New Video Reveals Use of "Agitprop" to Try and Discredit Anti-ObamaCare Protesters


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Here is an outstanding video exposing the "Agitprop" used by Democrats and the Liberal Media to try and discredit those who protested against passage of ObamaCare.

[ame=]YouTube - Capitol Hill Conspiracy[/ame]

The early Soviets coined the word "agitprop" as a blend between the Russian agitatsiya (agitation) and "propaganda." That's the tactic used in accusing protesters at the U.S. Capitol on March 21 of shouting the "N" word at Black Congressmen, and of "spitting" on Missouri Democrat Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver.

from and the rest.

Freedom's Lighthouse: New Video Reveals Use of "Agitprop" to Try and Discredit Anti-ObamaCare Protesters
My apologies to genuine Democrats but.....

What a bunch of shitheads make up that party these days.*

*I refer to the politicians, not the card carriers.
Pretty good piece of propaganda, there. Did the "pimp" put it together?
It's the Saul Alinsky Marxist/Community Organizer way. You must create division and bitterness where there is none. People really should read up more on Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all in there. Educate yourselves people.
The whole Tea bag movement is a sinister Democratic plot to discredit the GOP. They planted a bunch of grandmothers, white supremicists and birthers in a twisted attempt to get America to believe that this is what Republicans are really like
The whole Tea bag movement is a sinister Democratic plot to discredit the GOP. They planted a bunch of grandmothers, white supremicists and birthers in a twisted attempt to get America to believe that this is what Republicans are really like

speaking of twisted.:cuckoo:
The whole Tea bag movement is a sinister Democratic plot to discredit the GOP. They planted a bunch of grandmothers, white supremicists and birthers in a twisted attempt to get America to believe that this is what Republicans are really like

I may agree except I have not seen any evidence of white suprmeists and quite a few birthers at the tea parties.
Quite a few true American grandmothers however.
The whole Tea bag movement is a sinister Democratic plot to discredit the GOP. They planted a bunch of grandmothers, white supremicists and birthers in a twisted attempt to get America to believe that this is what Republicans are really like

speaking of twisted.:cuckoo:

You know how sinister those Dems can be with their plants and fake videos. What you never realized is the whole Tea Party is a fake.
Why are people still confused? If you disagree with the Socialist/Progressive agenda,you are immediately labelled an "Evil Racist" and "Un-American Nazi." This really is the Saul Alinsky way. Once you read more of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' it all becomes crystal clear on what the Socialists/Progressives are doing. People just need to educate themselves more if they plan on ever defeating them. Education is the key.
This stuff is straight out of the Mao/Stalin playbook. When will people wake up and understand what the Democrats are doing? Come on people,get it together.

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