New Website on Senator Joseph McCarthy

He was a hopeless drunk and hysteric.
So all you have is an ad hominem attack on his character without disputing his message was not wrong? That our country was & still is infiltrated by marxists?
Deflection from the point won't work here

Does that actually work on people? Real people, not the leftist sheeple regurgitating whatever propaganda they feel strongly about
They were spies. You're saying that they haven't translated the documents in 80 years?
Yes they were spies and so were all of the individuals who Mccarthy named.

I am saying only some of the documents have been nralated in 80 years due to the sheer volume. They are STILL working on decoding and translating the intercepts.
So all you have is an ad hominem attack on his character without disputing his message was not wrong? That our country was & still is infiltrated by marxists?
Deflection from the point won't work here

Does that actually work on people? Real people, not the leftist sheeple regurgitating whatever propaganda they feel strongly about

I'm not surprised you're a Trump supporter. Roy Cohn was also his mentor.
He was a hopeless drunk and hysteric.
So were most of his colleagues and that has never changed. Ted Kennedy for example was a life long drunken hysteric.

Mccarthy was also correct about the government doing nothing while known spies were working in the government
Well, yeah, the earliest sources were White People hiding in the Foreign Quarter...


Folks, I'm not going to waste time rehashing the Nanking Massacre with this bozo Maoist. I refer interested readers to the thread on the Nanking Massacre, where you can read my numerous replies to JoeB131 on the issue.

Actually, he's revered in China because he took his country from being a backwards medieval economy to one of the world's super powers. Which is why you go to bed every night peeing your magic underwear about the Chinese.

I notice you skipped over the part where Mao murdered tens of millions of Chinese to consolidate his power.

And, actually, Mao's revered in China because every murderous regime that has followed Mao in power has fed the people glowing propaganda about him. China remained a backward country until after Mao died.

Same thing with Ho. Americans see him as a demon, but Vietnamese see him as a national hero who fought French, Japanese and American invaders.

Oh my goodness. So you're a Ho Chi Minh lover, in addition to being a Mao lover. Duly noted.

I'm guessing that the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese whom Ho murdered don't matter in your calculation.

Anyway, to end my discussion with the Mao-Ho-loving JoeB131 and to return to the subject of the thread, I note that none of the replies I've seen offer any substantive reply to the material on my McCarthy website. I recall that about a year ago, I challenged anyone to name one person who was falsely accused by McCarthy and suffered as a result. No one could name a single such victim.
So, McCarthy ruined people's lives with false accusations of communism?
If you want to consider it that way you might consider that Harry Truman and the democrat majority in (HUAC) Congress may have ruined the lives if suspected communists but McCarthy was only a republican senator.
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I notice you skipped over the part where Mao murdered tens of millions of Chinese to consolidate his power.

Um, yeah, that's what happens in civil wars, especially in China. That's what happened during the Taiping Rebellion, or the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

And, actually, Mao's revered in China because every murderous regime that has followed Mao in power has fed the people glowing propaganda about him. China remained a backward country until after Mao died.

Or they respect what he did. Before Mao, China was the west's bitch! They had been getting slapped around from the Opium War to the Boxer Rebellion to the Japanese Invasion. Then Mao took back China for the Chinese, and they love him for it.

Oh my goodness. So you're a Ho Chi Minh lover, in addition to being a Mao lover. Duly noted.

I'm guessing that the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese whom Ho murdered don't matter in your calculation.

Works on the assumption I love anyone... I just report history. Yes, a bunch of quislings got killed. Guess what, that happens in every war where a country gets invaded. Some sellout becomes a Quisling, and when the invaders are driven out, the Quislings get theirs!

Oh, wait, you'll probably do a thread about how Vikund Quisling wasn't such a bad guy.

Anyway, to end my discussion with the Mao-Ho-loving JoeB131 and to return to the subject of the thread, I note that none of the replies I've seen offer any substantive reply to the material on my McCarthy website. I recall that about a year ago, I challenged anyone to name one person who was falsely accused by McCarthy and suffered as a result. No one could name a single such victim.

Why bother.. if I point out lives he and his fag buddy Roy Cohn ruined, you'd claim they had it coming.
Ann Coulter wrote a book not mentioned on the website called "Treason." When I read it, I thought, "Wait, what? She's defending McCarthy? Now she's off the rails."

