New Year’s Day!

So what other way could it be? It's the system our founders setup. If we want to change it, we would have to go into constitutional amendments.

But I could control spending without changing the Constitution. I've been saying it the last few years. A consumption tax. That's right, we all start paying for the spending our Congress does.

The consumption tax would be strictly earmarked for deficit spending. If the deficit spending exceeds the consumption taxes we are expected to collect, we simply increase the consumption tax. That means every single American has a dog in the race, even people that make money illegally like selling drugs or prostitution. The threat of increased taxes would get everybody's attention, and put pressure on our representatives to cut it out.

It is a great idea. In a different thread someone put forth a flat tax, everyone pays the exact same amount. To cover the spending bill just signed we all need to send in a check for about 28 grand.

You down with that?
It is a great idea. In a different thread someone put forth a flat tax, everyone pays the exact same amount. To cover the spending bill just signed we all need to send in a check for about 28 grand.

You down with that?

That would be fine if everybody had the 28K to spend, but most people don't. That's why a consumption tax would work much better.
That would be fine if everybody had the 28K to spend, but most people don't. That's why a consumption tax would work much better.

Or we could just vote for people that will cut spending....but you all will never do that so we are fucked
Or we could just vote for people that will cut spending....but you all will never do that so we are fucked

Of course we did, we voted for Trump and Republicans for Congress. You can't cut out all spending, but if we only spend on necessities, we're further ahead of the game.
Of course we did, we voted for Trump and Republicans for Congress

Trump and the Repub Congress spent the most money in the history of the country up to that point each year. Trump never ran on cutting spending, in fact he ran on making the debt bigger.
Trump and the Repub Congress spent the most money in the history of the country up to that point each year. Trump never ran on cutting spending, in fact he ran on making the debt bigger.

Much of the money spent was on the military and covid recovery. But as always, you blame Trump for covid as well. President Trump spent half his term with a Democrat Congress, you know, the people that make out the spending bills.
Much of the money spent was on the military and covid recovery. But as always, you blame Trump for covid as well. President Trump spent half his term with a Democrat Congress, you know, the people that make out the spending bills.

I was speaking of the first two years when the GOP held both sides of Congress
I was speaking of the first two years when the GOP held both sides of Congress

Very well. Now why don't we look at all this Republican spending. To be fair, I'll use a far left source--NPR from July 2017.

The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending.

It would ramp up military spending while slashing other discretionary spending. The House budget would bump up defense spending by around $929 billion over the next decade and save on non-defense discretionary spending by $1.3 trillion. Broadly speaking, that's similar to the White House budget as proposed in May (and as scored by the CBO), in that both ramp up defense spending and make major cuts to other programs.

The House budget ultimately plans for trillions of dollars in mandatory spending cuts, but in the near term, it calls upon 11 committees to cut $203 billion altogether over a decade. So, for example, the Committee on Education and the Workforce will have to cut $20 billion over the next decade. And the Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over a variety of spending programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, would cut $52 billion over the next decade.

It slashes safety net programs. Like the Trump budget, the House budget would slash Medicaid — it says that via Medicaid cuts plus changes to Obamacare, it would save $1.5 trillion. And the House budget would also impose work requirements on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (known as welfare) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (known as food stamps).

It also cuts Medicare. The House bill would cut Medicare by $487 billion over 10 years, while the president's budget, as proposed, barely touched it.

That may not be how the White House sees it, but it is true that Trump has pushed some massive tax cuts. That promises to look different from Trump's tax proposal as released in April. That proposal, Trump said, would be "bigger, I believe, than any tax cut ever" — and as the New York Times later reported, would likely add trillions to the national debt.

Hmmm, in this article, I see the words "slash" and "cuts" used quite frequently. Well with all these slashes and cuts, how are the Republicans responsible for all this spending? The answer is, they're not. Yes, they spent nearly a trillion for our military that DumBama allowed to go to hell, but let more Americans keep more of their their own money. But what about Republican pork? There isn't any.

So Mr. They're Both The Same, I defy you to compare this to any Democrat bill they created since they took leadership a year and a half later after this article was written. Their bills are not for what's best for our country, but spending our money buying votes, spending money on their pet projects, expanding or increasing spending on our social programs.

So quit with the lies already, these parties are not the same, they are miles apart when it comes to spending.
Hmmm, in this article, I see the words "slash" and "cuts" used quite frequently. Well with all these slashes and cuts, how are the Republicans responsible for all this spending? The answer is, they're not. Yes, they spent nearly a trillion for our military that DumBama allowed to go to hell, but let more Americans keep more of their their own money. But what about Republican pork? There isn't any.

So Mr. They're Both The Same, I defy you to compare this to any Democrat bill they created since they took leadership a year and a half later after this article was written. Their bills are not for what's best for our country, but spending our money buying votes, spending money on their pet projects, expanding or increasing spending on our social programs.

The "cut and slashed" some things and added to others and the "added to" was more than the cutting and the slashing. Thus they spent more.
The "cut and slashed" some things and added to others and the "added to" was more than the cutting and the slashing. Thus they spent more.

Taking less money from Americans is not spending. That's letting Americans keeping more of what they created. Furthermore you don't see billions spent on pet projects like the Democrat bills such as tearing down perfectly good bridges and rebuilding them because the Democrats deemed the bridges racist, spending billions on charging stations for electric cars few people will use, millions going to the arts, the Kennedy center, and in the recent spending bill, millions for trails that honor Moooochelle Obama, museums for LGBTQTURSZ and a black wax museum. Giving lowlifes free internet and cable television, or otherwise paying much of their bills.
I am all for taking less money, as long as we spend less. But the latter did not happen.

I just pointed out where it happened, highlighted the words cut and slash, used a leftist source, and now you're telling me it didn't happen. Why don't you see a doctor about that major eye problems you are experiencing.

Sure you do.

Sure I do, it's just that you can't point to any.
I just pointed out where it happened, highlighted the words cut and slash, used a leftist source, and now you're telling me it didn't happen.

Yes, they cut and slashed spending from some departments and then they added spending to others. The added spending was more than the "cut and slashed" spending which resulted in spending more money than the year before.

If I slash 20 dollars from my eating out budget and then spend 50 dollars more on video games...did I spend less money over all?

Try this, find me a year where we spent less money than we did the year before.
Yes, they cut and slashed spending from some departments and then they added spending to others. The added spending was more than the "cut and slashed" spending which resulted in spending more money than the year before.

If I slash 20 dollars from my eating out budget and then spend 50 dollars more on video games...did I spend less money over all?

Try this, find me a year where we spent less money than we did the year before.

Maybe your problem is you don't know how to operate a calculator. Find somebody to show you, then take that calculator, add all the spending cuts from the article I posted, and then deduct the nearly 1 trillion in military spending. If you don't have the time, I'll save you some trouble. What you will find is there were more cuts than spending. The deficit however was created from taking less money from taxpayers, and again, taking less is not spending more.

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