New Website on Senator Joseph McCarthy

No he was not, he made no false accusations even if the evidence took years to be made public

And much of that was known among a select few even at that time.

More than once I have mentioned "Venona", a super secret project that ran from 1943 until 1980. In which a lot of the diplomatic cables from embassies around the world were intercepted and decoded by the US Government. And a hell of a lot was recovered from that. Even though like MAGIC during WWII, the government could not dare use most of what they collected for fear it would tip off the Soviets and they would improve their signal security.

Instead, I have long believed that things like HUAC and Senator Joe were cut-outs of the highest levels. They knew who some of those people were, and having "mad dogs" chasing out after everybody would help disguise when somebody really was being specifically targeted with very specific information.

And it is not unlike how we handled such information during WWII. Where we knew the Japanese were about to attack a critical US island, but not which one. Until we intercepted a signal that "AF was out of water", and the fleet just so happened to be ordered to sail towards Midway and look to see if there was anything there. And the Japanese never suspected that the battle that turned the tide of the war was only possible because of US code breakers.

I love how some here are screaming how innocent those accused were. Meanwhile refusing to admit that most were spies. Some were even honored by the Soviets for what they had done.

And it was not just the US government. The US let the UK also know of many of their own security leaks they discovered through Venona.
Different laws apply to federal employees. In fact you are not permited to work for the government is you are a communinist. or nazi, or klansman.

They apparently gave that benefit of the doubt to this piece of shit and wasted millions on him

You mean a guy who served in combat in Afghanistan and was selected to attend West Point?

Of course, you might know his sister and her husband better by her married name. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

You mean the people our government illegally murdered?

Like say, Lee Harvey Oswald. Of course, one of the main reasons he was kicked out was his trying to shove into everybody's face the fact he was a Marxist.

Oh, you really think that Oswald killed Kennedy?

You mean a guy who served in combat in Afghanistan and was selected to attend West Point?

You mean the people our government illegally murdered?

Oh, you really think that Oswald killed Kennedy?

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Yes that guy. An open communist who they sent to West Point

They were not illegally murdered they wrre legally executed after commiting treason.

Oswald killed kennedy that is fact established by evidence.
You mean the people our government illegally murdered?

"Illegally murdered"?

What, you think they were innocent and did not commit espionage?

Unless your claim is that they were innocent, then you have no point to make at all.

Especially as they were indeed guilty. Hell, VENONA gives them by name before they were given their own codenames. And were part of a spy ring that involved at least 5 people involved in the Manhattan Project.

In addition, in 2009 documents from the KGB archives confirmed they were Soviet spies. And included among the KGB archives were several documents that discussed the ring not only that were also part of VENONA, but some which were intercepted but not decoded.

When even the KGB archives confirms they were Soviet spies, you really have no case at all.

You really are just another knee-jerk that simply makes silly claims without anything to back it up. Go ahead, read the VENONA papers, they are all readily available.
What, you think they were innocent and did not commit espionage?

Unless your claim is that they were innocent, then you have no point to make at all.

Especially as they were indeed guilty. Hell, VENONA gives them by name before they were given their own codenames. And were part of a spy ring that involved at least 5 people involved in the Manhattan Project.

You could BARELY make the case the Julius was engaged in espionage, much less Ethel.

The Russians didn't need to spy on the Manhatten Project. They had their own scientists and picked up thousands more when they defeated Germany.
You could BARELY make the case the Julius was engaged in espionage, much less Ethel.

The Russians didn't need to spy on the Manhatten Project. They had their own scientists and picked up thousands more when they defeated Germany.

Oh goodness, you really believe that?

They clearly made the case. Of course, it helps that several of the other members (including her own brother) flipped so they would not suffer the same fate.

And the Soviets have admitted they were their spies.

And the Germans? DO you really think the Germans were anywhere close to getting "the bomb"? They were not even close, Japan was much farther advanced than Germany ever was.

The Soviets got a large boost from Germany for their rocket programs, but not so much for the Fission bomb. Far more of that came from espionage against the UK and US than ever came from Germany.
You could BARELY make the case the Julius was engaged in espionage, much less Ethel.

