New York City going to let illegals vote

Illegals/everyone pay taxes, what's your point?

My point is that these legal residents own businesses in NYC, their kids go to NYC Schools, they pay NYC taxes and are affected by the decisions of local school and city leaders

They should be able to vote on those leaders
Of course you won't lose any sleep over it you fucking cheater because they vote your way

I have no idea how they vote, but I would be willing to bet not many of them voted for the Libertarian party.
If they want 800 thousand non citizens to vote in their local elections who are we to say anything?? That sure won't happen in my State.

I wonder what the actual American citizens who live in NY think??
So someone who pays local taxes and is a legal resident of a country should not be able to have any voice in the place he lives, works and his kids go to school?

Can you explain why you consider that stupid?

They can become citizens and gain the right to vote.
My point is that these legal residents own businesses in NYC, their kids go to NYC Schools, they pay NYC taxes and are affected by the decisions of local school and city leaders

They should be able to vote on those leaders
You seem to forget. They aren't American citizens and have no right to vote in any American election.

I'd bet most are illegal and shouldn't be here at all. You sure love the illegals who shouldn't be here at all.
Someone who considers any immigrant by definition illegal apparently should not be talking about this.
You have two types of immigrant. A one whole entered the country by the correct channels and procedures, as set out the immigration legal framework of the law. Hence why they're a legal immigrant.
The second type of immigrant ignored the immigration law and entered a country by hiding in a lorry, climbing a fence etc.. What they did was break the law which is why the word illegal exists. So they're an illegal immigrant.

Then ask yourself a question, "As an immigrant, why not emigrate legally?".

Then different countries have different laws. You have to be a UK citizen to vote in England, but a legal immigrant can vote in Scotland.
There will never be another Republican elected in NY.
The Democrat greed, crime and corruption will make NY unlivable and an economic wasteland.
Congrats Dopywokys
If they want 800 thousand non citizens to vote in their local elections who are we to say anything?? That sure won't happen in my State.

I wonder what the actual American citizens who live in NY think??
Reminds me of the story when they came from them I didn't say anything..

Once again it's the left's play book/indoctrination..

Make something not normal to normal, I can't even smoke in bars anymore in like 95% of them.
You seem to forget. They aren't American citizens and have no right to vote in any American election.

I'd bet most are illegal and shouldn't be here at all. You sure love the illegals who shouldn't be here at all.

You would lose your bet
Why do conservatives automatically assume any immigrant is illegal?
Are they that paranoid
My point is that these legal residents own businesses in NYC, their kids go to NYC Schools, they pay NYC taxes and are affected by the decisions of local school and city leaders

They should be able to vote on those leaders
You do got a point but what's the time frame?one day and then leave.
They can become citizens and gain the right to vote.
They can. A process that takes years or even decades. A time where they have absolutely no say in how they're kids are educated. Who will represent them if they're victim of a crime. Who there mayor is, etc. etc.

As I said they are here working, living, paying taxes and I have yet to see anyone who can come up with a decent reason they shouldn't be able to participate in choosing those that have a direct impact on their lives.
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You would lose your bet
Why do conservatives automatically assume any immigrant is illegal?
Are they that paranoid
We will end up like other parts of the world. We will separate with our poitical beleifs and the Americas will be carved up into more sensible ways. South America is more situated. North America with the U.S. and Canada has potential for newer nations that will be a bit weaker in a more global reality.

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