New Website on Senator Joseph McCarthy

No, Genocide means to exterminate a race. Mao didn't try to exterminate a race. His reign did cause millions of deaths, many of them inadvertantly, but he wasn't looking to exterminate a people.
It was tens of millions and yes quite deliberately and it was genocide.

Nothing washington did comes close.
It was tens of millions and yes quite deliberately and it was genocide.

Nothing washington did comes close.

I don't think that you understand what Genocide means.

Mao was a Chinaman killing other Chinese... So he wasn't setting out to rid the world of Chinese. Or as the old joke says, "Once upon a time, there were two Chinese, and now look at them all."

Unlike Hitler, who was trying to rid the world of Jews... That was genocide.

Happy to clear that up for you, you look a little dopey.
I don't think that you understand what Genocide means.

Mao was a Chinaman killing other Chinese... So he wasn't setting out to rid the world of Chinese. Or as the old joke says, "Once upon a time, there were two Chinese, and now look at them all."

Unlike Hitler, who was trying to rid the world of Jews... That was genocide.

Happy to clear that up for you, you look a little dopey.
Genocide is not limited to race or Mao was commiting genocide against all who did not worship him

Glad to educate you,

You have always needed it'

Now back to Mccarthy who was right all along.
You're talking about the Rosenbergs in 1943.

Way more than just them.
The decrypted messages gave important insights into Soviet behavior in the period during which duplicate one-time pads were used. With the first break into the code, Venona revealed the existence of Soviet espionage[24] at Los Alamos National Laboratories.[25] Identities soon emerged of American, Canadian, Australian, and British spies in service to the Soviet government, including Klaus Fuchs, Alan Nunn May, and Donald Maclean. Others worked in Washington in the State Department, the Treasury, Office of Strategic Services,[26] and even the White House.

The messages show that the U.S. and other nations were targeted in major espionage campaigns by the Soviet Union as early as 1942. Among those identified are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; Alger Hiss; Harry Dexter White, the second-highest official in the Treasury Department; Lauchlin Currie,[27] a personal aide to Franklin Roosevelt; and Maurice Halperin,[28] a section head in the Office of Strategic Services.

The identification of individuals mentioned in Venona transcripts is sometimes problematic, since people with a "covert relationship" with Soviet intelligence are referenced by cryptonyms.[29] Further complicating matters is the fact the same person sometimes had different cryptonyms at different times, and the same cryptonym was sometimes reused for different individuals. In some cases, notably Hiss, the matching of a Venona cryptonym to an individual is disputed. In many other cases, a Venona cryptonym has not yet been linked to any person. According to authors John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, the Venona transcripts identify approximately 349 Americans who they claim had a covert relationship with Soviet intelligence, though fewer than half of these have been matched to real-name identities.[30] However, not every agent may have been communicating directly with Soviet intelligence. Each of those 349 persons may have had many others working for, and reporting only to, them.

The Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA, housed at one time or another between fifteen and twenty Soviet spies.[31] Duncan Lee, Donald Wheeler, Jane Foster Zlatowski, and Maurice Halperin passed information to Moscow. The War Production Board, the Board of Economic Warfare, the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs and the Office of War Information, included at least half a dozen Soviet sources each among their employees.
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Part of the dis-information campaign common to the USA Left is to overlook HCUA/HUAC and blame it all on McCarthy and McCarthyism.
The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA), popularly dubbed the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives, created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having either fascist or communist ties. It became a standing (permanent) committee in 1945, and from 1969 onwards it was known as the House Committee on Internal Security. When the House abolished the committee in 1975,[1] its functions were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee.

The committee's anti-communist investigations are often associated with McCarthyism, although Joseph McCarthy himself (as a U.S. Senator) had no direct involvement with the House committee.[2][3] McCarthy was the chairman of the Government Operations Committee and its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate, not the House.
As can be seen, HCUA was active long before McCarthy came on the scene, and remained active long after he was gone. HCUA was more invasive and more damaging than McCarthy ever was.
Genocide is not limited to race or Mao was commiting genocide against all who did not worship him


