New York City going to let illegals vote

What makes you think they will vote Democratic?
Many immigrants are very religious and conservative

No, they aren't, they're just racists and parasites. A Harvard study proved over 80% of them vote for Democrats. That's why Biden and co. are desperate to get more of them flooding the country. You know this, so quit pretending you don't. And, some 20% of those caught at the borders have criminal records to boot. You may think Cartel and MS-13 votes are fine, sane people don't.
They are allowing legal residents to vote
Residents who own businesses, send their kids to school and pay taxes to NYC

They have a dog in the fight
They don't have a dog in the fight right.....if they want to vote, they have to become citizens first. New York and all of its illegals and green card welfare hos, and business Grant hos etc should not have a vote at all.
Talk about The Left's lie of Russia interfering in our elections? They paid Russia to interfere in our election in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

Now they are flooding the country with illegals, for the sole purpose of contaminating our election process further and want foreigners to interfere in our elections by giving non citizens the ability to vote.

2020, they invited China to interfere in our elections and illegally changed election laws and flooded the system with illegal mail in ballots.

When will our legislatures stand up and stop The Democrat Insurrection of our Democratic Election Process?

When will Americans wake up and realize that the only COUP that has been going on is The Bureaucratic COUP of The DemNazi Party chipping away at our Democracy and the legitimacy of our Elections day by day.
No, they aren't, they're just racists and parasites. A Harvard study proved over 80% of them vote for Democrats. That's why Biden and co. are desperate to get more of them flooding the country. You know this, so quit pretending you don't.

A “Harvard Study” huh?

How can Harvard study the voting patterns of those who are not allowed to vote?
Can I move to Sweden and vote?

So, it looks like you can


(EU member) Voting and eligibility rights were granted to all foreign residents with a 3 years residence condition for municipal and county elections in 1975, the first elections with those rules were held in September 1976. The 3 years reside condition was suppressed in 1997 for residents from EU (in conformity with the European legislation) and the Nordic Passport Union. Voter enrollment is automatic.[50]
Russian Right Winger cannot be an American. Everything he advocates is Anti American.

The Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act all deal with American Citizens and does not give foreign non citizens the right to vote.
Yes, you are wrong as usual, at least you are consistent.

The legislation approved by the City Council will set up a system for legal residents to vote in municipal elections.

And when you read the definition of 'resident' it doesn't exclude illegal aliens, you just have to show you lived there for 6 months, so you just proved you haven't read anything but just parrot what you're told to by your commie leadership.
A “Harvard Study” huh?

How can Harvard study the voting patterns of those who are not allowed to vote?

Read the study and find out, dumbass. Do you have problems with search engines? I posted the link already in another thread your buddies here ran away from.
And when you read the definition of 'resident' it doesn't exclude illegal aliens, you just have to show you lived there for 6 months, so you just proved you haven't read anything but just parrot what you're told to by your commie leadership.

Love how you read the term “Legal Residents” and the claim that means illegal residents.
New York City is already chasing tax paying citizens from it's borders, so now they double down on stupid. They will regret their unethical and immoral granting of illegal aliens the privilege of voting in their local elections.

Add this to the stupidity of their "WOKE" DA refusing to prosecute Violent Criminals and "ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK" becomes a reality!

Even Snake Plissken would agree!

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And when you read the definition of 'resident' it doesn't exclude illegal aliens, you just have to show you lived there for 6 months, so you just proved you haven't read anything but just parrot what you're told to by your commie leadership.

The legislation specifically bars undocumented immigrants from voting
Love how you read the term “Legal Residents” and the claim that means illegal residents.

I;m sure you do love lying about what I said; go ahead and make up all the strawmen you want, you will still be a joke poster no matter what.

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