New York City going to let illegals vote

Yup baby steps that's how these liberals operate. Make something not normal to normal.

Non citizens does not automatically mean “illegal”. Do you believe parents, that send their kids to a school, have a right to decide their school board members, yes or no? Do you believe people that pay taxes should have a voice in their representation in city government, where their taxes are going?
Because it creates a slippery slope to the next step. Same as people said gay marriage was no big deal. I agreed. Now we have this trans bullshit and it’s impacting my kids. Leftists take a mile when you give an inch. Federal level would be next.

Oh by all means, explain how gay marriage has anything to do with transgenderism. This should be good…
Yup baby steps that's how these liberals operate. Make something not normal to normal.


Your own link reveals you're retarded. You claim NY is giving illegal aliens the right to vote; but your link actually says...

New York City became the largest city in the country to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections after the City Council on Thursday overwhelmingly approved legislation granting the right to more than 800,000 legal residents.
While this is something that Leftists would never countenance, this voting right should be conditioned on PAYING TAXES to NYC and the State of New York. If they are on the dole or otherwise freeloading, why should they be allowed to vote?
lol you had nothing to say about the study in the other thread, so you're just dribbling here, hoping nobody notices you;re just a liar and deviant by being repetitious and ' Posting Last!!' Sucks to be caught red handed for you Reds.

There is no other study, there is no other thread.

IF there was you would link to them.

But instead you just make them up.
Non citizens does not automatically mean “illegal”. Do you believe parents, that send their kids to a school, have a right to decide their school board members, yes or no? Do you believe people that pay taxes should have a voice in their representation in city government, where their taxes are going?

They can do that by becoming citizens.

Once you have a green card, the path to citizenship is pretty firmly established.
Yup baby steps that's how these liberals operate. Make something not normal to normal.

seriously if you've ever lived or worked in NYC or interact much with relatives there, this wouldn't be much of a surprise. Trump's history there is a lot different than with the rest of the country. And folks like schumer, and maybe even AOC, couldn't get voters to buy them a cup of coffee anywhere else. Not that it's a bad place ..... for everyone.
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Good morning to you also!

I am pretty sure you already know what your opinion of me means to me. No need to rehash that.

As for the fellow wingnut you are kissing up to, if what he was saying had any merit he would post a link to back it up.

But as normal, he just talks and you jump in and kiss his ass to keep on the good side of your party.
It was a joke. Why are you always so grouchy? LOL

You're actually one of my faves here...
Nothing a Liberal Globalist says is by accident or off the cuff. Every Liberal here is copying and pasting talking points and simply regurgitating things sent to them by their leadership. You are not having conversations with people, you are trying to argue with brainwashed robots who are following a blueprint which they think will bring about a human utopia.

They are dreadfully wrong and hopelessly fanatical about being wrong.

Absolutely. No point in pandering to them, all their crap was blown up years and decades ago.
Oh by all means, explain how gay marriage has anything to do with transgenderism. This should be good…
Simple. In terms of gay marriage leftists said not allowing was basically denying someone their civil rights. I agreed and still agree. That doesn't mean that I agree that trans girls should be allowed to play physical sports vs. biological girls but leftists say it denies them their civil rights....

That is how. Gay marriage, 100% acceptable and should not even be discussed. Trans girls in sports NOT the same and should be discussed but if you disagree with it you're called a bigot or worse.

Hope that clears it up for you.
Nobody thought such a ridiculous idea as allowing non-citizens and illegal aliens to vote needed to be explicitly stated, since it's absurd to assume they can, but now that Stupid is now considered a valid political stance among the morons, and it will make some lawyers a lot richer, it now seems so.
What's wrong with taxation with representation for folks here legally? California's been doing it for years. Can you show where it's been harmful?

Your own link reveals you're retarded. You claim NY is giving illegal aliens the right to vote; but your link actually says...

New York City became the largest city in the country to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections after the City Council on Thursday overwhelmingly approved legislation granting the right to more than 800,000 legal residents.
And the actual legislation says otherwise, it does indeed specifically names illegal alien groups as those being allowed to vote, and of course the term 'legal resident' is also misleading; nothing n their definition of 'legal resident' excludes illegal aliens. You either haven't read the legislation or you're lying, just like the rest of the deviants and commies here.
Simple. In terms of gay marriage leftists said not allowing was basically denying someone their civil rights. I agreed and still agree. That doesn't mean that I agree that trans girls should be allowed to play physical sports vs. biological girls but leftists say it denies them their civil rights....

That is how. Gay marriage, 100% acceptable and should not even be discussed. Trans girls in sports NOT the same and should be discussed but if you disagree with it you're called a bigot or worse.

Hope that clears it up for you.

My disagreement was with the method of how SSM came to be. To me Obergfell should have allowed States to issue or not issue SSM licenses, but force them to accept SSM licenses issued by other States.
Because it creates a slippery slope to the next step. Same as people said gay marriage was no big deal. I agreed. Now we have this trans bullshit and it’s impacting my kids. Leftists take a mile when you give an inch. Federal level would be next.
What's wrong with taxation with representation for folks here legally? California's been doing it for years. Can you show where it's been harmful?

The whole State? School boards or municipal elections?
It's not illegal immigrants.

It's legal immigrants who get the right to vote.

Green card holders. People with visas here legally.

Who thus have the green light to proceed to citizenship, and if they want the franchise, should take said citizenship.

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