New Year's (G.I. Joe): Dewar's


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a war-resolution vignette (fiction) inspired by Wag the Dog.

Signing off,


A group of very chic soldiers dispersed across the globe were considered democracy-defenders and were given the code-name (by U.S. President Donald Trump) 'G.I. Joe.' These crusaders contended with super-terrorists across the Earth, and the terrorists were collectively known as 'Cobra.' The G.I. Joes and Cobra contended with each other for many years since WWII and finally things began to become resolved, so everyone began relaxing...unwinding...drinking...and feasting!


Duke (leader of the G.I. Joes) even shared Doritos and Pepsi with Cobra Commander (leader of Cobra). President Trump organized a special New Year's gala at a fancy Switzerland tower-restaurant at a high-end hotel for the G.I. Joes. Cobra diplomats (such as Cobra Commander) were invited, since the treaties effectively established Cobra as a sort of peace-resolved post-WWII Germany or a peace-resolved PLO in Palestine. Duke remarked that the event would suggest to people that vying factions (e.g., Israel-Palestine) could meet-out their differences over champagne and prayer!


Baroness (war-consultant of Cobra) even decided to start dating the G.I. Joe ninja-assassin known as 'Snake-Eyes.' At the New Year's party, Baroness got up and made a toast in front of everyone, declaring her newfound love and affection for Snake-Eyes, promising to make him happier in a life of peace than the sort of war-ridden life of combat he found contending with the complexity of terrorism! Snake-Eyes was certainly happy, and Duke congratulated his old friend for finding true happiness. The music-DJ at the New Year's party played all kinds of stimulating music ranging from classical to jazz to pop to disco to ragtime to electronic. The photographers at the event took pictures for LIFE magazine, TIME magazine, and GQ magazine.


Flint and Lady Jaye, mighty field-soldiers of G.I. Joe, were lovers during the Joe-Cobra wars, and now they intended to settle down and marry (and were inspired by the New Year's toast delivered by Baroness regarding her courtship of Snake-Eyes). Flint and Lady Jaye wanted to thank President Donald Trump for sponsoring the New Year's party at the chic Swiss location (and First Lady Melania Trump attended personally for a brief moment!). It was a party that signified both the celebration of peace and the anguish of war which created a pure yearning for diplomacy. TIME magazine wrote, "Love will cure war!"


The Planet Hollywood media-based restaurant franchise catered the event. There was shrimp cocktail, Indian samosas, French yogurt and pudding, African lobster curry, Chinese noodles, a full bar, Absolut punch, baked potatoes, and lots of Jell-O. One female journalist (named Ellen) from CNN attended the event as a guest (invited by Duke) and wore a bright pinkish dress and drew the attention of one of the Cobra male diplomats (named Firefly) who was currently speaking with Baroness about the promise of diplomacy in the future (at the United Nations). Ellen insisted that Firefly and Baroness were brother-and-sister. The conversation was 'fragile' but 'spiritual.'


A strange guest at the party dressed as a comic book villain named the Condiment King ran around carrying constructed ketchup-and-mustard guns and used them to spray creative designs on the wall of the hotel lounge where canvas-pieces were mounted for him to 'work.' The Condiment King was sort of the comic-relief of the New Year's party, and he reminded everyone that while cheeseburgers and french fries could not create Utopia, dialogue regarding the basic social interest in conflict-resolution could at least create general 'democratic cheer.' The final analysis was that humanity was curious about anarchy.




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