New Website on Senator Joseph McCarthy

While president Truman still retained the support of the media, he became so unpopular after the debacle in Korea that he dropped out of politics rather than run for a 2nd full term. Ike's election in 1952 brought about a republican majority in congress for the first time in decades. The anti-communist hunt tapered off after democrats became the minority and Sen. McCarthy gained a chairmanship which had nothing to do with communist infiltration. The media created the faked legend of McCarthyism because the media was still in the back pocket of the democrat party and was in the process of building the faked legacy of "feisty" Harry Truman.
While president Truman still retained the support of the media, he became so unpopular after the debacle in Korea that he dropped out of politics rather than run for a 2nd full term. Ike's election in 1952 brought about a republican majority in congress for the first time in decades. The anti-communist hunt tapered off after democrats became the minority and Sen. McCarthy gained a chairmanship which had nothing to do with communist infiltration. The media created the faked legend of McCarthyism because the media was still in the back pocket of the democrat party and was in the process of building the faked legacy of "feisty" Harry Truman.

You left out the part where REPUBLICANS thought that McCarthy went too far and censured him for his actions, stripped him of all committee assignments, and he eventually died as a drunk.
You left out the part where REPUBLICANS thought that McCarthy went too far and censured him for his actions, stripped him of all committee assignments, and he eventually died as a drunk.
O.K., republicans censured McCarthy for his loudmouth rants. So what? Democrats were in charge when HUAC was active and Senate hearings subpoenaed suspected communists. It's ludicrous to blame the anti-communist era on a single republican senator but the media got away with it in their effort to protect Truman's legacy.
O.K., republicans censured McCarthy for his loudmouth rants. So what? Democrats were in charge when HUAC was active and Senate hearings subpoenaed suspected communists. It's ludicrous to blame the anti-communist era on a single republican senator but the media got away with it in their effort to protect Truman's legacy.

No, but there's a reason why we call it "McCarthyism" and not "Kenedyism" or "Nixonism".
No, but there's a reason why we call it "McCarthyism" and not "Kenedyism" or "Nixonism".
Nixon was a HUAC lawyer that WAPO reporter Karl Marx Bernstein grew up hating from his card carrying communist parents and JFK was dilettante rich son of a former ambassador who was dismissed for his Nazi affiliation. "Trumanism" seems to be the most accurate representation of the era.
Prior to that, the Democrats had gleefully investigated communists in Hollywood, during hearings later called "McCarthyism," though he had nothing to do with them. McCarthy investigated communists in the State Department, not Hollywood.

For those unaware, Hollywood movie production is not a part of our government, but the State Department is.

Want to confuse somebody who only believes what they were told, and never does any actual research themselves?

Ask them how many Actors Senator Joe had blacklisted from Hollywood. Then watch them try to scream you are a liar when you say not one.

I have even pointed out that was the HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Commission. Which Senator Joe was never a part of obviously, as he was a Senator. But the "Standing Committee" was founded in 1947, the same year the Senator first took office. And was chaired by Representative Ed Hart (D) of New Jersey. But there were unquestionably spies in the Government, and a lot of those that Senator Joe tried to expose were decades later found to have been in the Venona files.

Myself, I have long suspected that somebody in the Army's Signal Intelligence Service (the forerunner of the NSA) was feeding him information. A lot of people both he and the HUAC pointed fingers at were indeed spies, but Venona was as secret at MAGIC was, so they had to find some way to pull the people in without giving away that they were reading the Soviet cables.
Who was McCarthy's associate counsel? Roy Cohn was counsel, who was his deputy?

I do not even have to look that up, it was Robert Kennedy.

Senator Joe was every close to the Kenney Clan. Joe Sr. was a strong supporter of his, and commented that most of the people in Massachusetts thought he was a hero (even though he was from Wisconsin) . The entire Kennedy clan loved him. He dated two of Joe's daughters, and two of his sons worked for him on the Committee. And when he was censured, JFK refused to do so. It is hard to believe after Ted, but the entire Kennedy clan at the time was almost virulently anti-Communist and it showed.

But what was done to him was a great example of propaganda. Putting in just enough truth with the lies, so all that people remember afterwards are the lies.
Nixon was a HUAC lawyer

He was a Representative. But not a "HUAC Lawyer", as he was only one of many on the committee.

