New Website on Senator Joseph McCarthy

The people he damaged in show business were not spies.

have you been asleep during this entire thread?

Senator Joe never went after a single person in show business, his only interest were those that worked for the Government. That was HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee.

And as should be obvious, Senator Joseph McCarthy was never in the house, he was a Senator.

This is so typical of so many. They know absolutely nothing, and only repeat what they were told by others without doing a single bit of research.
Thank you for confirming you are nothing but a bigot. That tells me exactly how seriously to take anything you say in the future.

In other words, not at all.

Sorry, man, if you belong to a cult started by a child-molesting con man, I'm not going to have any respect for you.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh? Original and Extra Crispy!!!
Sorry, man, if you belong to a cult started by a child-molesting con man, I'm not going to have any respect for you.

I am not a member of the LDS. Nor am I Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, or a great many other things.

But I do recognize bigotry, ignorance, and hate when I see it.

Funny, but almost any time you turn over somebody on the Far-Left, you seem to find they are indistinguishable from a NAZI.

But congratulations, you win the Hitler Seal of Approval for this week.


Sieg Heil!
I am not a member of the LDS. Nor am I Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, or a great many other things.
But I do recognize bigotry, ignorance, and hate when I see it.
Funny, but almost any time you turn over somebody on the Far-Left, you seem to find they are indistinguishable from a NAZI.
But congratulations, you win the Hitler Seal of Approval for this week.

Except my position isn't based on ignorance... it's based on actually having studied the crazy shit Mormons believe.

The LDS have worked very hard to try to "normalize" their cult and get invited to the interfaith pancake breakfasts, but they are at the end of the day a weird cult.
Except my position isn't based on ignorance... it's based on actually having studied the crazy shit Mormons believe.

A whole industry has arisen, based on making up and publishing lies and extreme distortions about Mormonism. There are people who do this professionally, who make their livings this way.

Even the vilest of these professional slanderers would not touch some of the extreme and absurd lies that you keep posting about us. At least none of the well-known ones would.

Nearly all of what you claim that we Mormons believe, no, we do not believe any such things. Some of your claims are based on extreme, distortions of some of our beliefs, distorted almost to the point of being unrecognizable, and others of what you claim are simply outright lies, with no basis whatsoever in anything that we actually believe.

Even going off of the works of the known professional anti-Mormon slanderers, you would have to introduce some extreme distortions of your own to get to much of what you claim about us.

To attribute your lies to mere “ignorance” would be letting you off much too easy. Your lies are driven by hatred, malice, and willful dishonesty; by having consciously and willfully choosing evil against good.
A whole industry has arisen, based on making up and publishing lies and extreme distortions about Mormonism. There are people who do this professionally, who make their livings this way.

Even the vilest of these professional slanderers would not touch some of the extreme and absurd lies that you keep posting about us. At least none of the well-known ones would.

Oh, I see, there's this vast conspiracy of people actually reporting on the writings and beliefs of your cult, and they are just making stuff up. So when I find a copy of the Book of Mormon that has those batshit racist stories about White Jews coming to America and being turned into dark skinned people as a curse from God, it was all part of a clever conspiracy by Mormon haters to make you look bad, and NOT what Joseph Smith and Brigham Young actually wrote.

Nearly all of what you claim that we Mormons believe, no, we do not believe any such things. Some of your claims are based on extreme, distortions of some of our beliefs, distorted almost to the point of being unrecognizable, and others of what you claim are simply outright lies, with no basis whatsoever in anything that we actually believe.

Except you never bother to correct any of them, do you. You just scream and stomp your feet and make these weird claims about my sex life (Yes, I don't get that one, either). It would seem to me that if any claim I made was easily disprovable, you'd disprove it.

Come on, I'll give you an easy one. Mormons didn't let black people become full members until 1978, and only then because of public outcry that this was still a thing. How is that any less bad than I've made it sound?

Even going off of the works of the known professional anti-Mormon slanderers, you would have to introduce some extreme distortions of your own to get to much of what you claim about us.

To attribute your lies to mere “ignorance” would be letting you off much too easy. Your lies are driven by hatred, malice, and willful dishonesty; by having consciously and willfully choosing evil against good.

Except you never have refuted ONE claim I've made, that's the thing.
McCarthy was driven out of office in disgrace and died a miserable drunk. His name has become a badge of political shame like Nixon, and hopefully soon, Trump.
Maybe LBJ "died a miserable drunk"? That's not a political argument. McCarthy got a raw deal by the media conglomerate that became the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Oh, I see, there's this vast conspiracy of people actually reporting on the writings and beliefs of your cult, and they are just making stuff up. So when I find a copy of the Book of Mormon that has those batshit racist stories about White Jews coming to America and being turned into dark skinned people as a curse from God, it was all part of a clever conspiracy by Mormon haters to make you look bad, and NOT what Joseph Smith and Brigham Young actually wrote.

Except you never bother to correct any of them, do you. You just scream and stomp your feet and make these weird claims about my sex life (Yes, I don't get that one, either). It would seem to me that if any claim I made was easily disprovable, you'd disprove it.

Come on, I'll give you an easy one. Mormons didn't let black people become full members until 1978, and only then because of public outcry that this was still a thing. How is that any less bad than I've made it sound?

Except you never have refuted ONE claim I've made, that's the thing.

It would seem to me that if any claim I made was easily disprovable, you'd disprove it.

You know, we already went over that. And that is simply that you can not disprove a negative.

Obviously Logic 101 is something you fail to comprehend. Which is something I find amazingly common among bigots, so that is not a surprise at all.
have you been asleep during this entire thread?

Senator Joe never went after a single person in show business, his only interest were those that worked for the Government. That was HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee.

And as should be obvious, Senator Joseph McCarthy was never in the house, he was a Senator.

This is so typical of so many. They know absolutely nothing, and only repeat what they were told by others without doing a single bit of research.
People in show business who were damaged by him would disagree. Have you never read about Dalton Trumbo?
People in show business who were damaged by him would disagree.

How? He never went after anybody in show business.

Once again, that was HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee. And he was a Senator.

But please, find me any actual video or quotes where he actually went after anybody that was in show business that was not a Government employee at the time.

In fact, the HUAC "Black Lists" started in 1947. Three years before Senator McCarthy gave the "Enemies Within" speech that started him going after Communists in Government.

So once again, please provide us with some factual details about people in show business that he harmed.

Especially as the first "Blacklist" was published by HUAC on 25 November 1947. Senator Joe was not a member of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations until 1953. That was 6 years later.

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