New York City Does Away With Freedom of Speech in the name of political correctness.


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
This is hard to believe, but New York City is politicizing the term "illegal alien" so you cannot use that kind of language, which they now deem is hate speech.

I don't like it. It's unamerican not to be able to make a simple descriptive statement that is a true statement. I used to like New York, but not if they make sure I speak in a way that gets their rocks off.

It's Now Against The Law in New York City to Say 'Illegal Alien' in 'Hateful' Way
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NY is turning into a bigger shithole everyday. I guess there competing with California to see who is the worst state in the US.

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Chicago threw the Border Patrol under the bus, too, elongobardi. Chicago PD tells cops not to cooperate with DHS – “Law and order no longer matters in this city”

We had to tolerate Obama for 8 years of abusing the treasury of the United States. But Chicago is only a Sanctuary City if they don't have to pay what Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California have to pay to educate the not legal foreigners who pushed pass en mass the border and demanded food, health care, education, etc., etc., etc.

It seems to me that on the same day Anti-Republican states are changing the goal posts for being an American citizens through stunted speech that leaves the truth in the ruts of hate-for-President-Trump world. I know people who left California to go anywhere else because they hate Republicans straight down the line.

The Democrats are destroying freedom. That goes with communism. You can't say anything bad about communists in their country or they will kill you.

That's why the Congress decided Communism should be banned in the country. This calling of the same principle "socialism" is like letting Clinton off the hook for seducing women by his lawyers calling his abuses "incomprehensible," then doing nothing about it.
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Fascism is fascism no mater what you want to call it. The objective is to desensitize the fact that the person is a freaking illegal alien. The key is illegal, violation of federal law, living in America illegally.

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