However, it was his pressing the HUAC that finally led them to breaking the fact that Alger Hiss (who worked in the State Department) was indeed a Soviet spy. And that led him to running for the Senate, and eventually VP.
Nixon was a HUAC lawyer that WAPO reporter Karl Marx Bernstein grew up hating from his card carrying communist parents and JFK was dilettante rich son of a former ambassador who was dismissed for his Nazi affiliation. "Trumanism" seems to be the most accurate representation of the era.

Except McCarthy was the guy who went to far. Think of McCarthyism as a mob action, and then the crowd comes to its senses except for that one guy who just keeps screaming even crazier stuff.... and the crowd looks at him and says, "What the fuck, man?"

The country came to its senses and realized there wasn't a commie hiding under every bed. Except for McCarthy, who enjoyed his toad-elevating moment too much and didn't ant to give it up.

Senator Joe was every close to the Kenney Clan. Joe Sr. was a strong supporter of his, and commented that most of the people in Massachusetts thought he was a hero (even though he was from Wisconsin) . The entire Kennedy clan loved him. He dated two of Joe's daughters, and two of his sons worked for him on the Committee. And when he was censured, JFK refused to do so. It is hard to believe after Ted, but the entire Kennedy clan at the time was almost virulently anti-Communist and it showed.

Just shows the Kennedys knew which way the winds were blowing politically... How much better we'd have been off if JFK or RFK lived.
Except McCarthy was the guy who went to far. Think of McCarthyism as a mob action, and then the crowd comes to its senses except for that one guy who just keeps screaming even crazier stuff.... and the crowd looks at him and says, "What the fuck, man?"

The country came to its senses and realized there wasn't a commie hiding under every bed. Except for McCarthy, who enjoyed his toad-elevating moment too much and didn't ant to give it up.

Just shows the Kennedys knew which way the winds were blowing politically... How much better we'd have been off if JFK or RFK lived.
Mccarthy was not claiming such things. His claim was that large numbers of communists were in high level government ppositions and commiting treason spying for the USSR.

He was correct.

That is not going to far. He was trying to call attention to government apathy.
Mccarthy was not claiming such things. His claim was that large numbers of communists were in high level government ppositions and commiting treason spying for the USSR.

He was correct.

That is not going to far. He was trying to call attention to government apathy.

When he started accusing people in the Army of being Communists, including decorated officers, he went too far.
How? He only targeted Federal Employees. Not civilians, actors, or anybody else. That was all the HUAC, he had nothing to do with that.

So if you are a federal employee, it's okay if the government abuses you?

And are you saying that just because somebody is in the military, they can't be a Communist?
I'm saying if they served, you give them the benefit of the doubt.
So if you are a federal employee, it's okay if the government abuses you?

I'm saying if they served, you give them the benefit of the doubt.
Different laws apply to federal employees. In fact you are not permited to work for the government is you are a communinist. or nazi, or klansman.

They apparently gave that benefit of the doubt to this piece of shit and wasted millions on him

So if you are a federal employee, it's okay if the government abuses you?

And how it is abuse to do a check to see if somebody is a communist if they are working for the government?

Are you even aware of how many there were in that era? There were tons of them, and this is a fact. Hell, even the Russians after the Soviet Union collapsed admitted they had most of our government agencies highly infiltrated. Including the FBI and CIA.

How about shutting up and actually trying to think instead of knee-jerking so much?
I'm saying if they served, you give them the benefit of the doubt.

Ohhh, got it.

You mean like David Greenglass? Formerly a Sergeant in the US Army who joined during WWII?

Who thanks to his sister and her husband got a nice paying job at Los Alamos?

Of course, all three of them lied on their security clearances, and denied they had any connection or affiliation to Communists. Even though his sister was reporting to the NKVD, and both he and her husband knew that.

Of course, you might know his sister and her husband better by her married name. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Yes, because everybody knows that somebody that wore the uniform should never be questioned.

Like say, Lee Harvey Oswald. Of course, one of the main reasons he was kicked out was his trying to shove into everybody's face the fact he was a Marxist.

Want to sit back and tell me about a few dozen more who had served, and were still Red spies? How many days you got?

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