The Russians didn't need to spy on the Manhatten Project. They had their own scientists and picked up thousands more when they defeated Germany.

They were righteously convicted of treason and espionage. Their executions were legal and your claim to the contrary is a bald faced LIE

The russians DID need to spy as gthey were primitive backwards idiots and they wrre decades behind us .

The absolute FACT is the Rosenbuergs were guilty you lying shit sack

You are truly an uneducated fool
Except everyone saw through what McCarthy was doing at that point, that if this clean cut young white man could be accused of being a "Communist", they could be next.

Can you ever get any facts straight? Welch himself fired this "clean cut young white man [sic]" for his communist connections two months before the hearings.

The Welch-McCarthy exchange is a perfect example of how the media twisted events by cherry-picking which film segments to show. As others have noted, Welch had been engaging in demagogic grandstanding by rudely and sarcastically asking for more names of communists, when of course he had no interest in such names. When McCarthy got fed up with Welch's demagoguery, he brought up the case of Fred Fisher, whom Welch himself had fired two months earlier for his communist connections.
Can you ever get any facts straight? Welch himself fired this "clean cut young white man [sic]" for his communist connections two months before the hearings.

The Welch-McCarthy exchange is a perfect example of how the media twisted events by cherry-picking which film segments to show. As others have noted, Welch had been engaging in demagogic grandstanding by rudely and sarcastically asking for more names of communists, when of course he had no interest in such names. When McCarthy got fed up with Welch's demagoguery, he brought up the case of Fred Fisher, whom Welch himself had fired two months earlier for his communist connections.

Yup, and he looked like an ass for doing so, didn't he?

Let's not forget, the reason why McCarthy went after the Army was because the Army had drafted Roy Cohn's boyfriend, G. David Schine. That involved a doctored photograph that McCarthy tried to enter into evidence combined with Welch pretty much threatening to out Cohn.

Welch was questioning McCarthy staff member James Juliana about the unedited picture of Schine with Stevens and Bradley, asking him "Did you think this came from a Pixie?" (a type of camera popular at the time), at which point McCarthy asked to have the question re-read:[18]

McCarthy. Will counsel [i.e. Welch] for my benefit define – I think he might be an expert on that – what a pixie is?
Welch. Yes. I should say, Mr. Senator, that a pixie is a close relative of a fairy. (Laughter from the chamber) Shall I proceed, sir? Have I enlightened you?
McCarthy. As I said, I think you may be an authority on what a pixie is.

This is the gist of why these hearings were so outrageous... anyone could be slandered for anything. Merely being associated with a legal society was enough to get you accused. The thing was, the Army didn't hire him out of abundance of caution, but that didn't stop McCarthy from slandering the young man, anyway.

McCarthy was a piece of human garbage that got his comuppance that day.

On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted 67–22 to censure McCarthy, effectively eradicating his influence, though not expelling him from office.[40] McCarthy continued to chair the Subcommittee on Investigations until January 3, 1955, the day the 84th United States Congress was inaugurated; Senator John L. McClellan (D-Arkansas) replaced McCarthy as chairman.

Fred Fisher was relatively unaffected by McCarthy's charges and went on to become a partner in Boston's prestigious Hale & Dorr law firm and organized its commercial law department. He also served as president of the Massachusetts Bar Association and as chairman of many committees of the American and Boston bar associations.[41]

After his censuring, Senator McCarthy continued his anti-communist oratory, often speaking to an empty or near-empty Senate chamber. Turning increasingly to alcohol, McCarthy died of hepatitis on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48.
How? He only targeted Federal Employees. Not civilians, actors, or anybody else. That was all the HUAC, he had nothing to do with that.
What does the term "targeted" mean? McCarthy never targeted individuals or gangs or anyone else. He was never in a position to ask "have you ever been a member of the communist party". That type of targeting was done by democrats in HUAC and in the Senate. The government didn't have the power to blacklist anyone. It was Hollywood and the socialist media that blamed a single republican for blacklisting when the greedy bastards blacklisted their own when they thought they might lose money if a communist was on the payroll.
Yup, and he looked like an ass for doing so, didn't he?