But, the more I read and the more I researched, I realized that being cancelled by the radical liberal media is not a new thing.
Well, yeah, the earliest sources were White People hiding in the Foreign Quarter... You seem to be stuck with a western centric view of history. Which is why we don't treat the Japanese genocide in China as harshly as we treat the German genocide in Europe.

But there's a reason why China and Korea panicked when the late PM Abe started talking about remilitarizing Japan.

Actually, he's revered in China because he took his country from being a backwards medieval economy to one of the world's super powers. Which is why you go to bed every night peeing your magic underwear about the Chinese.

Same thing with Ho. Americans see him as a demon, but Vietnamese see him as a national hero who fought French, Japanese and American invaders.

Now, I used to work with a fellow from India, and a discussion about history came up, and he referred to Churchill as "That bastard". From an American POV, Churchill was a great ally, from an Indian POV, he was the bastard who killed millions of Indians through Famine, sent millions more to die in the war against Germany and Japan, and then tried his level best to double cross them on promises of independence.

Which is a key thing you need to take away from this. NOBODY likes a foreign invader, whether it be the Japanese slaughtering Chinese to a Mexican offering to clean your toilet for cheap.
Mao was a mass murdering socio path.
I've been reading about Senator Joseph McCarthy for most of my adult life. I've created a website that gives the facts about him to counteract the massive anti-McCarthy propaganda that Democrats and their allies in so-called "academia" have given us about him.

The site includes several videos of McCarthy speaking and giving interviews. It also includes some videos that offer good defenses of him, including an interview with Arthur Herman, author of Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator, and an interview with M. Stanton Evans, author of the best defense of McCarthy ever written, Blacklisted by History.
You and others should look up A. Mitchell Palmer AG under Woodrow Wilson. McCarthy had a committee with TV cameras. Palmer had executive authority of the Justice Department.
Ann Coulter wrote a book not mentioned on the website called "Treason." When I read it, I thought, "Wait, what? She's defending McCarthy? Now she's off the rails."

But, the more I read and the more I researched, I realized that being cancelled by the radical liberal media is not a new thing.
Does left wing logic really come to the conclusion that Truman and HUAC were established to protect communists but McCarthy was a traitor and the anti-communist era was all his fault? WTF?
Ann Coulter wrote a book not mentioned on the website called "Treason." When I read it, I thought, "Wait, what? She's defending McCarthy? Now she's off the rails."

But, the more I read and the more I researched, I realized that being cancelled by the radical liberal media is not a new thing.

Except it was his fellow Republicans who finally had enough of his nonsense and turned on him.

After two months of hearings and deliberations, the Watkins Committee recommended that McCarthy be censured on two of the 46 counts: his contempt of the Subcommittee on Rules and Administration, which had called him to testify in 1951 and 1952, and his abuse of General Zwicker in 1954. The Zwicker count was dropped by the full Senate on the grounds that McCarthy's conduct was arguably "induced" by Zwicker's own behavior. In place of this count, a new one was drafted regarding McCarthy's statements about the Watkins Committee itself.[147]

The two counts on which the Senate ultimately voted were:

  • That McCarthy had "failed to co-operate with the Sub-committee on Rules and Administration", and "repeatedly abused the members who were trying to carry out assigned duties ..."
  • That McCarthy had charged "three members of the [Watkins] Select Committee with 'deliberate deception' and 'fraud' ... that the special Senate session ... was a 'lynch party'", and had characterized the committee "as the 'unwitting handmaiden', 'involuntary agent' and 'attorneys in fact' of the Communist Party", and had "acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the constitutional processes of the Senate, and to impair its dignity".[148]
On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to "condemn" McCarthy on both counts by a vote of 67 to 22.[149] The Democrats present unanimously favored condemnation and the Republicans were split evenly. The only senator not on record was John F. Kennedy, who was hospitalized for back surgery; Kennedy never indicated how he would have voted.[150] Immediately after the vote, Senator H. Styles Bridges, a McCarthy supporter, argued that the resolution was "not a censure resolution" because the word "condemn" rather than "censure" was used in the final draft. The word "censure" was then removed from the title of the resolution, though it is generally regarded and referred to as a censure of McCarthy, both by historians[151] and in Senate documents.[152] McCarthy himself said, "I wouldn't exactly call it a vote of confidence." He added, "I don't feel I've been lynched."[153] Indiana Senator William E. Jenner, one of McCarthy's friends and fellow Republicans likened McCarthy's conduct, however, to that of "the kid who came to the party and peed in the lemonade."[154]
Mao was a mass murdering socio path.

Yes, he was. So was George Washington.


