New Year's Resolution: To raise awareness, funds and centers to stop trafficking in Houston


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
OK so I have finally picked a New Year's resolution.
Thank God I'm Asian and can wait until the LUNAR New Year
which gives me a bit more time.

I decided to focus my goals on helping friends and nonprofits that are combatting trafficking in Houston.

My goal is to start a Women's Fashion statement campaign for international Women's Day and Month, where women unite in selecting and wearing the most TRAFFIC STOPPING
outfit, and we have contests to raise money by voting with donations on the craziest outfit.

Since I am guilty of buying used clothes that were likely made with slave labor,
there should be separate categories for FAIR TRADE clothes, used clothes bought from charities that may be slave labor produced, HAND MADE or locally made clothes, etc.

I want to promote a very COLORFUL contest, that brings attention to a hidden issue that people are afraid to look at because they don't think the problem can be solved.

However, I found out from a friend, who works with communities and law enforcement to combat trafficking, that restitution under RICO can reward victims and communities with ownership of any property seized that was abused for trafficking drugs or people, especially if children are involved. If we raise funds to help acquire and renovate such properties for NONPROFITS to use to set up search centers, transitional shelters, or emergency 24 hour on call teams to answer domestic abuse or mental health crisis, we can also prevent incidents with police who aren't equipped to handle sensitive cases where they don't know the people involved and it can lead to escalated violence.

So if we all unite to "STOP-TRAFFIC-KING" we can raise awareness
that communities can RECLAIM property from illegal trafficking operations,
and start using those as centers to help women, children and whole communities
in recovery from abuse, crime and poverty, and break the cycle of oppression.

I don't know how long it will take to wipe out the causes of abuse and addiction,
but I can commit to launching a fashion statement "traffic stopping" campaign
and contest in Houston, and see what creative collaboration might come from that.

Thanks everyone!

Please support any local group that is working on ending abuse
and helping people with recovery, regardless of what focus or angle they are taking.
Mentally ill, Veterans, rape victims, there are so many groups that can benefit
from this idea of taking back crack houses, or sex studios, and turning these
into community centers and programs to organize resources for outreach.

You may post your favorite links here to any cause you are supporting
as part of your goals this year.

8 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking That You Need To Know About - CONSCIOUS

Laster Global Consulting ::: Human Trafficking Training and Consulting



List of organizations that combat human trafficking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OK so I have finally picked a New Year's resolution.
Thank God I'm Asian and can wait until the LUNAR New Year
which gives me a bit more time.

I decided to focus my goals on helping friends and nonprofits that are combatting trafficking in Houston.

My goal is to start a Women's Fashion statement campaign for international Women's Day and Month, where women unite in selecting and wearing the most TRAFFIC STOPPING
outfit, and we have contests to raise money by voting with donations on the craziest outfit.

Since I am guilty of buying used clothes that were likely made with slave labor,
there should be separate categories for FAIR TRADE clothes, used clothes bought from charities that may be slave labor produced, HAND MADE or locally made clothes, etc.

I want to promote a very COLORFUL contest, that brings attention to a hidden issue that people are afraid to look at because they don't think the problem can be solved.

However, I found out from a friend, who works with communities and law enforcement to combat trafficking, that restitution under RICO can reward victims and communities with ownership of any property seized that was abused for trafficking drugs or people, especially if children are involved. If we raise funds to help acquire and renovate such properties for NONPROFITS to use to set up search centers, transitional shelters, or emergency 24 hour on call teams to answer domestic abuse or mental health crisis, we can also prevent incidents with police who aren't equipped to handle sensitive cases where they don't know the people involved and it can lead to escalated violence.

So if we all unite to "STOP-TRAFFIC-KING" we can raise awareness
that communities can RECLAIM property from illegal trafficking operations,
and start using those as centers to help women, children and whole communities
in recovery from abuse, crime and poverty, and break the cycle of oppression.

I don't know how long it will take to wipe out the causes of abuse and addiction,
but I can commit to launching a fashion statement "traffic stopping" campaign
and contest in Houston, and see what creative collaboration might come from that.

Thanks everyone!

Please support any local group that is working on ending abuse
and helping people with recovery, regardless of what focus or angle they are taking.
Mentally ill, Veterans, rape victims, there are so many groups that can benefit
from this idea of taking back crack houses, or sex studios, and turning these
into community centers and programs to organize resources for outreach.

You may post your favorite links here to any cause you are supporting
as part of your goals this year.

8 Brands Fighting Human Trafficking That You Need To Know About - CONSCIOUS

Laster Global Consulting ::: Human Trafficking Training and Consulting



List of organizations that combat human trafficking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i like it, and the way it ties into Trump's immigration stance. the power belongs to the purchaser, it's amazing what could be accomplished if we worked together.

this thread may be over the heads of the liberals, but that happens all the time here. it's a great thread, and a wonderful resolution... thanks e.

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