Let's not forget, the reason why McCarthy went after the Army was because the Army had drafted Roy Cohn's boyfriend, G. David Schine. That involved a doctored photograph that McCarthy tried to enter into evidence combined with Welch pretty much threatening to out Cohn.

Welch was questioning McCarthy staff member James Juliana about the unedited picture of Schine with Stevens and Bradley, asking him "Did you think this came from a Pixie?" (a type of camera popular at the time), at which point McCarthy asked to have the question re-read:[18]

This is the gist of why these hearings were so outrageous... anyone could be slandered for anything. Merely being associated with a legal society was enough to get you accused. The thing was, the Army didn't hire him out of abundance of caution, but that didn't stop McCarthy from slandering the young man, anyway.

McCarthy was a piece of human garbage that got his comuppance that day.

On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted 67–22 to censure McCarthy, effectively eradicating his influence, though not expelling him from office.[40] McCarthy continued to chair the Subcommittee on Investigations until January 3, 1955, the day the 84th United States Congress was inaugurated; Senator John L. McClellan (D-Arkansas) replaced McCarthy as chairman.

Fred Fisher was relatively unaffected by McCarthy's charges and went on to become a partner in Boston's prestigious Hale & Dorr law firm and organized its commercial law department. He also served as president of the Massachusetts Bar Association and as chairman of many committees of the American and Boston bar associations.[41]

After his censuring, Senator McCarthy continued his anti-communist oratory, often speaking to an empty or near-empty Senate chamber. Turning increasingly to alcohol, McCarthy died of hepatitis on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48.
Mccarthy spoke the truth and was a hero

Once again you ignore that he was PROVEN correct.
It's unfortunate that the commies were not rounded up and sent to gulags. They really were hiding all over the place, especially in academia.
That America should give up it's principles because we are afraid... I can't think of being more wrong than that.
He never said that. He was correct about spies commiting treason.

That is the elephant in the roo you keep avoiding.
That America should give up it's principles because we are afraid... I can't think of being more wrong than that.
That's exactly the position that you have taken and supported, with regard to a huge fake “pandemic” crafted out of a routine cold/flu outbreak.
I spoke to a young man who lost both of his parents to Covid. They were in their 50's.

The real problem with Covid is that we made a health issue into a political one.

It was all about politics.

If not for politics, COVID-1984 would have been nothing more than another routine cold/flu outbreak. Corrupt politicians weaponized it into an excuse to seize and abuse unprecedented, illegitimate powers.

And you stupidly fell for the whole thing, and continue to stupidly fall for it.

You fully supported the use of artificially-generated fear to undermine everything that this country is supposed to stand for.

Ignorant, gullible cowards such as yourself are complicit in everything that has been done to us, as individuals, and as a society, under the banner of the #CoronaHoax2020.
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It was all about politics.

If not for politics, COVID-1984 would have been nothing more than another routine cold/flu outbreak. Corrupt politicians weaponized it into an excuse to seize and abuse unprecedented, illegitimate powers.

I've known a lot of people who got Covid-19. They all told me it was a lot worse than any flu they had ever gotten.

The average flu outbreak kills only about 12,000 people.

Covid has killed over a million.

I'm not sure why I am trying to argue science with someone who thinks he's wearing magic underwear, but that's where we are at.

It's easier for you to believe that it was "all a hoax" than, "I supported a guy who was completely unfit for the presidency, and he fucked it up."

Now, I can kind of feel your pain. Heck, I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. And I wish I could say I turned on him when we discovered he lied about WMDs or when he allowed New Orleans to be wiped off the map. But those things didn't effect me personally. When he tanked the economy in 2008, that's when I realized that, um, yeah, I backed the wrong horse.

But the thing that REALLY turned me against the GOP was when they nominated Romney in 2012, because I really, really hate Mormons. Ironic, because now everyone on your side hates Romney more than I do because he showed just enough integrity to denounce Trump. (Forgetting that he helped create Trump by kissing his ring in 2012.)

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