New York City going to let illegals vote

Not at all. Do it in Georgia and Missippi or wherever for all I care. I'm just wondering why it is a stupid idea to let a legal resident vote for his school board, his DA, or his alderman. People that have a direct impact on their lives. I understand why it could be considered dishonest on a federal level. But locally I really don't see an issue.
Because it creates a slippery slope to the next step. Same as people said gay marriage was no big deal. I agreed. Now we have this trans bullshit and it’s impacting my kids. Leftists take a mile when you give an inch. Federal level would be next.
No, it doesn't; in fact it specifically allows people here illegally to vote; otherwise Democrats wouldn't be so enthusiastic about passing that law in the first place.

No matter how much you lie about it, the law states what I posted.

Just move on, you have been proven a fraud already with your fake Harvard study lie
No matter how much you lie about it, the law states what I posted.

Just move on, you have been proven a fraud already with your fake Harvard study lie

Ah, it's a 'lie' eh? Is that why you ran from the other thread like the rest of your deviant commie buddies? Tell us what the study showed then if you read it. You will have to lie yet again, but doubling down on lying is a consistent commie trait so feel free to keep at it.
I;m sure you do love lying about what I said; go ahead and make up all the strawmen you want, you will still be a joke poster no matter what.
"If I have to hear one more Chi-Com-Ruskie Lie from that tub of lard, Right Winger, I might lose my temper!"

Snake Plissken

We apparently need federal law prohibiting non-citizens from voting in ANY elections
Generally, you must be a United States citizen to vote in an election. While federal law does not expressly prohibit noncitizens to vote in state and local elections, no states allow noncitizens to vote in those elections – with a few minor exceptions that we'll discuss later. Since the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was passed, noncitizens have also been barred from voting in federal elections, such as presidential elections.
"If I have to hear one more Chi-Com-Ruskie Lie from that tub of lard, Right Winger, I might lose my temper!"

They all parrot the same line, which is why there only needs to be one of them here posting instead of a dozen or more spammers. We can all read what they're going to parrot from their own sources anyway, since they're all the same.
We apparently need federal law prohibiting non-citizens from voting in ANY elections
Generally, you must be a United States citizen to vote in an election. While federal law does not expressly prohibit noncitizens to vote in state and local elections, no states allow noncitizens to vote in those elections – with a few minor exceptions that we'll discuss later. Since the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was passed, noncitizens have also been barred from voting in federal elections, such as presidential elections.

New York with the most restrictive COVID policies in The Country, has the worst COVID infection rates and hospitalizations, so to distract from The New York Death Trap they have created, New York has tried to give citizens the right to vote, and is refusing to prosecute violent criminals all the while New Yorkers are fleeing New York City like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

It makes me wonder if anyone is in charge there at all. The Leadership Void in New York seems as vacuous as Joe Biden's Empty Noggin.

I're a deviant and you run away from topics...

Good morning to you also!

I am pretty sure you already know what your opinion of me means to me. No need to rehash that.

As for the fellow wingnut you are kissing up to, if what he was saying had any merit he would post a link to back it up.

But as normal, he just talks and you jump in and kiss his ass to keep on the good side of your party.
We apparently need federal law prohibiting non-citizens from voting in ANY elections
Generally, you must be a United States citizen to vote in an election. While federal law does not expressly prohibit noncitizens to vote in state and local elections, no states allow noncitizens to vote in those elections – with a few minor exceptions that we'll discuss later. Since the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was passed, noncitizens have also been barred from voting in federal elections, such as presidential elections.

Nobody thought such a ridiculous idea as allowing non-citizens and illegal aliens to vote needed to be explicitly stated, since it's absurd to assume they can, but now that Stupid is now considered a valid political stance among the morons, and it will make some lawyers a lot richer, it now seems so.
As for the fellow wingnut you are kissing up to, if what he was saying had any merit he would post a link to back it up.

lol you had nothing to say about the study in the other thread, so you're just dribbling here, hoping nobody notices you;re just a liar and deviant by being repetitious and ' Posting Last!!' Sucks to be caught red handed for you Reds.
They all parrot the same line, which is why there only needs to be one of them here posting instead of a dozen or more spammers. We can all read what they're going to parrot from their own sources anyway, since they're all the same.
If you do enough research, all the Talking Points they are parroting "NOW" were written back in 2012, 2015 & 2018, 2019, when The Left started putting their plans in to action to achieve Agenda 21 which had to be renamed Agenda 2030 due to Trump's Election. Their so called blue prints go even further than that when they adopted both Marxism, and Nazism back in the 30s as a party platform.

The reason Trump got hit so hard by The Left is because he delayed their implementation by 9 years, forcing Agenda 21 to be repackaged as Agenda 2030, and that is why they went after him so hard. He was seen as an obstacle to be removed.

Much of what you are hearing about COVID for instance comes from just a few places and all you hear in the media and from The Left are also pre-planned responses and strategies to sell the public a narrative.

Some references: A meeting held at Rockefeller Center back in 2012 ( Foundation.pdf)

An event called Event 201(About Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019),

The Spars Pandemic Scenario meetings and booklet published for attendees back in 2017 (SPARS Pandemic Scenario | Projects: Center for Health Security.)

And of course they are using direct quotes developed out of The UN's Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development and WEP's Great Reset.

Nothing a Liberal Globalist says is by accident or off the cuff. Every Liberal here is copying and pasting talking points and simply regurgitating things sent to them by their leadership. You are not having conversations with people, you are trying to argue with brainwashed robots who are following a blueprint which they think will bring about a human utopia.

They are dreadfully wrong and hopelessly fanatical about being wrong.
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