New Video Emerges Of Gaddafi Being Sodomized While Alive During Capture

Oh, then it's all ok what happened to him.
was the guy in the picture being Sodomized or not? you know what the fucking word means Bo?......if your going to use a picture as an example.....use the right picture......

I didn't use the example...and again, since he ISN'T being sodomized, it's okay what's happening to him.

i did not say YOU were....i was saying if your talking about Sodomizing someone and you show a picture,like Chris least use a picture of someone being Sodomized.....and no i do not think what they did was made the jailers look rather perverted....
Maybe Assad will get butt raped next, stay tuned.

Actually, I am hoping it's that whack job in Iran...
Why? He is a figurehead with absolutely no power at all.

For me, I wish it upon Lil' Kim, in North Korea.

shit that crazy fucker would bomb his people if they got out of hand......whats sad is the people there probably dont even know that this shit is happening........maybe the illness he has will eat him up......
Lefties never shed tears over torture, oppression, rape, murder.

it's their bread and butter.

And Islam is their friend.

really?.....seems what i have been reading here from the Lefties here is happiness a rotten fucking DICKtater is gone BECAUSE of torture, oppression, rape, murder the basTURD sanctioned on his people.....
How selfish of

Go in, take out the man we hate and then leave the rest of the country to fend for themselves.

Seems to me a cowardly way to do things.....wouldnt you say so?

We didn't "go in", we supported a revolution against a totalitarian despot.

I guess you think the French were "cowardly" for helping the U.S. in our revolution...

...and then not occupying the colonies so we didn't have to "fend for ourselves".
Wow, it really just amazes me the way right-wing crazies will try to defend people like Kaddhafi and even Bin Laden posthumously.

Who the fuck cares what happened to an evil dictator in the moments before his death? Do you really think that thousands of people didn't suffer in the same way he did, because of him? He's a self-admitted state sponsor of terrorism. Fuck him.

This just reminds me of the right-wing tripping all over itself trying to take the air out of Bin Laden getting killed, by calling it "an illegal assassination". WHO THE FUCK CARES IF IT WAS AN ILLEGAL ASSASSINATION??? IT'S OSAMA BIN LADEN.

Oh sure, like you all would be SAYING this if it HAD BEEN UNDER BUSH.

If Bush killed Bin Laden, I would have cheered and danced just as hard.

That fucker needed to die.

The fact that it was Obama who got him shouldn't have mattered to right-wing nutbags, but it did.

And that's the difference between you and me.
Obama did nothing. He shamefully took credit for the efforts of Seal Team 6.
Obama is being given credit for Ghaddifi. The British and French did all the leg work.
If Obama was an honorable person he would have immediately went to the media and told the American people that he appreciates the congrats , but they should congratulate the real heroes. But, No...Obama is a self centered megalomaniac with an ego the size of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam.
Ever hear in his speeches how many times he uses first person pronouns like "I" and "me"?
Obama: There is no "I" in "team", but there is an "m' and an "e".
Obama did nothing. He shamefully took credit for the efforts of Seal Team 6.
Obama is being given credit for Ghaddifi. The British and French did all the leg work.
If Obama was an honorable person he would have immediately went to the media and told the American people that he appreciates the congrats , but they should congratulate the real heroes. But, No...Obama is a self centered megalomaniac with an ego the size of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam.
Ever hear in his speeches how many times he uses first person pronouns like "I" and "me"?
Obama: There is no "I" in "team", but there is an "m' and an "e".

Hmm, let's see...

When George W Bush thought he had the Iraq War won, what did he do exactly? Oh yeah, that's right:


Obama, on the other hand, had a small simple press conference in the White House.

Now, who's the "megalomaniac" here?

Meanwhile, Obama specifically directed the raid on the Bin Laden compound. Sure it was from his office, but I'm not really sure I can remember ANY president that personally led a military mission into enemy territory. Perhaps you have an example of one?

Yes, Seal Team six sure as hell does deserve a lot of credit for what they did, but we can't give them that credit, now can we? We'll never know who they are.

And finally, and perhaps most importantly, if the mission was a failure, you can be sure as hell that YOU personally would be laying the blame right at Obama's feet, just like you did when Clinton tried and failed.
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In summary, you can either support the pursuit of Democracy over Totalitarianism, even when you don't like the people who take over, or you can not support the pursuit of Democracy over Totalitarianism.

Supporting only the revolutions where you get to pick the next regime, and then pretending that you did it in the name of Democracy, is the height of hypocrisy.
Our New Friends in Libya is Al Quaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Just like our new friends in Egypt and Tunisia, soon to be Syria.

Which brings up the question. What did Al Awalaki do for this buddies to drop a dime on him?
Our New Friends in Libya is Al Quaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Just like our new friends in Egypt and Tunisia, soon to be Syria.

Which brings up the question. What did Al Awalaki do for this buddies to drop a dime on him?

The Rebels in Libya are led by Al Qaeda? Really?

That's interesting. Tell me, where did you come by this intelligence?

Because as far as I know, no credible source has provided any information of that nature.
Yay America! Nice new puppets you got there. The President should be Impeached over his shit.

You think obama has stopped the torture an exection? Hell he assingnated an American citizen.

You agreed to leave, and have not done so yet, so you're even a failure at following your own challenge rules!
Gaddaffi bad,Hussein good. Oh the poor chickenhawks are so lost. And i mean the chickenhawks in both parties. Gaddafi was not a threat to anyone,let alone the U.S. At least the Iraq War cheerleaders had a bit of an argument for getting rid of Hussein. It wasn't a strong argument but it was more credible. Hussein committed genocide against his own people and invaded nations in the region. And the President did go to Congress for approval. This Libyan War makes no sense. It was an illegal war for sure. I'm not celebrating.
I didn't read the whole thread. Did we find out if it was just another faked Breitbart video yet? I don't think he's ever had one that's not edited to make something out of nothing.
Gaddaffi bad,Hussein good. Oh the poor chickenhawks are so lost. And i mean the chickenhawks in both parties. Gaddafi was not a threat to anyone,let alone the U.S. At least the Iraq War cheerleaders had a bit of an argument for getting rid of Hussein. It wasn't a strong argument but it was more credible. Hussein committed genocide against his own people and invaded nations in the region. And the President did go to Congress for approval. This Libyan War makes no sense. It was an illegal war for sure. I'm not celebrating.

Maybe you're really young. You don't remember the Lockerbe Scotland plane crash orchestrated by Gadaffi where hundreds of people died?

HE WAS KILLING HIS OWN PEOPLE! Hundreds of people died in Libya when they started protesting against him.
I didn't read the whole thread. Did we find out if it was just another faked Breitbart video yet? I don't think he's ever had one that's not edited to make something out of nothing.

Well that's your story anyway and you're sticking to it. Yea sure,all his videos are fakes. Who told you that? Pretty convenient way to ignore reality no? Just claim all his videos are fake and be done with it. Not very logical. But that's just my observation anyway.
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Putting a stick up a guys ass has been a Muslim tradition for thousands of years.
Our New Friends in Libya is Al Quaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Just like our new friends in Egypt and Tunisia, soon to be Syria.

Which brings up the question. What did Al Awalaki do for this buddies to drop a dime on him?

The Rebels in Libya are led by Al Qaeda? Really?

That's interesting. Tell me, where did you come by this intelligence?

Because as far as I know, no credible source has provided any information of that nature.

Tipsycatlover has never come by any intelligence.

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