémon outfits, these are men grown men wearing Pokémon outfits, going around and making a fool of themselves. Doing these dumb videos on TikTok that don’t accomplish anything they don’t teach anyone anything.

Andrew Tate is overwhelmingly liked by people all over the world. Just look at the comment section of any article or video about him. They are overwhelmingly positive comments you’re talking about maybe one percent negative comments. And part of that one percent unfortunately is seen here on the US message board from far left wingers that support racist ideologies from Black Lives Matter, they support anti-Americanism, they support the insane idea that homeless white people who have drug abuse issues are privileged More privileged than LeBron James. This is the ideology of the far left. Now compare that to people like Tucker Carlson and Andrew Tate out there every day saying that we should stand against racism, we should stand for honorable values, respecting ones neighbor, doing the right things.
I do not think anyone who watches him tell his side of the story could possibly think he is guilty.
OK I see you’re here to troll.


A troll or a sock something like that!


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