It doesn't take away from the fact that he drove out the foreign exploiters of China, unified the country, restored it's territorial integrity and made it a great power.

To the point where Nixon, the great anti-Communist cohort of McCarthy, had to go to him hat in hand.

Except it was his fellow Republicans who finally had enough of his nonsense and turned on him.

After two months of hearings and deliberations, the Watkins Committee recommended that McCarthy be censured on two of the 46 counts: his contempt of the Subcommittee on Rules and Administration, which had called him to testify in 1951 and 1952, and his abuse of General Zwicker in 1954. The Zwicker count was dropped by the full Senate on the grounds that McCarthy's conduct was arguably "induced" by Zwicker's own behavior. In place of this count, a new one was drafted regarding McCarthy's statements about the Watkins Committee itself.[147]

The two counts on which the Senate ultimately voted were:

  • That McCarthy had "failed to co-operate with the Sub-committee on Rules and Administration", and "repeatedly abused the members who were trying to carry out assigned duties ..."
  • That McCarthy had charged "three members of the [Watkins] Select Committee with 'deliberate deception' and 'fraud' ... that the special Senate session ... was a 'lynch party'", and had characterized the committee "as the 'unwitting handmaiden', 'involuntary agent' and 'attorneys in fact' of the Communist Party", and had "acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the constitutional processes of the Senate, and to impair its dignity".[148]
On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to "condemn" McCarthy on both counts by a vote of 67 to 22.[149] The Democrats present unanimously favored condemnation and the Republicans were split evenly. The only senator not on record was John F. Kennedy, who was hospitalized for back surgery; Kennedy never indicated how he would have voted.[150] Immediately after the vote, Senator H. Styles Bridges, a McCarthy supporter, argued that the resolution was "not a censure resolution" because the word "condemn" rather than "censure" was used in the final draft. The word "censure" was then removed from the title of the resolution, though it is generally regarded and referred to as a censure of McCarthy, both by historians[151] and in Senate documents.[152] McCarthy himself said, "I wouldn't exactly call it a vote of confidence." He added, "I don't feel I've been lynched."[153] Indiana Senator William E. Jenner, one of McCarthy's friends and fellow Republicans likened McCarthy's conduct, however, to that of "the kid who came to the party and peed in the lemonade."[154]
None of that is relevant.

History proves he was correct.
Yes, he was. So was George Washington.

View attachment 669238

It doesn't take away from the fact that he drove out the foreign exploiters of China, unified the country, restored it's territorial integrity and made it a great power.

To the point where Nixon, the great anti-Communist cohort of McCarthy, had to go to him hat in hand.

View attachment 669239
Washington was not and none of those accomplishments from mao erase the stain of being the most genocidal dictator in human history.
Back in the day the entire media was in the pocket of the democrat party and there was no alternate source of information. It's true that McCarthy was a loudmouth and the media hated him for it but he was only a republican senator with a democrat majority and he had relatively little political power. The media created the legend of "McCarthyism" and democrats and little Harry Truman were off the hook when the anti-communist era went sour.
None of that is relevant.

History proves he was correct.

HIstory proves that McCarthy was a guy who used fear to get power, until people got wise to him.
Washington was not and none of those accomplishments from mao erase the stain of being the most genocidal dictator in human history.
Washington was a slaveholder and oppressor of Native Americans...

Also, I don't think you understand what Genocide means... but never mind.
Yes, he was. So was George Washington.

View attachment 669238

It doesn't take away from the fact that he drove out the foreign exploiters of China, unified the country, restored it's territorial integrity and made it a great power.

To the point where Nixon, the great anti-Communist cohort of McCarthy, had to go to him hat in hand.

View attachment 669239
Now that is one the dumber statements you have ever made. Then again I should not be surprised.
HIstory proves that McCarthy was a guy who used fear to get power, until people got wise to him.

Washington was a slaveholder and oppressor of Native Americans...

Also, I don't think you understand what Genocide means... but never mind.
I understand perfectly what it means and you used it incorrectly.

You are spewing rhetoric without facts. It must burn you that history proves you wrong.

Butt it always do you are truly an uneducated fool when it comes to history
I understand perfectly what it means and you used it incorrectly.

You are spewing rhetoric without facts. It must burn you that history proves you wrong.

Butt it always do you are truly an uneducated fool when it comes to history

No, Genocide means to exterminate a race. Mao didn't try to exterminate a race. His reign did cause millions of deaths, many of them inadvertantly, but he wasn't looking to exterminate a people.

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