New Video Emerges Of Gaddafi Being Sodomized While Alive During Capture

Wouldn't be surprised to see one of our involuntarily departed members lurking to watch that video again and again and again and again....just for research purposes, of course.
Ghaddafi was sodomized?

Was he in Abu Ghraib?

oh they are not you dumbass.....have you ever even seen an Illegal?.....goddam you are one stupid motherfucker.....

I see them all the time when I go quail hunting along the mexican border twice a year. The nasty bastards are all over the place leaving trash everywhere as they tresspass across farmlands and hunting preserves. We need President Eisenhowers 'Operation Wetback' program back in action that he once used.

im sure you do......leaving trash and trespassing makes them vicious people right?.....why dont you shoot them then?......

Who's to say I haven't shot at them? I suggest you look at the crimes they are committing in the states. Rapes, Kidnappings and Murders to our American citizens. Do you agree they commit these violent crimes? Do you agree they should be in our country? Answer those two questions please.
I see them all the time when I go quail hunting along the mexican border twice a year. The nasty bastards are all over the place leaving trash everywhere as they tresspass across farmlands and hunting preserves. We need President Eisenhowers 'Operation Wetback' program back in action that he once used.

im sure you do......leaving trash and trespassing makes them vicious people right?.....why dont you shoot them then?......

Who's to say I haven't shot at them? I suggest you look at the crimes they are committing in the states. Rapes, Kidnappings and Murders to our American citizens. Do you agree they commit these violent crimes? Do you agree they should be in our country? Answer those two questions please.

Mexican drug gangs are a problem.

Mexican immigrants are the hardest working people I have ever seen.

By the much was your government check this month?
im sure you do......leaving trash and trespassing makes them vicious people right?.....why dont you shoot them then?......

Who's to say I haven't shot at them? I suggest you look at the crimes they are committing in the states. Rapes, Kidnappings and Murders to our American citizens. Do you agree they commit these violent crimes? Do you agree they should be in our country? Answer those two questions please.

Mexican drug gangs are a problem.

Mexican immigrants are the hardest working people I have ever seen.

By the much was your government check this month?

hows your boyfriend's semen taste every night?
im sure you do......leaving trash and trespassing makes them vicious people right?.....why dont you shoot them then?......

Who's to say I haven't shot at them? I suggest you look at the crimes they are committing in the states. Rapes, Kidnappings and Murders to our American citizens. Do you agree they commit these violent crimes? Do you agree they should be in our country? Answer those two questions please.

Mexican drug gangs are a problem.

Mexican immigrants are the hardest working people I have ever seen.

By the much was your government check this month?
Wetbacks commit Rapes, Kidnappings and Murders to our American citizens. Do you agree they commit these violent crimes?
All Americans should fear what our Government has unleashed in Egypt and Libya. It aint gonna be pretty.

Arab Spring initially was claimed to be the ripple effect in the Middle East of the liberation of Iraq!
What changed?
Ghaddafi was sodomized?

Was he in Abu Ghraib?


Thanks for the post.
Here we have some real nut jobs bashing Obama for what some rebels allegedly did to a Mass Murder and supporter of terrorism My bet is these same clowns bashing Obama thought that those who sodomized Iraqi prisoners at Abeu Rabi, shouldn't have been prosecuted.
Oh, the irony. Oh, the hypocrisy.
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Thank you, President Obama!

I don't know how long you're going to be thanking him---:cuckoo::cuckoo: Because here is what the new transitional leader stated:

The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

Just another Iran in the making.
Thank you, President Obama!

I don't know how long you're going to be thanking him---:cuckoo::cuckoo: Because here is what the new transitional leader stated:

The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

Just another Iran in the making.
What makes you think the population loves this guy, or will follow him?

And if they want an Islamic state, why the fuck do you care? al Qaeda objected to U.S. bases and military on Saudi soil, which is sacred because of Mecca and Medina. Libya has no sacred sites, and we have no bases or military there.
^^Libya has supplied the most fighters in Iraq from a foreign country. They also applauded the Lockerbie bombers return... wouldn't exactly label them the friendliest group of people
Syria's Bashar al-Assad should be shaking like a dog shitting razor blades about now.
Yay America! Nice new puppets you got there. The President should be Impeached over his shit.
Yay America! Nice new puppets you got there. The President should be Impeached over his shit.

You think obama has stopped the torture an exection? Hell he assingnated an American citizen.

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