What Mao did wasn't genocide. Economic incompetence, maybe. The Great Leap Forward was a disaster economically and millions starved.
Anyone who would actively support Stalin after it became clear (fairly early on) that he was a murderous dictator would also, by definition, be unworthy of trust or positions of responsibility.
Nevertheless, the era was much more poisoned by reprehensible atmospheric testing of atom bombs than by a few spies in high places. It wasn't "communists" doing that, nor supporting dictators around the world to advance and protect private corporate interests (especially oil).
McCarthy may have identified a possible risk, but the menace was as much internal as external and not the result of ideology, just stupidity.
View attachment 670073

What Mao did wasn't genocide. Economic incompetence, maybe. The Great Leap Forward was a disaster economically and millions starved.
Tens of millions were murdered

Includes extermination of political or cultural groyups. It wss genocide
Anyone who would actively support Stalin after it became clear (fairly early on) that he was a murderous dictator would also, by definition, be unworthy of trust or positions of responsibility.
Nevertheless, the era was much more poisoned by reprehensible atmospheric testing of atom bombs than by a few spies in high places. It wasn't "communists" doing that, nor supporting dictators around the world to advance and protect private corporate interests (especially oil).
McCarthy may have identified a possible risk, but the menace was as much internal as external and not the result of ideology, just stupidity.
That would be FDR, long before "Tail gun Joe", in that actively supporting "Uncle Joe" Stalin.

Once some of those "few spies in high places" (and lower) made that Russia/USSR got USA secrets to allow them to make "the Bomb", Soviet Russia did as much if not more atmospheric testing as the USA/West. Also, there was a learning curve involved to know of the health dangers, which is why it stopped eventually.

However Komrade "there4eyeM", like a couple others here, you rise quickly to defend communists, especially in supporting their dictators around the world. Pot, meet Kettle.
Except censuring McCarthy was a tacit admission that the red hunt had gone too far...
1) Only a "tacit admission" that McCarthy had an abrasive style of doing things.
2) HCUA/HUCA continued it's "red hunt" for decades after censuring McCarthy. Try educating yourself, Komrade JoeB131; or being more honest.
I've been reading about Senator Joseph McCarthy for most of my adult life. I've created a website that gives the facts about him to counteract the massive anti-McCarthy propaganda that Democrats and their allies in so-called "academia" have given us about him.

The site includes several videos of McCarthy speaking and giving interviews. It also includes some videos that offer good defenses of him, including an interview with Arthur Herman, author of Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator, and an interview with M. Stanton Evans, author of the best defense of McCarthy ever written, Blacklisted by History.
One of Americas greatest senators and patriots.
Regardless of the attacks against him, McCarthy's main point was that many actual communists had infiltrated our govt.
He was not wrong.
Look at the damage some of these commie sympathizers did through espionage throughout the years.

Marxists have a right to their opinions but they should never be allowed in the govt

They destroyed a good man and it has been the case since.
I've been reading about Senator Joseph McCarthy for most of my adult life. I've created a website that gives the facts about him to counteract the massive anti-McCarthy propaganda that Democrats and their allies in so-called "academia" have given us about him.

The site includes several videos of McCarthy speaking and giving interviews. It also includes some videos that offer good defenses of him, including an interview with Arthur Herman, author of Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator, and an interview with M. Stanton Evans, author of the best defense of McCarthy ever written, Blacklisted by History.
When the Soviet Union fell and a lot of the KGB documents were made public we found out that Ole Joe was right all along.
Except censuring McCarthy was a tacit admission that the red hunt had gone too far...

I studied history for past 50 years along with Bible study, people will find an escape goat to blame.
In one of my studies, I read a book " The Late Great Planet Earth" Hal Lindsey. Proof of the infiltration of radicals. [ in their own words] in our schools and universities. Not only did they change part of history but also promoted their radical agendas on our naive foolish professors.
It doesn't really matter anymore but it is interesting study.

A little history between Joe and Major media,

Maccarthy answers,

Tens of millions were murdered

Includes extermination of political or cultural groyups. It wss genocide

Mao didn't even kill the traitor Emperor Puyi... much less all that many other people for politics.
I studied history for past 50 years along with Bible study, people will find an escape goat to blame.
In one of my studies, I read a book " The Late Great Planet Earth" Hal Lindsey. Proof of the infiltration of radicals. [ in their own words] in our schools and universities. Not only did they change part of history but also promoted their radical agendas on our naive foolish professors.
It doesn't really matter anymore but it is interesting study.

That's your problem right there.

Bibles need to come with warning labels like Rock albums.


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