New York City going to let illegals vote

Feel free not to opine, Fido. Don't you have to go outside to do your business?
Do you understand the difference between an illegal resident and a legal resident?

Seems you think they are the same
bingo. NYC is more of an international city in the US than say ..... peoria and birmingham. Even LA with it's ports and Mia with the cuban influence don't come close. NYC is where the world's cash flows through.
This is not about illegals, this is about legal, resident aliens.
No this is about illegals and other FOREIGNERS...
The communists/socialist play these stupid games where they try to fuck things up one little step at a time----they want resident FOREIGNERS to vote now and next time it will be illegals as well or actually now as really is the different between an illegal and illegal who has been given amnesty. PUshing for foreigners to vote is a means to FUTHER corrupt voting and water down citizens votes.
Simple. In terms of gay marriage leftists said not allowing was basically denying someone their civil rights. I agreed and still agree. That doesn't mean that I agree that trans girls should be allowed to play physical sports vs. biological girls but leftists say it denies them their civil rights....

That is how. Gay marriage, 100% acceptable and should not even be discussed. Trans girls in sports NOT the same and should be discussed but if you disagree with it you're called a bigot or worse.

Hope that clears it up for you.
The two things are completely unrelated. You would still have kids who felt they were born in the wrong bodies whether I am allowed to marry my life partner of choice or not. You’re conflating.
Do you understand the difference between an illegal resident and a legal resident?

Seems you think they are the same
When the US started giving amnesty to illegals and handing out green cards and etc likce candy---there really isn't a lot of difference now.
Then you should have no issue with NY’s new law since they all have to be green card holders.

I do have a problem with it. If you want to be able to vote in this country, you become a citizen of it. Once you have a green card the path to citizenship is clear cut.

Someone with one foot back home shouldn't have the franchise. All in, or not in.
I do have a problem with it. If you want to be able to vote in this country, you become a citizen of it. Once you have a green card the path to citizenship is clear cut.

Someone with one foot back home shouldn't have the franchise. All in, or not in.
Who would’ve thought you would be a big supporter of taxation without representation. They pay taxes and their children go to school. They should have a voice in the decisions being made with their money.
bingo. NYC is more of an international city in the US than say ..... peoria and birmingham. Even LA with it's ports and Mia with the cuban influence don't come close. NYC is where the world's cash flows through.
lol a load of rubbish. No way that means they should vote in any American election. They want to vote, then get their citizenship; it's not rocket science. Do you think Germany or South Korea should allow American soldiers stationed there to vote? lol go ahead and tell them that.
This thread is proof the faux conservatives are as crazy as the progressives in telling local and state govts how to run their own elections. They have no fucking clue what makes NYC work
This post is proof you're full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. You just babble fake 'logic' like some doper Burb Brat who has no clue to what makes anything work.

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