New Video Emerges Of Gaddafi Being Sodomized While Alive During Capture

That is what happens to brutal dictators when they are brought down

Remember Mussolini?
Wonder how well Syria's Bashar al-Assad's sleeping these days after seeing how nicely Gaddafi's loyal subjects treated him after capture? Try counting goats, Bashar. Maybe it'll help.
Wow, it really just amazes me the way right-wing crazies will try to defend people like Kaddhafi and even Bin Laden posthumously.

Who the fuck cares what happened to an evil dictator in the moments before his death? Do you really think that thousands of people didn't suffer in the same way he did, because of him? He's a self-admitted state sponsor of terrorism. Fuck him.

This just reminds me of the right-wing tripping all over itself trying to take the air out of Bin Laden getting killed, by calling it "an illegal assassination". WHO THE FUCK CARES IF IT WAS AN ILLEGAL ASSASSINATION??? IT'S OSAMA BIN LADEN.

Oh sure, like you all would be SAYING this if it HAD BEEN UNDER BUSH.

If Bush killed Bin Laden, I would have cheered and danced just as hard.

That fucker needed to die.

The fact that it was Obama who got him shouldn't have mattered to right-wing nutbags, but it did.

And that's the difference between you and me.
Thank you, President Obama!

Huh? Did Libya attack us or something?

As for the sodomy and torture of Ghaddafi...........oh those peaceful Muslims!!!

something tells me if we had a brutal dictator here,and he was caught like this guy,then you would see how violent peaceful Americans can be......some in this Country have caught and brutalized Citizens just for being different,so how does that make some of us any different than some of them?....

Matthew Shepard

McKinney and Henderson subsequently drove the car to a remote, rural area and proceeded to rob, pistol-whip, and torture Shepard, tying him to a fence and leaving him to die. According to their court testimony, McKinney and Henderson also discovered his address and intended to steal from his home. Still tied to the fence, Shepard, who was still alive but in a coma, was discovered 18 hours later by Aaron Kreifels, a cyclist who initially mistook Shepard for a scarecrow.[6]

Shepard had suffered fractures to the back of his head and in front of his right ear. He experienced severe brain-stem damage, which affected his body's ability to regulate heart rate, body temperature, and other vital functions. There also were about a dozen small lacerations around his head, face, and neck. His injuries were deemed too severe for doctors to operate. Shepard never regained consciousness and remained on full life support. While he lay in intensive care, candlelight vigils were held by the people of Laramie.[7]

Shepard was pronounced dead at 12:53 a.m. on October 12, 1998, at Poudre Valley Hospital, in Fort Collins, Colorado.[8][9][10][11]
Where are pics of Osama's body? You would think they would have been released since he was target number 1 for the past 10 years and it would solidify that he was indeed dead and confirm Obama got him under his watch.

You have some serious issues. You should really go see someone.
Fucking savages. Gaddafi was a tyrant and evil dictator but this is just sub human.
Now the new Regime has confirmed what I had thought was going on over there in the first place. That a Muslim theocracy was going to be set up. The New guy in charge said the new "liberated" Libya would be using Sharia law. Great. Another terrorist country in control of large oil reserves.

Obviously, all the horrible suffering that happened to thousands of people due to the Gaddafi regime is much better than 10 minutes of an admitted terrorist getting his ass-kicked and possibly raped, before a much deserved execution.

Obviously. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Why should Obama get credit for this? He had absolutely ZERO to do with it. Same applies to the killing of Bin Laden.

Actually, he has quite a bit to do with it.

After all, he was the one who sent our planes in for bombing runs...

...right up until you jackasses decided to not back him so you could score some political points.

And "the same applies to killing Bin Laden"?

What Bizarro-World universe is it that you live in anyway?
I know, I'm not accusing you but kinda like the way people defend Saddam.

Hussein was a nasty PoS, that should have been killed years ago. I shed not one tear for that prick.

I just thought it was a stupid move to invade and occupy a country he size of Iraq just to take down one asshole.

Libya was well-run, did not require an occupation, and ended without any western troops killed.
Recently Obama supporters like lefty Ed Schultz was crying about how Obama wasn't getting any credit
for capturing Gaddafi....

Wonder how fast you lefties are gonna run away from this now that the truth is coming out how this guy was terrorized,tortured and possibly murdered...

How many Islamist terrorist will be created over this I wonder...

This Leftie sheds no tears.

Lefties never shed tears over torture, oppression, rape, murder.

it's their bread and butter.

And Islam is their friend.
I know, I'm not accusing you but kinda like the way people defend Saddam.

Hussein was a nasty PoS, that should have been killed years ago. I shed not one tear for that prick.

I just thought it was a stupid move to invade and occupy a country he size of Iraq just to take down one asshole.

Libya was well-run, did not require an occupation, and ended without any western troops killed.

it ended?

SO I guess all is good there now.

Obama and the UN Boys took out the old man and all will dance around the May Pole and love and peace will be the new wave in Libya.

My my easy it was....shoulda done that in Iraq.

One must be quite nbaive to think all is going to be good there. I sure would hate to be the parent of young children in Libya right now.
How selfish of

Go in, take out the man we hate and then leave the rest of the country to fend for themselves.

Seems to me a cowardly way to do things.....wouldnt you say so?

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